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  • No Fear In Love Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 24, 2015

    We love because God first loved us, especially when we were completely unlovable. We must remember it is God who made our relationship with Him possible, and Christians should approach Him with confidence knowing His love for us is without end.

    No Fear in Love 1 John Bible Study, Part 11 1 John 4:14-21 Introduction - A person saved by love (Christ’s love for us) must be able to show love -- We may have trouble loving perfectly, but there is a difference between: • Loving perfectly, and, • Not loving at all - more

  • Fear And Love God Series

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Aug 21, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    We see two completely different pictures of God at Mt. Sinai. How can we fit them into our hearts? Don’t bother reading this if you’re looking for cute stories and illustrations for your entertainment.

    August 24, 2003 Exodus 19, 20, 24 How do you FEEL about that? As a Lutheran, a German, and a male that question and that focus has nearly driven me nuts throughout the past years. It just isn’t natural or easy for me or most males to be “sensitive” or “emotional”. But the fact of the more

  • Love Is Not A Feeling.

    Contributed by André Strydom on Dec 5, 2000
    based on 285 ratings

    Marriage sermon on "There is no fear in love."

    A Marriage ceremony Scripture reading: 1 Joh 4: 7 - 19 A lot of humour surrounds weddings. From millions of anecdotes to witty stories surrounds this whole magical thing of getting married. One humorous story, which forms part of the rich folklore, which surrounds weddings in South Africa, is the more

  • Fear, Love, Liberty

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on May 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Independence Day 1986: Fear leads to oppression, and vice versa. We overcome our fears by discovering the love that empowers us in the sacrificial death of Christ.

    I've noticed that what older people fear is very much like what small children fear. Older people fear going out alone into the darkness; they are afraid they cannot find their way, they are afraid they may have some kind of difficulty and will be vulnerable to people with evil intentions. more

  • Love Vs. Fear Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 6, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In part 1 of this series about Love Without Limits, Dave looks at the connection between love and fear, showing how that connection operates in individuals and in the church as an organization.

    Love vs. Fear Love Without Limits, prt. 1 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers January 2, 2010 1 John 4:18 (TM) 18 There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully more

  • Fear Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 11, 2022

    This sermon explores the many fears that we experience throughout our lives and lives and the Biblical solution to overcoming them.

    Sermon Date 08-18-2013 Fear (Chuck Gohn) If you have your Bibles please open them to 1 John 4:7. As you know, we have been going through the sermon series called “Do not conform. Be transformed.” As a refresher, in this series were are exploring the idea that there are various negative more

  • "Nofear" Love! Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jun 4, 2012

    Fear inhibits our abiity to experience the love of God and impedes our ability to love others... but perfect love expels our fear.

    Title: “No Fear” Love! Text: I John 4:7-21 (17b-21) Thesis: Fear inhibits our ability to experience the love of God and impedes our ability to love others… but perfect love casts out fear! Series: The fifth in the series from I John 4:7-21, “The Christian’s Litmus more

  • Having No Fear

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 3, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Fear is a part of the human condition; however, our fears would cease if we would place our hope in Jesus Christ, instead of the false securities that we’ve built up through our occupations, activities, or the many masks we wear.

    Our sermon this evening is entitled, “Having No Fear.” I recall how back in the 1990’s there was a popular brand of clothing with the brand name No Fear. I read an Internet article from that same time period, which says the No Fear slogan “has come to symbolize a ‘cutting edge’ lifestyle” and has more

  • Battling Fear

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Aug 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Fear will draw in the enemy and will make what you speak with your mouth come to pass.

    I Introduction A Fear is a magnet for demons. 1 Fear will draw in the enemy and will make what you speak with your mouth come to pass. a "For what I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me.” Job 3:25 (NASB) aa I believe Job feared two major things in his life; outliving his more

  • The Fear Of The Lord And The Love Of The Lord

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Feb 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The Lord is to be feared, especially by those who are in rebellion against Him. However, the fear of the Lord seems to be absent from many churches. Is that spiritually healthy?

    Please open your Bibles to Mark 4:35-41 which we will read in a few minutes. This past week I saw a video of a comedienne ridiculing a devout, born again Christian and she was saying, “I am Christian, I love Jesus, but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things.” So, setting her slander aside, I was more

  • The Cage Of Fear Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Apr 3, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    We all want to live life to the fullest, yet we seem to be held back. What cages us in? What locks us down? What fences us in? It is a fight to get out, but victory is possible!

    Ultimate Cage Fighting The Cage of Fear I. Introduction Cage fighting. 2 go in and only 1 exits as victor. A test of will, a test of strength and dexterity and ultimately one must exert authority and impose His will on the other. There are two ways to think about cages. We can either see a more

  • No Fear Fellowship Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jul 22, 2024

    When we know the love of God in our lives, that love will remove any punishment fear that we feel between ourselves and God.

    You can listen to this sermon at 1 John 4:1-21 “No Fear Fellowship” When you read John’s Epistles in one sitting what you will find is a lot of repetition. Especially when John writes chapter 4. Chapter 4:1-6 is about the false prophets and the antichrists more

  • Fear Not - Healthy And Unhealthy Fear Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon aims to help the congregation distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fear, and respond to unhealthy fear with power, love, and self-discipline, as guided by the scriptures.

    Has anyone here today ever been scared? Has anyone ever been literally - paralyzed by fear - unable to take another step? Well, we’re all in luck because today we begin a 4-week series called Fear Not. Surprisingly, fear is something the bible has an awful lot to say about. In fact, the command, more

  • Fear Of The Dark

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    This is about Jesus being the Light and us living in the Light.

    When I was a teenager, we played a game called “sardines.” Has anyone every heard of that one? The basic premise of the game is that one person goes and hides. Then one-by-one others go and try to find the person hiding. Oh, did I mention that you play this in the dark? The church where we more

  • No Fear! Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on May 24, 2022

    People are often motivated primarily by fear or greed. But love is the best motivator.

    What motivates you? Cynical approach used in sales: Fear and greed. If we believe that we’re completely on our own in the world, then these two impulses serve as effective motivators. As followers of Christ know that there is a more powerful motivator: Love. At the same time, we can lose sight of more