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  • Old To The New

    Contributed by John Colbert on Aug 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The sermons that I have listed are 30 to 40 minute sermons. I have only listed the points and a couple of comments under each point of each sermon to give the preacher a remembrance which the Holy Spirit can lead on and speak through the man of God.

    Old to the New 2nd Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. The old saying "come as you are" is a true statement, but God does not want us to stay that way. As a Christian I should want to live a life that more

  • New Beginnings

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Aug 28, 2015

    We can experience New Beginnings if we can leave the past and press toward the future with Jesus!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Have you ever heard someone say they just wish they could start over again? • Have you ever felt that way? • When I played Golf, well, what I played was really called Hack, there were times you could take a Mulligan. • Let’s say you hit more

  • New In Christ

    Contributed by John Johnson on Oct 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A high level of excitement sets in when you anticipate and then finally get something new. As I thought about getting something new, I wondered to myself how many of us get equally excited about obtaining a new life in Christ.

    New In Christ (TLC 11/16/02) If you have your bibles, turn to 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Let me start off by saying that there are a lot of people that are trying to be new more

  • A New Beginning Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dr. Tim Awotide on Nov 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Everything that has a beginning must have an end.

    Sermon: A NEW BEGINNING! 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ KJV Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. INTRODUCTION:- Everything that has a beginning must have an end. The only reason why God has more

  • A New Commandment Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 2, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a brief examination of the new commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples in John 13:34-35.

    Scripture On Jesus’ final evening on earth he had just had supper with his disciples. During this meal Jesus inaugurated what we now call the Lord’s Supper. After supper Jesus visibly demonstrated his servanthood by washing his disciples’ feet. Then Judas Iscariot left them in more

  • A New Life

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Mar 11, 2016

    Becoming a new creation in Christ.

    A NEW LIFE II Corinthians 5:17 Let’s look at about seven “new things” that relate to or describe the new life. These are the things that happen to the one who is born anew. I. WE ARE NEW CREATURES IN CHRIST A. Note reforming or making over 1. He created us, then he creates us more

  • A New Life

    Contributed by Delishia Davis on Mar 30, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    there is a power that each believer can receive and attain from Almighty God. According to the Bible, we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Our greatest need is the forgiveness of Almighty God, that we may walk in his will

    Come now, let us argue this out,” says the LORD. “No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool. (Isaiah 1:18 NLT) My dear brothers and sisters, more

  • "New Journey"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jul 5, 2016

    The sermon is my first sermon at a new appointment and we shared about taking a new journey with Christ.

    “New Journey” Hebrews 12: 18-29 1. Today's text tells us of the journey of a people with a choice set before them. On one side is fear and death, but on the other side is to desire His Presence, To be Caught Up with God, To Encounter a Passion more

  • Good News! Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    hear the Good News

    Good News! HIV Aids - Small pox - Ebola - diseases that bring terror to our hearts. This is nothing new - in Jesus’ day, it was Leprosy (Show an image of a leprous person) LEV 13:1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 "When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a bright spot on his skin that may more

  • A New Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Apr 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus calls us to be "salt and light" in the world, but that means living into a new righteousness that takes the "law" to a whole new level.

    There is this great Appalachian folk tale that follows the patterns of Shakespeare's "King Lear." The story goes something like this. A man goes to his three daughters with the question, "How much do you love me?" The older daughters immediately begin to fawn over their father, comparing their love more

  • A New Chapter.

    Contributed by David Roth on Jan 3, 2015

    New Year's Day. Our newness of life is found not in turning a calendar page or making a fresh start, but in Christ, Who forgives us and renews us.

    J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. (Ps. 19:4). “A New Chapter” It’s 2015. The door on last year has closed. The New Year has opened. It’s a time to reflect back, more

  • New Beginings

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 3, 2015

    We don't have to remain focused on the past. We need to trust God for our future and begin to live our lives in the present

    (Read Genesis 1:1) In the beginning God created this big old world that we call Earth. He created this world we live on from nothingness, what it was before the beginning is all but forgotten, it is insignificant really. The truth is it doesn’t really matter what this great big mass we call more

  • New Year

    Contributed by Rev. Randy Barker on Jan 14, 2015
    based on 11 ratings


    Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. my sermon ideas and illustrations are often taken from many sources including those at, there could be instances where other more

  • New Chapter

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Feb 5, 2015
    based on 19 ratings

    This message is for someone who has had a bad chapter in their life, God said to prophesy to you, it's a new season God is turning the page. there is a new chapter opening for you.

    Gen 37:3-24 41:41-44 anyone reading the story of Joseph has to come to the same conclusion. 1. Joseph was anointed 2. Joseph was favored by God, 3. Joseph was definitely favored by his earthly father 4. Joseph had a God given destiny and dream over his life. But the truth is: This same more

  • New Beginnings Series

    Contributed by Tim Zoltowski on Jan 2, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    We are often disappointed with new beginnings, especially with our resolutions to change in the coming year. The reason might be that we are looking to change the wrong things. We look at circumstances instead of looking at who we are within.

    Happy New Year! Some have heard me say before that this is my favorite time of year. It is … it feels sorta like we can start over … doesn’t it? In some ways we feel like we are starting fresh and because of this everything is possible. We haven’t done anything or failed more

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