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  • Sermon "Judas’s Never Want To Help The Poor”

    Contributed by Amiri Hooker on Apr 13, 2022

    The Scripture says basically That satin entered him, and Jesus Said Just Do it! Wow and then the text says the disciples thought Judas was concerned with the poor.

    Sermon Lent Services Lake City UMC Date 04/13/2022 Sermon “Judas’s Never want to Help the Poor.” John 13:21-30 The Message 21 After he said these things, Jesus became visibly upset, and then he told them why. “One of you is going to betray me.” 22-25 The disciples looked around at one another, more

  • God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Jul 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God promised not to forsake His people, but as His people, we must be ready to walk in absolute obedience to His words to continually enjoy the promise.

    God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You Study Text: Hebrews 13:5 - 6 Introduction: - We can be assured of God's promise that He would never leave us nor forsake us. So we can say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" - When more

  • Myth #3: I Could Never Forgive That Person Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jun 29, 2023

    Forgiving other people is a highly personal subject - most of the things that we struggle with forgiving are painful.

    Myths Christians Often Believe I COULD NEVER FORGIVE THAT PERSON Introduction Forgiving other people is a highly personal subject - most of the things that we struggle with forgiving are painful. We have likely heard stories of people who forgave someone who hurt them deeply and it captures our more

  • "it's Never Enough"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about salvation by grace through faith alone.

    “It’s Never Enough” Romans 1:16-17; 3:22b-31 This morning we are beginning a sermon series on the Book of Romans. I hope we can at least get a little taste of the rich depths of this letter written by the Apostle Paul, and I hope you will stick with me. Paul’s letter to the Roman Christians more

  • Things You Have Never Heard About The Rapture

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Nov 4, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    I want you to pay very close attention as we examine this scriptural passage that we will be reading.

    The things I will share with you we hope these exciting things will take place during our life time, but if not during our life time, we know they will take place in the life of some Believers who will be living on the earth. Beloved, I am talking about the RAPTURE OF THE BELIEVERS! IS THE more

  • What The Devil Hopes You Never Find Out

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Oct 19, 2019

    Israel was caught in bondage to Pharaoh. They did not know that God was already preparing a deliver. If they could see the tatics of the enemy things would be different.

    What the Devil hopes you never find out Theme: To show that the devil is a liar and father there of Text: Exodus 1:8 – 22, Ephesians 6:10 - 18 Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. And he said to his people, "Look, the people of the children of Israel are more and more

  • Good Mothers Never Yell (And Other Myths)

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 16, 2018

    There is a mythology afoot today which causes mothers to set standards for themselves so high that no real, normal human mother could ever reach it! Mothers need to know they are doing a good job and that kids also have a mind of their own.

    GOOD MOTHERS NEVER YELL (AND OTHER MYTHS) INTRODUCTION A. WONDERFUL OCCASION – MOTHER’S DAY 1. Is Scriptural: Exodus 20:12; “Honor your father AND YOUR MOTHER, that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” 2. Rom. 13:7; “Give honor to whom honor is due…” B. more

  • Why The Church Should Never Stop Giving Hope

    Contributed by Ronald Amaya on Jul 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible has a very different perspective on hope – it is not the kind of hope we see in the dictionary. While the dictionary definition of hope makes it sound like leaving things to fate, the hope of the Bible is a powerful force and a raw material for faith.

    You can never give people too much hope. Hope is what gives people the faith to push through hard times. Hope is what makes people hold on when they are on the verge of throwing in the towel. Hope for a better tomorrow is what makes a teen push away those lingering suicidal thoughts. Hope is a more

  • Love Endures All Things, Love Never Ends Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 8, 2016

    When I love like Jesus loves I persist even when others resist

    ENGAGE For all of us there will come times in our lives when we attempt to love other people in the manner that we have been learning about for the past 8 weeks, in which the other person is going to reject those efforts. I can almost guarantee that if you’re a parent you either have more

  • What Of Those Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Oct 30, 2016

    A response to the question, "What of those who have never heard the Gospel?" God is just and God is gathering to Himself and for His glory a great harvest of souls.

    “You have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who more

  • An Old Soldier Whose Words...never Faded Away.

    Contributed by Mitchell Leonard on Nov 6, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    A sermon for Veterans Day or Memorial Day. It was preached on the Sunday before Veterans Day as part of honoring our Veterans for their service to our country.

    2 Timothy 2:1-4 Veterans day 11/6/16 At 5:00 in the morning on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of 1918, in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France, the Armistice was signed which ended WW1. This day was first known as Armistice Day. more

  • Going Where We Have Never Gone Before

    Contributed by James May on Dec 31, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for a new beginning for the church, or a step into a new spiritual depth and walk with Christ

    Going Where We have Never Gone Before Sunday, December 31, 2017 By Rev James May Is there anyone here who loved to watch Star Trek? I’ve been a fan from the beginning with Captain Kirk. I suppose I’ve seen nearly every episode more than once. Captain Picard, Captain Janway, and on they go. more

  • Never-Ending Adventure Sermon Iv: Jesus Heals Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 29, 2020

    Folks who follow Jesus and go on to become mature disciples have learned to be content no matter what due to our Lord's continuing presence and power to heal whether now or later so that we can say, "It is well with my soul."

    THE CHRISTIAN’S NEVER-ENDING ADVENTURE Jesus Heals – No Matter Who, What, When – Mark 5:21-43 As we come more

  • Never-Ending Adventure Sermon V: Jesus Corrects Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 29, 2020

    Folks who choose to follow Jesus and then go on to mature discipleship constantly seek to get it right when it comes to interpretation and application of God's Word and therefore look to Jesus as their final authority.

    THE CHRISTIAN’S NEVER-ENDING ADVENTURE Jesus Corrects Errors of Interpretation By Informing the Misinformed more

  • Never-Ending Adventure Sermon Vi: Jesus Matures Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 29, 2020

    To choose to follow Jesus and then go on to become mature disciples of Christ never is to never forget what it takes to go all out for Christ and to be all that Christ would have His followers to be: Daily Christ-centered Living!

    OUR CHRIST-CENTERED ADVENTURE MEANS SO MUCH MORE THAN WE THOUGHT One of my concerns among many this past week was how to approach this series on discovering contentment the very week in which there was so much for me to worry about - which prompted me to do a little more

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