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Sermons on Nechemyah 8:14:

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  • A Great Congregation

    Contributed by Tony Cansler on Apr 30, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    A Message to the Church

    A Great Congregation Nehemiah 8:1-18 Introduction All Kinds of People Gathered there Worshipping Saint Wayward Saint Wondering Stranger Unified Congregation v 1 “And all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate; and they spake more

  • The Power Of The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by David Blizzard on Feb 23, 2001
    based on 107 ratings

    Revival at watergate and how the Word of God was used.

    THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD – NEHEMIAH CH. 8 The wall is now finished and Nehemiah has take precautions on keeping the city defended. Last time we looked at “ Preserving The Things of God” in Neh. 7. Today we want to study about a glorious revival. There are many fake revivals today. The measure of a more

  • The Water Gate Incident

    Contributed by Steve Hong on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 169 ratings

    Please Turn to: Nehemiah chapter 8 As you can see, the title of my message this morning is "The Water Gate Incident.

    Please Turn to: Nehemiah chapter 8 As you can see, the title of my message this morning is "The Water Gate Incident." Those of you who were at our Sunrise service last Sunday may remember that I mentioned the Watergate Scandal — When President Nixon tried to cover up his illegal activity and was more

  • The Joy Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Jan 3, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    Today, amid all the laughter of entertainment, parties and such we are a joyless society. I like joy; I like the genuine kind that starts deep down within and bubbles up to the surface. It is irrepressible, unstoppable and it is what Jesus died to bring

    January 5, 2003 1And all the people gathered as one man at the square which was in front of the Water Gate, and they asked Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the LORD had given to Israel. 2Then Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly of men, women and all who more

  • "God's Word And Revival"

    Contributed by Craig Cramblet on Aug 22, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    It is easy to read or study (or preach) Nehemiah and get so captivated by the qualities of the man that we lose sight of the power of God and His Word that were the foundation of this amazing accomplishment.

    In the book of Nehemiah, we’ve seen one man (Nehemiah) come from Persia to the city of his forefathers (Jerusalem) and in a matter of just a few months, take the piles of RUBBLE and turn them into a secure city wall. He has formulated and carried out a plan. He has organized people and more

  • The Joy Of Obedience

    Contributed by Craig Cramblet on Aug 22, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A straightforward message on the joy (and necessity) of simple obedience to God’s Word. We have become great "knowers" but miserable "doers" of the Word.

    Nehemiah 8:1-6 The Word of God must be READ (personally/devotionally and publicly proclaimed) Ezra stands on the platform and reads the law of God. Nehemiah 8:7-8 The Word of God must be EXPLAINED (taught, interpreted, preached, and translated) The Levites do this after Ezra reads. Nehemiah more

  • Together

    Contributed by Michael Allen on Sep 6, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    how we can learn our corporate responsibility as a body of God’s people

    The people met ‘When the seventh month came and the Israelites had settled in their towns, all the people assembled as one man in the square before the Water Gate. They told Ezra the scribe to bring out the Book of the Law of Moses, which the LORD had commanded for Israel.’ The people met more

  • Beyond The Wall

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Sep 11, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    Revival is not something we can plan to happen on a particular week. It is a movement of God among His people, and it has specific characteristics. Here in the last few chapters of Nehemiah, we find some powerful events taking place in the context of re

    Well, the Ten Commandments have certainly been in the news, haven’t they? The big thing down in Alabama, taking out the monument of the Ten Commandments and so some people are all excited and interested about the Ten Commandments and would like to put them back. But, you know, the removal of that more

  • The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Sep 12, 2003
    based on 75 ratings

    The purpose of this sermons is to help us realize just how good we’ve got it when it comes to the Word of God and what our response should be to how God has blessed us.

    Nehemiah The Word of God Nehemiah 8 September 14, 2003 Intro: A. Unused Spiritual Resources During Superbowl XXXVII, FedEx ran a commercial that spoofed the movie Castaway, in which Tom Hanks played a FedEx worker whose company plane went down, stranding him on a desert island for years. Looking more

  • Real Refreshment Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Mar 9, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    We must have the courage to hear God’s Word.

    REAL REFRESHMENT Nehemiah 8:1-18 S: Courage Th: Brave Hearts Pr: WE MUST HAVE COURAGE TO HEAR GOD’S WORD. ?: What? What should we do when we hear it? KW: Responses TS: We will find in our study of Nehemiah 8:1-18 three responses we need to have when we hear God’s Word. The _____ response we more

  • Worship Restored Series

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 105 ratings

    This message deals with the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, and the restoration of worship. Are there walls that need to be rebuilt so that we too can have "Worship Restored" ?

    “Worship Restored” Neh 1:1-4, Neh. 8:1-8 Our text is one of the most beautiful portraits of the people of God at worship in all of scripture. It is a wonderful climax to a sad chapter in the history of God’s people. When they disobeyed God and forsook him to go after idols.....God allowed more

  • The Joy Of The Lord

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Dec 22, 2000
    based on 275 ratings

    The Joy of the Lord is our strength...where will we find it?

    Morning Message December 17, 2000 Central Church of Christ John Dobbs THE JOY OF THE LORD Nehemiah 8 Introduction: 1. Robert Louis Stevenson once entered in his diary what he considered to be an extraordinary thing. He said, "I have been to Church today, and (Surprisingly) I am not depressed." more

  • Christians: Party Animals? Part Iii Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Oct 10, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon was part of a series I preached on Nehemiah’s one holy passion, the glory of God.

    One Holy Passion Nehemiah 8:13-18 May 13, 2001 “Christians: Party Animals?” Part 3 Here is the recipe: boil strong, black tea leaves. After you’ve made the tea, stir in rich milk—and…yak butter. And there you have the delicacy of Tibet: yak butter tea. When you visit a family there, good more

  • Standing On The Word Of God In The Midst Of Storms

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Nov 22, 2003
    based on 107 ratings

    This sermon is about the help we receive through the word of God is our times of trial namely 1).SUSTENANCE 2).STABILITY 3).SURETY 4).SUBSTANTIATION 5).SALVAGE 6).STIMULATION 7).SOLACE


  • Revival At Watergate Series

    Contributed by Michael Stover on Oct 20, 2000
    based on 29 ratings

    Watergate is hardly the place for a revival, or is it?

    REVIVAL AT WATERGATE Nehemiah 8:1-18 How does revival come? It begins in me. I. AFFIRM THE WORD OF GOD (NEH. 8:1-8) A. By Reverencing It (8:3-5) 1. The people were very “attentive” to more

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