Nehemiah And The Bible Series
Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Feb 11, 2005 (message contributor)
Summary: Talks and full order of service for an All Age Worship service on ’The Bible’ as part of a series in the book of Nehemiah. Email me for word files and PowerPoint
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Below is the order of service with brief section headings and descriptions. Below that is the full order of service with talk notes and PowerPoint prompts. Obviously the Word file of this looks better as it has formatting! Email me for it if you want it.
All Age Order of Service, Sun 13th Feb 2005 : Nehemiah and the Bible
Welcome- Sheila.
Looking at when Nehemiah brought out the Bible (OT) and read it to the people in the streets
My Jesus, my Saviour
Ewen- mini introduction.
Nehemiah 8 is read out and children have to be the first to find words in their order on the projector: Bring out, Read, Listen, Understand, Act
Prayer- A child
That the Lord would teach us and help us to hear Him speak through the Bible, and that we would act on what He says in the Bible.
Our God is a great big God while taking the OFFERING
Very youngest kids go out
Ewen: mini talk 1
¡§Mary Jones and her Bible¡¨. May we value the Bible and give it the place of prominence we should. Apply: put your Bible somewhere prominent.
Prayer- Sheila
Applying this bit of Ewen¡¦s talk and resolving before God to ¡¥bring the Bible out¡¦ and put it in its rightful place (somewhere where we will read it!)
It¡¦s a happy day
READ (v3)
Ewen: mini talk 2
Trying to read Gk, French, Japanese and blank versions of the Bible. We don¡¦t just honour the Bible as a ¡¥book¡¦- it¡¦s the words in it that matter to us- because they are how God speaks to us. So we must READ it for it to be of any use. Apply: set time aside to read it.
Have you got an appetite
Prayer- someone older
We resolve this morning to set time aside to read the Bible. Help us to know what/when is right for us
Ewen: mini talk 3
2 voices trying to guide someone blindfolded along an obstacle course. Then 2 v quiet whispers trying to guide while congregation gives ¡¥hubbub¡¦. Apply: we need to learn to hear God speak through the word. We need to find ways of ¡¥listening¡¦ that are helpful to us.
Hungry, I come to you
Prayer - Sheila
That we may learn to hear you speak to us¡K through the Bible mainly, but in other ways as well. Help us to find the ways that are helpful for us: maybe silence, praying in a beautiful place, music, praying as we DO things etc
Ewen ¡V mini talk 4
The people needed help to understand. We do too! It¡¦s more than just reading the Bible- it¡¦s KNOWING the truth that sets you free. That¡¦s why church and HGs are so important- we are helped to understand. Find a Bible version that helps you, whith commentary (NLT, NIV, Life Application Bibles)
Sheila- mini bit about Bible study notes
Holy Spirit we welcome you
ACT (v14)
Ewen ¡V mini talk 5
But it¡¦s not complete until you have ACTED on it. Like a game/competition (or combination padlock)- you don¡¦t win until you have COMPLETED it. In fact- this is our major weakness: it¡¦s not understanding all the tiny bits of the Bible, but rather acting on what we DO know! And it¡¦s acting on it that pleases God, shows obedience and is how we really learn. (I hear I forget, I see I remember, I do I understand). Illustrate ¡¥understanding in doing¡¦ with Matthew¡¦ shock game! Apply: do not merely listen to the word, do what it says
Prayer- someone young
That God might help us to really trust Him and His word and act on those bits that we do understand.
One shall tell another
Invitation to check out Bibles and Bible Study notes at the Back
All Age Order of Service, Sun 13th Feb 2005 : Nehemiah and the Bible
Sheila will lead all the underlined songs
INTRODUCTION- PPT Introductory slide
Welcome- Sheila.
Looking at when Nehemiah brought out the Bible (OT) and read it to the people in the streets
My Jesus, my Saviour
Ewen- mini introduction. ¡V PPT Nehemiah & Bible Crossword
Nehemiah 8 is read out (by Ed Jackson) and children have to be the first to find words in their order on the projector: Bring out, Read, Listen, Understand, Act
Prayer- A child
That the Lord would teach us and help us to hear Him speak through the Bible, and that we would act on what He says in the Bible.
Our God is a great big God while taking the OFFERING
Very youngest kids go out
BRING OUT (v1) PPT2 title and then PPT onto next page
Ewen: mini talk 1
¡§Mary Jones and her Bible¡¨. May we value the Bible and give it the place of prominence we should. Apply: put your Bible somewhere prominent.