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Sermons on nature of love:

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  • The Nature Of Man

    Contributed by Tim Huie on May 6, 2009

    What is the nature of man? 1) He is a marred being. 2) He is a dying being. 3) He is an eternal being.

    THE NATURE OF MAN GENESIS 1: 26-27, 2: 7 1. Illus. of teenager • Went into room and slammed door, saying under breath, “people, people, PEOPLE!” • Mom went to door and said, “what’s wrong?” Girl replied, “people, that’s what’s wrong!” • “Let me in, and we’ll talk about it.” “No, you’re a people more

  • The Nature Of God

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Mar 5, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    Scriptural answers to basic questions about God.

    What is God? Numbers 23:19, "God is not a man.” John 4:24, "God is spirit." Luke 24:39, “A spirit does not have flesh and bones.” Job 23:8-9, "Behold, I go forward but He is not there, And backward, but I cannot perceive Him; When He acts on the left, I cannot behold Him; He turns on the right, more

  • The Nature Of Thankfulness

    Contributed by Kemuel Travis on Nov 28, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    To show what true thankfulness for all of God’s blessings looks like.

    INTRODUCTION -ILL: Thanksgiving Prayer One Thanksgiving season a family was seated around their table, looking at the annual holiday bird. From the oldest to the youngest, they were to express their praise. When they came to the 5-year-old in the family, he began by looking at the turkey and more

  • The Nature Of A Disciple Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jun 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus has called us to be the light of the world, and as such, we are to shine brightly for all to see.

    The Nature of a Disciple: Light Text: Matt. 5:14-16 Introduction 1. Read Matt. 5:14-16 2. Illustration: Making decisions in the dark can lead to some regrettable consequences. Back in the days before electricity, a tightfisted old farmer was taking his hired man to task for carrying a more

  • The Nature Of The Kingdom Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 13, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Nature of the Kingdom

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Nature of the Kingdom Luke 17:20-21 December 6, 2009 In the next three weeks, I want to share about the King and the kingdom. This week I want to talk about the nature of the Kingdom, next week I want to share about the second coming of the king, and more

  • Becoming A Natural Series

    Contributed by Jack Pladdys on May 18, 2010

    Worship is our passionate expression of devotion to our God.

    Message Outline Title: Becoming a Natural Subtitle: Rethinking Worship Scripture: Romans 12:1 Subject: Worship Theme: Worship is a lifestyle, not an event. Proposition: Worship is our passionate expression of devotion to our God. Main Points: 1) Difference Between Worship and Corporate more

  • The Nature Of Character Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on May 9, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A look at what Character is how it is formed and how it is lost.

    Having Mother’s Day fall during Discover the Word can be a challenge because it is really expected that on Mother’s Day you will speak to Mothers. But when you are focusing on a specific book it can sometimes be hard to find the hook to work with a specific topic. If you were here a more

  • New Nature

    Contributed by Kerry Dunn on Feb 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Are you in Christ

    New nature scripture;2Cor.15:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ,he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. people justify their life by saying this is how i am, this is who God made me ,i should not have to change that's more

  • The Nature Of The Beast

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Sep 19, 2022

    Revelation 13 (English) (Indonesian) (Spanish) (Filipino) (Chinese) THE NATURE OF THE BEAST (REVELATION 13:1-10) A young devil asked an old devil: "How did you manage to more

  • God Of Love PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 19, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the profound, active nature of God's love, demonstrated through His sacrifice of His only Son for the salvation of believers.

    Good morning, dear church family. We gather here today, not as strangers or as mere acquaintances, but as brothers and sisters united in the love of our heavenly Father. A love so profound, so unending, that it surpasses our understanding. I stand here today, not to preach my own words, but to more

  • Dealing With Our Sinful Nature Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 16, 2010

    God tells us to be “obligated” to Him not because God needs us but because God loves us and knows what’s best for us!

    We continue our study of the Letter to the Romans. Through the Apostle Paul, God spoke to the Christians in Rome 2000 years ago, but much of this letter is applicable to all Christians, especially for those of us here in America. Before reading our passage today, which is Romans 7:7–8:17, let us more

  • The Power Of Love Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 10, 2015

    One of the qualities of God that draws us to him is his loving nature. This is a brief look at the power of that love.

    1. D. L. Moody was a great American Evangelist in the late 19th Century. John 3:16 was the verse through which D. L. Moody learned to appreciate the greatness of God's love. Moody had been to Britain in the early days of his ministry and there had met the young English preacher, Henry Moorhouse. more

  • The Trinity 2 - A Love Story Series

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Oct 31, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Message on the Triune nature of God and it’s importance

    THE TRINITY II A Love Story 09/30/12 One of the things that I have taken notice of with our culture is that so often people confuse desire with love. I believe, in fact that desire and love are very different. But because we confuse these two emotions, we tend to use the term “love” in the more

  • Loving Generosity Series

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Oct 12, 2020

    Acting out of love is the heart and soul of stewardship. Love is by nature generous.

    October 11, 2020 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Sermon Series: “Faithful, Hopeful, Loving” Psalm 112:1-9; Philippians 4:4-9 Loving Generosity Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. The theme for our stewardship emphasis more

  • His Kind Of Love

    Contributed by David Nolte on Mar 6, 2016

    Declares the nature of Christ's love

    “His Kind Of Love” John 19:25-30 David P. Nolte A little boy wanted a cookie but his mother said “No.” He said, “I only like you when you give me cookies.” She said, “You only like me when I give you cookies?” He agreed and she said, more

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