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  • God, The Supernatural Healer

    Contributed by Craig Condon on May 20, 2015

    How do we respond to people who come to us for help? Do we ignore them? Do we listen to them and then send them on their way instead of helping them? Do we just throw money at the problem by making a donation or do we lower ourselves like Naaman did?

    A missionary lady was sitting by her window as she opened her mail. In one letter she found a crisp, new, ten-dollar bill. She was pleasantly surprised, but then she noticed a poorly dressed stranger leaning on a post by her window. She couldn't get him off her mind. Thinking that he might be in more

  • Wash And Be Clean Series

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 23, 2015

    Third of a series on Elisha. Naaman's story of cleansing has incredible parallels for what it means to become a Christian. There is no path to God that does not involve humility.

    SLIDE: more

  • Seven Steps Down

    Contributed by Kevin Barron on Nov 10, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the steps Naaman had to take to be healed

    SEVEN STEPS DOWN 2 KINGS 5:1-15C OCTOBER 13, 2013 TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, YEAR C FARM HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, HARRISBURG, AR INTRO. Pat Summerall died earlier this year. We probably remember him the most for working in the broadcast booth with John Madden, calling NFL games on more

  • Learning From Life's Setbacks

    Contributed by James ( Jim ) Highland on Aug 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Lessons can be learned from Life's Setbacks; Receiving Healing God's Way; When human power isn't enough;

    Learning from Life’s Setbacks II Kings 5:1-14 There are lessons to be learned by the setbacks in our lives. An excellent study of setbacks is found in the story of Naaman, the leper, where there are specific events and decisions that can be applied to our times and lives. The setting is more

  • How Bad Do You Want It?

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Jun 4, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    If you want it go for it!

    Thank you Rev. Roy Simpkins How bad do you want it? This is my second jab at Substance........ I preached this SUnday Morning.... My notes stink, and I stink in writing notes, but I did on this's a simple message, not too deep..But went over really good! How Bad do you want more

  • You Ain't All That

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Nov 20, 2016

    Pride can make someone think more highly of themselves than they should. Naaman almost missed a miracle because of pride.

    Everyone knows that the lion is the king of the jungle. And they are very prideful. In fact a group of lions are called a pride. One day the lion being filled with pride decided to make sure all the others knew it. He was so confident that he by-passed the smaller animals and went straight to the more

  • Naaman’s Story Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Naaman’s story of healing and dedication to God came as a result of hearing about another person’s story “Elisha’s” and how his relationship with God brought healing to many other people’s bodies, souls and spirits.

    Naaman’s Story Opening Illustration: There is a myth from ancient Egypt that says when you get to the gate of Heaven you will be asked two questions: 1. Did you find joy in your life? 2. Has your life brought joy to others? Thesis: Naaman’s story of healing and dedication to God came as a result more

  • Naaman

    Contributed by Donald Curtis on Jul 7, 2002
    based on 118 ratings

    Naaman had it all, BUT he was in need. That is exactly where everyone one of us stand before God if we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

    During the days when Mohammed Ali was a great boxer, he would go around in his arrogance and say that, "He was the greatest." Humility was never his strong suit. One day, back in his prime, he was on an airplane and the plane was ready to take off and the flight attendant had repeatedly told him to more

  • Naaman

    Contributed by David Dailey on Jun 12, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    Leprosy and sin have some things in common

    NAAMAN II Kings 5:1 - Now Naaman captain of the host of the King of Syria was a great man with his master, and honourable because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria: He was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper. Let’s take a look at Naaman. He had the favor of the King. more

  • Naaman

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Dec 5, 2003
    based on 217 ratings

    I wonder what Naaman felt after he had dipped himself for the 6th time in the Jordan and nothing had happened

    The story of the healing of Naaman - 2 Kings 5: 1-19 My old Chaplain in Basle, Tom Roberts used to say that when you are stumped for a Bible passage to preach on use the story of Naaman. So for once, I’m doing as I am told! The Story: 1. Naaman was the commander in chief of the King of Aram’s more

  • Naaman

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating


    II Kings 5:1-17 Naaman I. Naaman's Prestigious Position 1 Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given more

  • Naaman

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating


    2 Kings 5:1-19 NAAMAN I. NAAMAN'S CONDITION. 1 Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper. A. It was A more

  • The Man Who Liked Change

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Jul 2, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Examining Naaman’s life and his desire for God to do a miracle in his life

    Note three aspects of Naaman’s life: 1. BEFORE the change (v. 1-13) A. We must admit that there’s a problem (v. 1-4) B. We must go to the right person (v. 5-7) C. We must have faith (v. 7) D. We must understand that the way to change may surprise us (v. 8-12) E. We must learn that little things more

  • Don't Stumble - Be Humble!

    Contributed by Tim Hbc on May 12, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    The story of Naaman helps teach the Gospel. A short message for children & youth.

    Introduction... The lion was proud of his mastery of the animal kingdom. One day he decided to make sure all the other animals knew he was the king of the jungle. He was so confident that he by-passed the smaller animals and went straight to the bear. “Who is the king of the jungle?” the lion more

  • Naaman's Miracle

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Mar 27, 2012

    Everyone likes a happy ending. Do we put ourselves in a position to receive a miracle from the Lord and do we position ourselves to be a part of someone elses miracle? Naaman did not receive until he did what the prophet had told him to do.

    Naaman’s Miracle 2 Kings Chapter 5:1-5:16 Introduction- 2 Kings Chapter 5:1-5:16- Read Everyone likes a happy ending. Everyone like the guy who gets the girl. When justice prevailing over wickedness. Everyone likes to hear about a miracle. What I question is do we put ourselves in a more