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  • Who Do You Think You're Talking To? Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Jun 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In our story today, the Forbidding Pharisees are back and do they ever have an attitude! They have a whole slew of legislated laws regarding the Sabbath that they expect everyone to keep with exacting detail, and they have made it their life’s work to ens

    Jesus and the Forbidding Pharisees – Part 2 Who Do You Think You’re Talking To? Matthew 12:1-14 During the Victorian era, one how-to-do-it-right manual was Lady Gough’s Book of Etiquette. In this volume, putting books by male authors next to books by female authors was forbidden – unless the more

  • Who Do You Think You're Talking To?

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jun 1, 2014

    When you were a child, did you ever have a time when you were disrespecting your mom and she said, “Who do you think you’re talking to?” Well, in prayer we need to be reminded to Whom we are speaking.

    We continue this morning in our study of the Sermon on the Mount. We have noted that this sermon is CORRECTIVE in nature. Jesus is intending to ensure that His Apostles know the errors which had cropped up within Jewish teaching. Over the past few weeks, we have been examining Jesus’s more

  • The Coming Of The End

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 5, 2007
    based on 130 ratings

    Jesus talks about several things that we need to be aware of before the end comes. 1- There will be worldwide chaos 2- There will be hatred of people 3- There will be false leaders 4- There will be much wickedness 5- There will be much preaching

    INTRO.- ILL.- A girl said, “My mother and I returned to my parents’ house late one evening to find my father, my college-age brother, Steven, and my ten-year-old sister fast asleep. “Mom had forgotten her house keys, so we knocked loudly, first at the back door and then the front and side doors. more

  • "Raise Your Hand If You've Got Too Much Stuff"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 22, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    A sermon about coming to understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe God.

    Matthew 6:24-34 Philippians 4:10-13 “Raise Your Hand If You’ve Got Too Much Stuff” In Ephesians 1:19 the Apostle Paul says, “I…pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him.” I want to understand that incredible power more than more

  • Bring Your Little To Me

    Contributed by Randy Trotter on Feb 6, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    What you think is little if much in the eyes of God, if we'll give it to Him and let Him use it!

    “BRING YOUR LITTLE TO ME!” Matthew 14:18-20 “When it was evening, His disciples came to Him saying, ‘This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves come food.’ But Jesus said to more

  • If You Only Knew, "How Much Power Your Praise Has!!"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Feb 17, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    No matter what is going on in life, you can find a reason to thank God. What comes out of your mouth, sooner or later is what comes into your life, everyday everyone of us, make a choice of whether or not we will have a good day.

    If You Only Knew, "How Much Power Your Praise Has!!" Eph. 5:18-20 MSG. 16-18. Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live. No matter what is going on in life, you can find a reason to thank God. more

  • The Quality Of The Messiah's Kingdom Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Oct 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Today we'll talk for a few minutes regarding the character of the kingdom; the book of Isaiah has much to say regarding kingdom prophecies.

    SC---#10~ MORE ABOUT THE KINGDOM #3 8-24-13 The last two broadcasts we talked mainly about the people that would populate the millennial Kingdom of King Jesus, so we'll not dwell on that subject again today. Today we'll talk for a few more

  • A Lily Among The Thorns

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 8, 2022

    It never ceases to amaze me that when people start coming to Sunday School they talk about how much they learn from the Bible.

    Illus: A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. • After explaining the commandment to, "honor thy father and thy mother," she asked "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?" • Without more

  • I Love You Th I I I S Much

    Contributed by Lee Henry on Aug 13, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    God demonstrates his love for us by sending Jesus to die for us, the helpless, ungodly, sinners and enemies of God.

    I Love You Thiiis Much Rom. 5:6-11 Introduction: Child to parent or grandparent, “I love you.” “How much?” Holding his arms wide, “I love you thiiis much.” Nothing is more precious to the ears of a parent or grandparent than a child’s declaration of love. But how do we know if that more

  • 8 Areas Of Your Life Which Much Be Open To The Voice Of God Series

    Contributed by Dag Heward-Mills on Jan 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Everyone struggles to make important decisions. But what is the right choice as a Christian? Many questions race through your mind like “How can I know God’s will for my life?”, “Who should I get married to?” or "Should I relocate to a different city? Fin

    The voice of God is important for every area of your life. If there is anything that is important to you, I would suggest that you open that area to the direction of God’s Spirit. You may think that God is not interested in certain areas of your life. I want you to know today that God has more

  • 8 Areas Of Your Life Which Much Be Open To The Voice Of God

    Contributed by Dag Heward-Mills on Jan 10, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Everyone struggles to make important decisions. But what is the right choice as a Christian? Many questions race through your mind like “How can I know God’s will for my life?”, “Who should I get married to?” or "Should I relocate to a different city? Fin

    The voice of God is important for every area of your life. If there is anything that is important to you, I would suggest that you open that area to the direction of God’s Spirit. You may think that God is not interested in certain areas of your life. I want you to know today that God has more

  • Ash Wednesday Reflection 2014

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 4, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    The end does not justify the means. God is interested more in our motives tahn what we set out to achieve

    Ash Wednesday 2014TSL and WSMM 05-03-2014 Story: A Korean Pastor told me this story many years ago, when he came to Switzerland and spoke at a Christian meeting in Sandoz, a Swiss company for which I used to work. In the 4th century AD in Korea a man had two sons. The elder rose to become more

  • Live In The Light Of Eternity Series

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jul 29, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    Principles are given to young people to help them make decisions and live in the light of eternity.

    Live in the Light of Eternity Hebrews 12:1-3 The title of today’s message, “Live in the Light of Eternity” is a good word for all of us, and especially for young people. The Hebrew writer is saying: “Fix your eyes on Jesus – make decisions in the the light of eternity. Don’t make decisions more

  • Praying With Power

    Contributed by Chris Cuthbertson on Jan 10, 2018

    Most Christians say they believe in prayer but in reality, they don’t see much power in it. I think the reason for this is they don’t pray much. Like the subject of love it is easy to talk about but not as easy to put into practice.

    Praying With Power James 5: 13-18 Do you remember the TV commercial for the investment firm of E.F. Hutton? What was their catch slogan? When E.F. Hutton speaks people listen. Well you know what? When Christians pray, God listens. I read of a town in the mid-west that had two churches and more

  • We Believe In The Trinity Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    The Bible’s teaching on the subject of the Trinity is rarely addressed in sermons yet it hangs around in the background of so much a church does and talks about.

    Today, we continue a series of messages entitled Creed: 9 Essentials to the Christian Faith Why This Series? The reason for this series is that beliefs matter. Beliefs fundamentally alter the shape of our lives. This series, Creed, is designed to answer those who wonder what really lies at the more

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