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  • Why Do You Believe In God?

    Contributed by Danny Ferguson on Aug 14, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    A survey of three arguments from classical apologetics (cosmological, teleological and moral).

    Why believe in God? Sermon for Adrian Christian Church Danny Ferguson Intro Why do you believe in God? Have you ever been asked this question? Are you prepared to answer this question? 1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone more

  • What Has Happened To America Series

    Contributed by Michael Demastus on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    This is a sermon about the moral decay our culture has been experiencing...

    “What Has Happened To America?” Introduction: *This past couple of days I went to a minister’s retreat in Indianapolis, IN and one of the spkrs was sharing how our children humble us when trying to teach truths from God’s Word. He said they read to their children every night and ask them if they more

  • How To Get To Heaven

    Contributed by Roy Sommerville on Mar 2, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    The inadequeacy of the moral plan to get to heaven, demonstrated by the rich young ruler

    How To Get To Heaven There are two ways to get to heaven. The first is God’s plan, and the second, the Moral plan, or man’s plan. We could call God’s plan the D.O.N.E.-Done- plan. Everything that needed to be done to assure you a place in heaven was done by Jesus Christ, through His death and more

  • I Am The Light Of The World Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Dec 13, 2004
    based on 39 ratings

    The Light of the World shines in moral darkness, religious darkness, and physical darkness.

    I AM series #2 I AM the Light of the World John 8:12; 9:5 INTRODUCTION: This summer we’re looking at the I AM statements of Jesus. All 8 of these statements are recorded in the Gospel of John. Last week we saw that right after feeding the 5,000 Jesus told the crowds I AM the Bread of Life. more

  • The Birds And The Bees

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Aug 1, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Holding to biblical standards of sexual purity is spiritually, morally and physically wise.

    Title: The Birds and The Bees Text: Proverbs 5:3-14, 20-23; 6:23-24, 27-29, 32-34 Truth: Holding to biblical standards of sexual purity is spiritually, morally, and physically wise. Aim: to encourage biblical sexual purity. Life ?: How can we hold to biblical standards of sexual more

  • Good News For The Poor Series

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Feb 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    God is ever willing to forgive and heal us of our moral leprosy.

    Lk 4__14-22 and 5__12-13 Proclaim glad tidings to the poor Friday after Epiphany Reading 1 1 Jn 4:19–5:4 Beloved, we love God because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God more

  • Taking Inventory

    Contributed by Ron Hietsch on Jun 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In step 4 we make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

    Text: Lamentations 3:40 Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord At a very young age I was first exposed to the drudgery of taking an annual inventory. First at the family more

  • Light Reflections

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Oct 11, 2006

    Christians are to reflect the nature of their Heavenly Father through a morally pure lifestyle.

    Title: Light Reflections Text: I John 1:1-2:2 Truth: Christians are to reflect the nature of their Heavenly Father through a morally pure lifestyle. Aim: To lead them to commit to a morally pure lifestyle. INTRODUCTION Labor Day our whole family went to the zoo and the Omniplex. One of the fun more

  • I'm Just Talk'in About Tonight

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Nov 24, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    Loss of moral integrity brings an end to the powerful potential of the child of God.

    I¡¦M JUST TALK¡¦IN ABOUT TONIGHT JUDGES 16: 1-21 NOVEMBER 25, 2001 LAST SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT INTRODUCTION: Toby Keith ¡§I¡¦m just talk¡¦in about tonight¡¨ Song lyrics TRANSITION THOUGHT: Our text for this morning has a lot in common with the song. We live in a culture that is obsessed with more

  • Lesson 6: The Manner Of His Life Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 25, 2018

    In these verses Paul insists on the moral consistency of the individual’s life and conduct.

    6/6/18 Tom Lowe Lesson 6: THE MANNER OF HIS LIFE (1Th 2:9-12) Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (NIV) 9 Surely you remember, brothers and sisters, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you. 10 You are more

  • When I Am Weak I Am Strong

    Contributed by Clement Swarnappa on Jul 15, 2023

    Everybody has weakness less - Not the character or moral weaknesses -- but Human limitations -

    2 Corinthians 12 New International Version (NIV) Paul’s Vision and His Thorn 12 I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was more

  • What Branch Are You? Series

    Contributed by Eric Agyei Febiri on May 10, 2023

    Morality is decaying in our world today and Christianity has become loose

    Beloved, three branches can be deduce from this text for our reflection; 1. The barren branch 2. The productive branch 3. The abundance or a Successful branch The branches considered as barren will be cut off or removed to allow room and resources for the living branches to accomplish their more

  • Who Will Stand In The Gap?

    Contributed by Leo Launio on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 86 ratings

    “The good news is--that in spite of our moral bankruptcy, God keeps on doing business with us.”

    June 23, 2001 I. Introduction: A. David Seamand 1. “Healing Grace” 2. Story of a farmer who one day went to his banker to tell him several bad news and one good news. 3. Bad news—because of drought and insects, the farmer could not pay the banker a penny on his loan for the farm. Not a penny on more

  • The Spirit Led Life Part 8 (Goodness) Series

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Apr 11, 2002
    based on 130 ratings

    Goodness has everything to do with morality according to God’s standards as lived through the life of the Son.

    Joe Bedy Central Christian Church April 9 2002 Goodness Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Gal 5:23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. The Greek word for Goodness is "agathosune" and means "in all more

  • Lot: A Case Study On Backsliding Series

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Feb 21, 2025

    By studying Lot’s life, we will learn the dangers of backsliding and how to avoid its traps. His story serves as a warning to believers to stay vigilant and remain steadfast in their faith.

    LOT: A CASE STUDY ON BACKSLIDING By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Genesis 19:1-29 Supporting Texts: Genesis 13:10-13, 2 Peter 2:6-8, Luke 17:32, Revelation 3:15-16 INTRODUCTION Backsliding is a gradual decline from faithfulness to spiritual compromise, leading to devastating consequences. more

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