
The Pursuit of Righteousness

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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We are united with Christ, dead to sin and alive in Him. We are called to leave our old sinful ways behind and pursue a life of righteousness with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Pursuit of Righteousness

Youth Group Plan: The Pursuit of Righteousness (Romans 6:1-11)

Youth Sermon: The Pursuit of Righteousness


You know how in video games, when your character dies, you can just hit the restart button and start over? Well, that's kind of what happened when we decided to follow Jesus. We hit the restart button on our lives.

In Romans 6, Paul talks about this. He says that when we chose to follow Jesus, we died to our old life of sin. It's like we were playing a game, and we kept losing, over and over. But then, Jesus came in and gave us a cheat code. Now, we're not stuck in that losing game anymore. We're playing a whole new game.

We hit the restart button on our lives.

The New Game

But here's the thing, guys. Just because we have the cheat code doesn't mean we can go back to playing the old game. We can't go back to our old ways. We've got to play the new game, the one Jesus gave us. And that game is all about love, joy, peace, and self-control.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "That sounds hard. I liked the old game. It was easier." And you're right. The old game was easier. But it was also a losing game. The new game, the one Jesus gave us, is a winning game. And we've got the Holy Spirit to help us play it.

Challenge and Prayer

So, here's your challenge for this week. Every time you're tempted to go back to the old game, to your old ways, I want you to remember the cheat code. Remember that you're playing a new game now. And then, make the choice to play the winning game.

Let's pray. God, thank you for giving us a new game to play. Help us to remember that we're not stuck in the old game anymore. Give us the strength to play the new game, the one that leads to love, joy, peace, and self-control. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What does it mean to you to be united with Christ?

2. What old habits do you need to leave behind to live a righteous life?

3. How can the Holy Spirit help you in this process?

4. What are some practical ways you can pursue righteousness daily?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Old Self, New Self

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