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  • Torn By Unseen Hands Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Feb 28, 2018

    At the moment Jesus died the curtain in the temple was torn in two - God has left the building.

    Message Matthew 27:51 Torn By Unseen Hands There is something about curtains that just makes us want to know what is behind them, isn’t there. Curtains have the ability to make us very curious. Example: Visit to a Heritage Home and they always seem to have one or two areas sectioned off. So more

  • "bening A Servant"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Apr 8, 2019

    The message is being a servant by treasuring the moment, putting priorities in order, and knowing the richness of Christ.

    John 12:1-8 • Mary, is the sister of Lazarus and Martha, they are dining at Simeon the Lepers House • During a dinner in their home with Jesus and the disciples as guests, Mary anoints Jesus' feet with "a pound of more

  • Wow! Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 1, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    When is the last time you stopped to think about the WOW moments God has placed in your life? Consider these thoughts as our Family Minister walks us through several WOW moments in the life of the apostle John.

    Our current sermon series is entitled “Words to Live By.” Last week, we talked about “Help.” Today, we’re going to look at the word, “Wow.” We’re going to look at how God acts in our lives and leaves us saying, “Wow!” I was once told a story about a boy that was drawing a picture. When his father more

  • The "Stare” At The End Of Self

    Contributed by Ken Alford on Nov 23, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    “Kodak Moments” were once advertised by the film giants as memorable moments worthy of capture on film. Peter had a frozen memory in this passage. It is the time when Christ stared at him. The stare of Christ is a stair for climbing to usefulness for Chri

    THE “STARE” AT THE END OF SELF Luke 22:61—62 INTRO: 1 “Kodak Moments” were once advertised by the film giants as memorable moments worthy of capture on film. In our memories there are little snapshots of detail which are indelibly etched into our minds. We can see the occurr-ences clearly and more

  • Second Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year A: John 1:29 Moments

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    2nd Sunday, Cycle A

    Two cockroaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restaurant. "I was in that new restaurant across the street," said one. "It's so clean! The kitchen is spotless, and the floors are gleaming white. There is no dirt anywhere--it's more

  • Keeping Prayer In Perspective Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Jun 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Think for a moment about what it would be like to be blind. No vision of blue skies, wind-blown trees, loved ones, favorite movie. Close yours eyes for a moment right now. Notice the absence of things. Notice all that is missing.

    Keeping Prayer in Perspective Matthew 20:29-34 As we come to the end of our study in Matthew 20, we find a short story that is included in three of the four gospels. Keeping in mind our general rule of thumb that whenever the Bible tells us something three times it is of major significance, I more

  • The Purpose Of Tests Series

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Sep 5, 2011

    Life's pleasant moments are made even more sweeter when we keep in mind that they lead to this great spiritual destiny...and life's most difficult moments are to be endured patiently...remembering that patience and persistence turn sorrow into stepping st

    THE PURPOSE OF TESTS JAMES 1:5 11 Read James 1:5 11 Last week we studied verses 2 4 and saw that ...............(v.2) Almost a remake of Bobby McFarren's song "Don't worry Be happy" right? consider it pure happy.... Today we come to a passage that is often quoted but usually out more

  • Communion At Home

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 7, 2020

    Please take a moment to be sure that you have a morsel of bread and a small cup of wine or grape juice handy. If you need to, now would be the time to take a moment and prepare these elements. If possible, find a quiet place and begin.

    Please take a moment to be sure that you have a morsel of bread and a small cup of wine or grape juice handy. If you need to, now would be the time to take a moment and prepare these elements. If possible, find a quiet place and begin. Let’s hear the Great Commandments, and examine our hearts. more

  • Beyond The Fragrance: Love, Lordship, And Legacy

    Contributed by Jung Lee on Mar 30, 2024

    Mirroring our moments of significant life events, setting the stage for a profound narrative of sacrifice and devotion

    "Beloved congregation, let's imagine we are stepping into a time of great anticipation, like the night before a significant event like a wedding, where the air is filled with expectancy and excitement. This is how we enter the scene of Matthew 26, where Jerusalem buzzes with tension and more

  • The Triumphal Entry: Embracing Jesus As King Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 18, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This Palm Sunday, let us reflect on the pivotal moment when Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly.

    The Triumphal Entry: Embracing Jesus as King Introduction: Today is Palm Sunday, and we are going to reflect on the pivotal moment when Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly. Palm Sunday holds profound significance as it sets the stage for Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Let us more

  • The Bread That Came Down From Heaven Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Jul 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We often look for God in grandiose moments, missing the divine in the simple and everyday occurrences of life.

    The Bread That Came Down From Heaven Intro: We often look for God in grandiose moments, missing the divine in the simple and everyday occurrences of life. Scripture John 6:41-51 Reflection Dear Sisters and Brothers, The Gospel reading today revolves around the profound statement, “I am more

  • When God Works In The Ordinary Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on May 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    We learn lessons when he had His Holy Moment with God at the burning bush.

    Introduction A “Holy Moment” is when God meets with you or me, and that particular moment He has gotten my full attention, the whole world is tuned out and it is just God and me in a conversation. We first saw that with Jonah on a ship heading to Tarshish. Although there was a ship full of more

  • Helpless, Not Hopeless

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Oct 1, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    Discover where to place your hope to give you strength through helpless moments in life

    Someone recently asked me if a particular phrase came from the Bible. The phrase was something like this, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." I replied that this phrase is a non-biblical cliché. Because many Christians quote this more

  • Courage For The Apprehensive

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 20, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    Christians are to possess courage in moments/instances of fearful apprehension. Courage for the apprehensive(Christian) is found in The Comfort of ...

    COURAGE FOR THE APPREHENSIVE—Revelation 2:8-11 Jesus encouraged the Smyrnan church as they faced the certainty of mortal/lethal/deadly persecution. Christians are to possess courage in moments/instances of fearful apprehension. Where does Christian courage arise during apprehensive moments? 6 more

  • In Your Face!

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 22, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Same vicinity. Same City. Same neighborhood. Same circle of friends. But no in your face moments?

    In Your Face Text: 2 Samuel 14:21, 25-26, 28, 14b 2 Samuel 14:21 – 21Then the king said to Joab, "Behold now, I will surely do this thing; go therefore, bring back the young man Absalom." 2 Samuel 14:25-26 - 25 In all Israel there was not a man so highly praised for his handsome appearance as more

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