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  • Angels - Ministering Spirits

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 7, 2013

    To show that angels are sent out by the LORD JESUS to serve those who inherited salvation.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have GOD's angels ministering you? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that angels are sent out by the LORD JESUS to serve those who inherited salvation. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 1:14 (Amplified Bible) 1:14 Are not the angels all ministering spirits more

  • Answer Eleven: Understanding The Spirit Of God's Minister Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Aug 20, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This 11th answer to division is the need to see and understand the spirit of God’s minister.

    For the past 5 months we have been looking at Paul’s answers to some questions that the Corinthian church had asked him about how to reunite their divided church. Paul took each of 11 questions and addressed each one with a specific answer. Tonight, we look at the 11th answer from Paul more

  • Ministering In Power

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Jan 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Holy Spirit comes upon believers to empower them for service; to do the works that Jesus Himself performed.

    “Ministering in Power” Luke 4:1-2, 14-19 • This temptation of Jesus in the wilderness took place prior to any of His earthly ministry. • Jesus was full of the Spirit when He went into the wilderness. • Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. • While in the wilderness, Jesus faced heavy more

  • The Ministry Of Angels Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    What the Bible says about angels’ roles as God’s ministering spirits.

    INTRODUCTION When we were in the former Soviet Union this summer, we bought some watches. On the watch band was a figure of a man’s face. We tried to ask who he was but we did not have a translator at that time and so the people kept pointing to the sky. We sort of wrinkled our brow and asked, “Is more

  • Ministering Angels Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 9, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Trust God to send His angels to minister to you in your time of need.

    One Sunday evening, Marilyn Clark of Cincinnati, Ohio, overheard her 5-year-old daughter, Julie, practicing “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” It was a song she'd been rehearsing that morning in church for the next week's Christmas program. But something wasn’t quite right. In place of the more

  • How To Minister To The Minister

    Contributed by Marty Hopkins on Sep 27, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    A message for the church that relates to ministering to those who teach us God’s Word every week.

    “How to Minister to the Minister” (I Timothy 5:17-25) Well, this morning we are continuing in our series from the Pastoral Epistles we are calling “Footsteps of the Faithful.” Now let me recap some of what’s been covered in this series of messages. In chapter one we talked about the church and more

  • Ministers

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Sep 12, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a message that shows the qualities of a minister or servant by studying the lives of the builders of the tabernacle.

    MINISTERS Exodus 31:1-6. W. Max Alderman Introduction: The clear instructions needed for the making of the tabernacle, its furniture, and the priest’s dresses were given to Moses. Now God takes the responsibility of selecting His more

  • The Minister Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Nov 24, 2015

    The minister

    The Minister I Corinthians 4 1. His requirement - vs. 1-2 A. Minister = under rower B. Steward = manager C. Faithful = trustworthy 2. His Judgment - vs. 3-5 *judgment = exercising my right to be God A. Human judgment - Matthew 7:1 B. Self-judgment - Galatians 6:3-4 more

  • Christians Effectively Minister Series

    Contributed by Daniel Villa on Jun 30, 2008

    Christians are called to make mature disciples in the power of the Holy Spirit and the word

    CHRISTIANS EFFECTIVELY MINISTER A CHRISTIAN IS… Colossians 1:24-2:3 OBJECTIVE: Christians are called by God to minister to others and He equips them to minister effectively. Let’s begin today’s message by correcting a misunderstanding of ministry: MINISTRY BELONGS TO PASTORS AND CHRISTIAN more

  • Angels At Christmas

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 4, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    What is the main purpose of angels? "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Heb. 1:14).

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Messengers for God. (The word angel means messenger). What is the main purpose of angels? "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Heb. 1:14). 2. There are several appearances of angels surrounding the birth of more

  • Every Member A Minister

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 17, 2011

    For the people to understand the place of spiritual gifts in the Church; to understand their personal responsibility to employ spiritual gifts to serve others; to understand the biblical assurance of what those gifts will accomplish when each part does it

    Ephesians 4:7-16; Romans 12:1-8; I Peter 4:10-11; I Co 14:12 Colossians 1:27-29 Intro: Ephesians 4:11-16 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of more

  • Every Christian Is A Minister

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Jun 3, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    This purpose of this sermon is to challenge laity to become involved in ministry by coming to understand that the Holy Spirit calls all Christians into ministry. It was orginally preached on Pentecost Sunday and tied in with the empowerment for ministry

    Every Christian Is a Minister --Ephesians 4:7-12 In his 1786 “Thoughts Upon Methodism” John Wesley made a statement that continually sticks with me: I am not afraid that the people called Methodist should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid least they should more

  • Lord Send The Fire

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Oct 5, 2007
    based on 80 ratings

    If our God is a consuming fire, then we as his church, his body, must have the fire. He maketh his angels ministering spirits and his ministers flames of fire.

    1 Kings 18:24 And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the LORD: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken. I’ve always been fascinated by fire, as a child my first encounter with fire was (matches) I more

  • The Angels Minister To Us Series

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Jul 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The angel of the Lord encamps around you invisibly, to keep you from your enemies. But unless you see through the eyes of faith, you will not be able to see the invisible reality of God’s mighty hand protecting you.

    The Angels Minister to us “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.” - Psalm 34:7 Last week we meditated on the role of the Angels in the heavenly realm. They create an example for us of how we should worship the Lord. But there is another way that angels more

  • Ministering And Operating In God’s Overflow

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 12, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    When we operate from God’s overflow, there is no limit to what God can do in us and through us as we allow His Spirit to work in us. We can do ministry from God's Overflow!

    Subject: Ministering and Operating in God’s Overflow Text: Ephesians 3:14-21 Introduction: In this portion of Scripture, the apostle Paul prays for his friends. His primary prayer and concern were for their spiritual blessings, which are the best blessings. Really, every time we pray, we should more

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