  • Rodney Burton

    Contributing sermons since Jan 26, 2009
Rodney's church

Calvary Church
Carthage, Illinois 62321

About Rodney
  • Education: Practical Ministry degree from Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, Florida. Taken further classes through Berean School of the Bible.
  • Experience: About 8 years in youth ministry and a little over 6 as a lead/senior pastor. Began ministry in 1998. Have done just about everything in the church. My absolute favorite thing is teaching. I love to open the floor and have discussion about God’s Word. I learn so much form other people and the insight they bring to God’s Word. I am also a published author of 2 works. "31 Keys to Possessing Your Promise" and "Carrying the Torch for Revival."
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I am not going to wow anyone with depth. I think my job is to communicate on a real level with people. I don’t have all the answers and I don’t always say things the right way. Nonetheless, I am confident that God is able to speak to people’s hearts through what He allows me to share.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: During my time at Brownsville, I heard many sermons that had a powerful impact on my life. It is vital that we always maintain a teachable spirit. In terms of sermons I have preached that made a difference, I would say "Restoring His House" that I preached at the church we were at in Missouri. The audio of that is with the outline here on S.C. I also have heard testimonies of how God has used the message on "The Progressive Holy Spirit".
  • Family: Been married to the love of my life for going on 14 years. We have a son who will soon turn 5. Enjoying God’s blessings every day.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Mom loves it any time she gets to hear me in person or when I send her some tapes or CD’s of sermons. Would really like it if she lived closer and could be at our church each week. Before my dad passed away, he was a big fan. I realized he saw me as a minister when he would start asking me Bible questions.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She always tells me straight. She thinks I hold back sometimes and that I have a tendency to be apologetic. She told me once she would enjoy my preaching even if I wasn’t her husband. I guess that is a good thing.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Not every sermon has to be a homerun. Getting on base is important and moving the runner around the next time you step to the plate.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Bible obviously impacts everyone. "God Chasers" by Tommy Tenney. "Who Moved My Cheese?" "The Thomas Factor" by Pratney. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Covey.
  • Hobbies: Love spending time with the family. Watch lots of sports. Outdoor activities and even chores are a hobby to me. Yep, I even love mowing the lawn. :)
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Don’t be someone who tries to create God in their image, in a way that is acceptable to them. Be sure that you are embracing and worshiping the God of Heaven. In doing so, there is nothing that the world can do to take you away from Him.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Speaking on condemnation and swinging a small hammer, only to watch the head of the hammer go flying toward the audience. My heart stopped and my face must have turned white as a ghost. There are also many times where you say things you wish you didn’t. :)
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Newest Sermons

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 8: What Do These Stones Mean?

    Contributed on Jun 11, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    In the 8th and final part of this series we look at what these stones represent for us as believers.

    -- It was customary to set up some type of stone monument at the site of God’s miraculous intervention. -- The monuments would serve several purposes, but the primary purpose was to remind future generations about God’s ability to save and deliver. -- The stones would remind future more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 7: Joseph & Benjamin

    Contributed on May 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In part 7 of this series, we look at Rachel and the birth of her two sons. After the other 10 had been born, Rachel’s womb is finally opened.

    -- Rachel is the one that Jacob loved from the beginning, but she is the last one to give birth to any children. -- Rachel had to stand by and watch 10 sons be born to her husband with none of them coming from her directly. You know that was messing with her mind! -- Rachel dealt with the shame, more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 6: Issachar & Zebulun

    Contributed on May 23, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    In part 6 of this series, we revisit Leah and the birth of her final two sons, Issachar and Zebulun.

    -- We once again return to Leah giving birth to two more sons (her 5th and 6th). -- Now that the family has been through a time of trying to make things happen on their own through their maidservants, they get back to producing the final four sons through Leah and Rachel. -- These 2 final sons more

  • Train Up A Child

    Contributed on May 23, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    In this Mother’s Day sermon, we view the concept of TRAIN up a child. What exactly goes into that process?

    Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverb 22:6 “Train” in the Hebrew is chanak (khaw-nak’) and appears 5 times. Once here it is translated as train or train up. The other 4 times it is translated as dedicate. This is the Hebrew word used to more

  • The 12 Stone Memorial Part 5: Gad & Asher

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    In part 5 of this series, we look at the sons born to Zilpah, Gad and Asher. We consider the need for the army of God to arise and the power of being blessed of God.

    n Sons number 7 and 8 were born to Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid. n In response to Rachel giving her handmaid to Jacob and bearing sons through her, Leah now does the same thing with her handmaid. n The last son Leah had borne prior to this was Judah, which we founds means “praise”. Here, we see more

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