#1 Sermon for Ash Wednesday
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Explore the hope, necessity, and blessing of meeting Christ face to face, emphasizing the importance of our personal relationship with Him.
Hey there, friends and family! Today we're going to be diving deep into the heart of 1 Corinthians 13:12. This verse says, "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." We're going to unpack ...read more
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:12
Topics: Meeting Christ, Face To Face
This is from a series on individuals and groups meeting Christ.
Title: “Encounters with Christ – The Disciples Are Called” Script: Mt. 4:18-25 Type: Series Where: GNBC 1-29-23 Intro: Today examine passage calling of first disciples. “Call” is an important concept for Christians. Christians are people called by God. The church is technically “The called ...read more
Scripture: Matthew 4:18-23
Denomination: Independent/Bible
Taking a look at the geographical and history of the place and the length Jesus goes to meet this women.
Reading John 4:1-24 Text 4:24. Introduction Good evening to you all it is a privilege to be sharing the word of God together, For where there is unity their God commands the blessing. I would like us to take a journey through these scriptures together, even though these are well known ...read more
Scripture: John 4:1-24
Denomination: Pentecostal
Was it worth suffering and maybe dying for this Jewish rabbi called Jesus Christ whom they had never seen? Who was really more powerful: the Caesar in Rome or the Christ in heaven? We have similar decisions to make. Are we going to look to peo
Meeting the Exalted Christ Revelation 1:9-12 Purpose: To describe Christ’s awesome glory. Aim: I want the listener to deepen their adoration for Christ. INTRODUCTION: The Christians who received this letter from John were something like us. They had never seen the Lord Jesus Christ. They had ...read more
Scripture: Revelation 1:9-12
Sermon about ministry amongst the marginalised
Twenty-something years ago, I was at a weekend meeting a few miles out of Taupo. When we had finished our business for the Saturday, a few of us drove into town to have a look around, and at some point, I left the others, so I could patronise one of the local watering holes. I soon found a ...read more
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
Denomination: Anglican
How BP’s words equate with the Christian faith
Scouts’ St George’s Day 2005 1 Cor 9:24-27 24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to ...read more
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Paul had a radical change by the gospel. His life was so radically changed that it was beyond what many could believe. Paul who had previously been the most fearsome persecutor of Christians is now preaching the gospel. He met Jesus.
The elements of a testimony in Christ can be divided into three sections. First is describes what life was like before coming to Christ. The second part is describing just how it happened at the time of meeting Christ. Then finally is describes what life was like after coming to Christ. When you ...read more
Scripture: Galatians 1:11-24
Denomination: Baptist
Have you seen Jesus Christ? The world is not going to see Jesus in us until we see Jesus ourselves. We must see Jesus for ourselves.
Meeting the Exalted Christ Part II Revelation 1:12-18 Purpose: To describe Christ’s glory. Aim: I want the listener to be in awe of Christ’s glory and assured of His love. INTRODUCTION: Have you seen Jesus Christ? The world is not going to see Jesus in us until we see Jesus ourselves. ...read more
Scripture: Revelation 1:12-18
To be a Missional Church means we must "understand the times" and "know what to do."
Meeting the Challenge 1 Chronicles 12:23-40 (32) * Consider the word,”challenge” with me. What comes to your mind when you hear this word? Does it “challenge you” a little? Candidly, I had only to look in one dictionary and discovered this word had almost 2 dozen meanings and can be used as 3 or ...read more
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 12:23-40
This is a Bible study from John 3 that can be easily preached or taught in a small group setting.
Religion Meets Relationship John 3:1-16 I. Who Was Nicodemas? (v. 1-2, 10) A. He was a ruler of Israel. This means that He would have been on the Sanhedrin, Pharisee and leading teacher. B. He came on behalf of a group C. He acknowledged that Jesus was a great teacher. D. Why did Nicodemas come ...read more
Scripture: John 3:1-16
Jesus showed what a difference it makes to believe in and trust Him. Stark contrast between mourners with no hope and sojourners whose hope is in Christ! "Christ took her by the hand and said, ''Arise!'" Christians, Arise!
GOOD NEWS PRESENTED BY MARK Study of the Gospel According to Mark As you read Mark, be aware that you are reading the very first written account of the ministry of Jesus – a ...read more
Scripture: Mark 5:21-34
As we begin Advent we need to be aware of the needs of those around us. It will only be when Christ is born in their lives (as God uses the Body of Christ) that they might find a faith like ours.
When I was in seminary there was a man in Dallas who got his “Fifteen Minutes of Fame” over the period of a couple of weeks. He was on the Dallas news almost every night. Why? Well he said that he had uncovered a message from space aliens through the static on his television. The aliens, on a ...read more
Scripture: Matthew 24:32-44
Denomination: Methodist
Superman might be good enough to save a virtual world. But we need a real Savior to save us from the real one.
Meet the Real Superman John 5:16-30 Introduction Two weeks ago, we talked about Jesus healing the sick man who had been sick for 38 years on the Sabbath day. To the Pharisees, this seemed to be a gross violation of the Law of Moses. In fact, the Old Testament forbid the carrying of a burden on ...read more
Scripture: John 5:16-30
Our greatest need is love. Christ meets our need and His resurrection enables us to be agents of His wonderful love.
The Risen Christ Meets Our Need Easter 2011 Thomas A Gaskill He is risen – He is risen indeed. Our great need is to be loved. God has met this most important need. John 3:16 and Romans 5:8 John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in ...read more
Scripture: Colossians 3:1-14
Pentecost 7B/Proper 11 preached 7/19/2009 at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Audubon, Iowa. Some material is from Concordia Pulpit Resources, Vol. 19, No. 3. This sermon talks about how Christ meets the phyiscal and spiritial needs of the crowd in the re
In the 4th petition of The Lord’s Prayer, we are taught to pray the words “Give us this day our daily bread.” Our Gospel reading for this morning is a great illustration of how our Lord goes about answering this petition. And while we usually focus on how Jesus miraculously meets the physical ...read more
Scripture: Mark 6:30-44
Denomination: Lutheran