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Sermons on Matthew 22:40:

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  • The Great Commandment

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 24, 2002
    based on 68 ratings

    A great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will build a great church.

    Sermon for 6/18/2002 The Great Commandment Matthew 22:34-40 Introduction: John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, more

  • The 2nd Gc Series

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 13, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon is about the Great Commandment.

    Recently Major League Baseball polled fans to see what they thought was the most memorable moment in baseball history. Was it Bobby Thompson’s “shot heard ‘round the world”? Was it Cal Ripkin’s consecutive games streak? Was it Nolan Ryan’s 7th no hitter when he was well past the age of 40? more

  • Our Mission In The Community

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Mar 14, 2004
    based on 73 ratings

    The Mission of the Church is to love people to Jesus, to love God and all people, and to be part of the enfolding of humanity into the love of God in Christ.

    Our Mission in the Community This week it was discovered that there are at least 10,000 more galaxies than we thought there were before. That’s like 10,000 worlds. That’s a lot of matter out there in space. I don’t know about you but I find it completely impossible to relate to that more

  • What God Requires Of Us

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Holy living as the Bible says

    What does God Require of us? A man asked, “How much religion can a man have and still get into heaven?” In saying this, he was actually scheming to cheat both God and the devil. He wanted God’s full salvation but did not want to have to serve him with all his heart. He wanted enough religion to more

  • Love Thy God

    Contributed by Donald Carpenter on Apr 30, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    The most important commandment is to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your mind. By obeying this commandment and loving your neighbor, you have accomplished the spirit upon which all of the other commandments re

    Love Thy God Mathew 22:36-40 Radio Message May2003 Introduction: What is the greatest and most important commandment? Jesus was asked this question by the Pharisees who wished for nothing more than to find something to accuse Jesus of. Our Savior responded with wisdom and authority. The most more

  • Why Do We Have Church? Series

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on May 9, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    We go to church all the time. But why do we have it. What is the purpose. This sermon deals with that question and lays out five purpose of the church.

    Mathew 22 37-40 and Mathew 28 18-20 Why Do We Have Church? I. Introduction A. Attention Graber 1. When I was in 7th grade we had to do what I thought was the most ridiculous project in I had ever done 2. We had to put together a leaf notebook explain the different kinds of leaves from different more

  • Does God Have Control Of Your Heart?

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    A question worth answering isn’t it?

    DOES GOD HAVE CONTROL OF YOUR HEART? Matthew 22:34-40; Luke 10:30-37 TEXT FOR MORNING READING: Luke 10:30-37 INTRODUCTION This morning you heard read to you probably one of the more familiar stories of the Bible, the story of the good samaritan. This story Jesus told came in response to the more

  • Love And Pedigree

    Contributed by Dale Rose on Apr 10, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Jesus answers the question about the greatest commandment, then asks the question, "What is the Christ’s lineage?"

    Love and Pedigree Matt 22:34-46 One New Year’s Day, in the Tournament of Roses parade, a beautiful float suddenly sputtered and quit. It was out of gas. The whole parade was held up until someone could get a can of gas. The amusing thing was this float represented the Standard Oil Company. With more

  • How The Bible Describes God Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Apr 11, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    How does the Bible describe God and how do false teachers do the same?

    How the Bible Describes God How does the Bible describe God? The first truth taught in scripture is that God is not to be compare to any likeness on the earth. In Exodus 20, God commanded that the people were not to create any image with the likeness of anything that is in heaven. Why? When man more

  • The Great Commandment Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 12, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 22 v 15 - 46

    THE GREAT COMMANDMENT Matthew 22 v. 15 - 46 The Pharisees problem with Rome v. 15 - 22 v. 17 "is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not" 1. The source of their problem was pride v. 15 - who came? -the Pharisees, How they came? - to entangle or lay a snare for the Lord, why they came? more

  • Christianity And Us

    Contributed by Norbert Garcia on May 3, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    What does it take to become a genuine Christian

    Christianity and Us We all have a desire to be included in the 144,000 that go to heaven when Christ comes again. Yet, have we fully considered what it will take to be included in that group? Have we mistakenly made the assumption that since we were baptized and attend church every week that we more

  • The Greatest Commandment

    Contributed by Glenn Robinson on May 11, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    This sermon shows how loving God and loving your neighbor (The two greatest commandments) apply to all family relationships.

    Glenn Robinson May 5, 2002 THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT MATTHEW 22:34-40 I) The Old Testament Law of God A) What is the relevance of God’s Law to family in the New Testament B) What are the benefits of following God’s Law? II) The most important commandment - more

  • It's By Love

    Contributed by Scott Pyle on Feb 17, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    Only through God’s love will we reach the world.

    It’s By Love Matt 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments more

  • Prime Directive

    Contributed by Mary Lewis on Feb 18, 2001
    based on 108 ratings

    The greatest commandment: to love God with all our heart, mind, soul & strength

    Prime Directive Introduction I came across an article recently that was a response to a letter written by someone who was in anguish over trying to figure out how to live the Christian life. This is part of that letter: "He made us a perfect world that works according to physical laws that we can more

  • How To Grow A Healthy Church

    Contributed by R. Darrel Davis on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 155 ratings

    Main Idea: Healthy churches are those that fulfill their biblical purpose.

    Main Idea: Healthy churches are those that fulfill their biblical purpose. Introduction: (Duct tape illustration using a roll of tape) Many of you here are very familiar with this product. You have probably used it many times for many different purposes. Years ago, thousands of dollars went into more