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  • Fellowship Of The Mat

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jun 13, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    Four men formed a fellowship around a paralyzed man lying on a mat. Just as men were involved in a small caring community men are needed to care for their families and be spiritual leaders in the home.

    Fellowship of the Mat (Outline Theme resource – “Everybody’s Normal Till You Get to Know them” by John Ortberg) Luke 5:17-26 TOP 10 Lame-brained, Foot-in-mouth Compliments from a Husband to His Wife 10. “You look great for a woman who has had four kids.” 9. “This is almost as good as mom used to more

  • Man On A Mat Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Jul 31, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Ever wonder what it would be like to have a one on one meeting with Jesus. Meet the "man on a mat" who did just that.

    Man on a Mat Series: One on One with the Master February 7, 2010 Recently, I read a very sad statistic: a quarter of a million Americans are physically paralyzed – (i.e. spinal cord conditions and others ways). And over 10,000 Americans a year are additionally paralyzed in some way more

  • Taking It To The Mat Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 23, 2015
    based on 19 ratings

    How do we defeat Satan? It appears we do it by (as a Church) beating down the gates of Hell. But how exactly do that, and what is the objective in beating down those gates?

    When Joe Louis was in his prime he fought "Two-Ton" Tony Galento. Louis was favored to win because 2 Ton Tony loved to fight… but he hated to train. At the first part of the fight, Galento threw his Sunday punch and sent Louis sprawling to the mat. Louis was more surprised than hurt and more

  • Etudes Mat 17

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Sep 7, 2006

    Pas plus tôt a fait descendre à Jésus de la gloire merveilleuse qu’il a été confronté avec un problème terrestre et une demande pratique. Un homme avait apporté son garçon épileptique aux disciples en l’absence de Jésus.

    Etudes complémentaires Mat 17/14-21 Pas plus tôt a fait descendre à Jésus de la gloire merveilleuse qu’il a été confronté avec un problème terrestre et une demande pratique. Un homme avait apporté son garçon épileptique aux disciples en l’absence de Jésus. Matthieu décrit le garçon par le verbe more

  • Etudes Mat 12

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Sep 24, 2007

    Cet incident est un moment crucial dans la vie de Jésus. Il a délibérément et a publiquement violé la loi de Sabbat ; et le résultat était une conférence des chefs orthodoxes pour découvrir une manière de l’éliminer.

    AMOUR ET LOI Matt.12:9-14 Cet incident est un moment crucial dans la vie de Jésus. Il a délibérément et a publiquement violé la loi de Sabbat ; et le résultat était une conférence des chefs orthodoxes pour découvrir une manière de l’éliminer. Nous ne comprendrons pas l’attitude de more

  • Your Mat Is Not Your Mate

    Contributed by Babatunde Olugboji on Jul 31, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    This message is about the hurting who met the healer and got his healing. It is about a man who was for several years a victim, but he met the victor and became victorious. The lesson we are learning in this message is not so much of what this man by the

    Introduction This message is about a man who was in a crisis situation, who met Christ at the height of his crisis and got a cure. A situation of crisis calls for the intervention of Christ, because without Christ, crisis will persist. Christ was crucified so that we can overcome our crisis more

  • Pick Up Your Mat

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Mar 12, 2013

    “anyone who has faith in me will do what I am doing, he will do even greater things cause I will go to the Father.

    “Pick up your mat” Allan H. Kircher Sermon for Love House Ministries 2nd chapter of Mark, verses 1-12. • The house was filled • It was filled/anticipation of hearing/good news/gospel. • Almost 2000 years ago Jesus filled the house • A house in Capernaum. more

  • "one Mat For Sale, Cheap!" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Mar 25, 2022

    As Jesus began to go public with His ministry he was about 30 years of age. People were beginning to realize He was the Messiah and it became more and more difficult for Him to remain private. Now you may ask, why did He remain private anyway?

    “One Mat for Sale, Cheap!” Mark 2:1-13 As Jesus began to go public with His ministry he was about 30 years of age. People were beginning to realize He was the Messiah and it became more and more difficult for Him to remain private. Now you may ask, why did He remain private anyway? The answer is more

  • "picking Up Our Mats"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 21, 2019

    A sermon about change. Churches must be willing to change or die.

    “Picking Up Our Mats” John 5:1-9a I don’t like change. It scares me. It’s like diving into the unknown. When I was a child, my family moved around a lot. By the time I entered the 6th Grade I had already lived in four different states. I remember when I moved from Dayton, Ohio to more

  • Le Semeur

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Feb 25, 2005

    Some notes From Mat 13/1-23

    LA PARABOLE DU SEUMEUR Lecture : Mat 13/1-23 ¶Voici une image que n’importe qui en Palestine comprendrait. ¶Ici nous voyons réellement employer de Jésus ici ¶La version donne :¶"un semeur est sorti pour semer." ¶Le Grec n’est pas un semeur, mais :¶"le semeur est sorti pour semer."¶ ¶Ce qui dans more

  • How Jesus Helps Us Get Off The Mat Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on May 23, 2014

    Good News, Dancing in Joy, Friendship, Compassion

    Mark 2:1-12 (p. 700) May 25, 2014 Introduction: As you know, and if you don’t here’s a reminder, one of my favorite books is Mike Yaconelli’s “Messy Spirituality.” He ends chapter two which is called, “The place where our messiness meets Jesus” more

  • Momma Said There Would Be Days Like This

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jun 2, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The Forgiveness Jesus offers, has its privileges, freedom from any and all condemnation is one of them. Condemnation is another thing that Jesus pinned to the mat along with the devils use of it in your life to the Mat forevermore!

    Mama said there would be days like this... Romans 8:31 MSG. 31-39. So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there more

  • Reverse - Pt. 4 - Your Reverse? Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Apr 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Taken down. Shoulders on the mat. No way of escape seems available. Could it be that God is setting up reverse instead?

    Reverse Part 4 – Your Reverse? I. Introduction We have been talking about the idea of Reverse for the last three weeks based on my experience wrestling as young man. So once again here is your crash course in wrestling. If you manage to take your opponent down to the ground from a standing more

  • Reverse - Pt. 2 - Setting Up A Reverse Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Mar 26, 2011

    Taken down. Shoulders on the mat. No way of escape seems available. Could it be that God is setting up reverse instead?

    Reverse Part 2 – Setting Up a Reverse I. Introduction As I mentioned to you last week I wrestled for several years. Here is the pictorial proof for you entertainment. Tim offered to let me borrow Jake’s singlet to wear while I preach. That didn’t take much thought to turn down! Wrestling is more

  • Reverse - Pt. 3 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Mar 30, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Taken down. Shoulders on the mat. No way of escape seems available. Could it be that God is setting up reverse instead?

    Reverse Part 3 I. Introduction Wrestling is a sport for the strong. It separates the pretenders quickly. I learned some valuable lessons from wrestling. However, for some of you wrestling is confusing. So once again here is your crash course in wrestling. If you manage to take your opponent more

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