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  • The Power Of The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Stephen Weatherby on Aug 16, 2021

    The Power of the Gospel

    A long time ago, the only survivor of a shipwreck washed up on a small uninhabited island. He cried out to God to save him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none came. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a rough hut and put his few possessions in it. But then one day, after more

  • One Minute To Midnight Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 3, 2022

    We look in the O.T. where God delivered right at the last moment. The trial required faith and patience. One minute to midnight - right at the last moment. The testing of our faith brings glory to God when the child of His love proves the faith that is genuine.

    ONE MINUTE TO MIDNIGHT This message will look at intervention in the nick of time. I don’t know if the expression “the nick of time” is known around the world, but it means “just in time”, “at the last moment”. “One minute to midnight,” is a similar expression, and it is surprising how God more

  • The Boy’s Sneeze And The Mother’s Joy (October 9, 2022)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Oct 6, 2022

    Today we are looking at how God works beyond our ability to understand! In our scripture for today, we hear about a childless family who had a child and later lost that child until God showed up and showed out and brought that child back to life!

    THE BOY’S SNEEZE AND THE MOTHER’S JOY (October 9, 2022) Text: 2 Kings 4:18 -21, 2 Kings 4:28 – 37 2 Kings 4:18-37 When the child was older, he went out one day to his father among the reapers. (19) He complained to his father, "Oh, my head, my head!" The father said to his more

  • Elisha’s Ministry - What Is God Doing? The Promised Son Restored Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 17, 2022

    The son of promise was born, lived and then died early in life. What God had promised seemed to come crashing down and it left the Shunammite woman heartbroken. In desperation she reached out to Elisha who had promised the son to the woman in the first place.

    ELISHA’S MINISTRY - WHAT IS GOD DOING? THE PROMISED SON RESTORED SERIES – MESSAGES ON ELISHA – HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY Number 11 MESSAGE IN ELISHA 2KINGS 4 v 18-37 This story concerns the son that God gave to the Shunammite woman - you remember, the woman Elisha stayed with in his journeys, who more

  • Eleazar Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 21, 2022

    Eleazar eventually became the chief of all the Levites, the Israelite tribe God had set apart for priestly service, and he was in charge of the workings of the tabernacle

    Eleazar Eleazar is the Hebrew High Priest, succeeding Aaron, his father, after death. He was the third son of Aaron and Elisheba and was in charge of the entire tabernacle, including its holy furnishings and articles. Died: Palestine Children: Phinehas Parents: Aaron, Elisheba Grandchild: more

  • The Still Small Voice

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Feb 26, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    This message looks at a situation in the life of Elijah in which he felt all alone. This account teaches us that God is with us, and He has our best interests in mind at all times, even though we may not immediately hear from Him.

    This morning we are going to learn about hearing God during the midst of life’s difficult circumstances. How many of you have ever been through a difficult time in which you felt like God had abandoned you, or perhaps that He was nowhere to be found? I am sure a number of us have experienced more

  • Follow The Leader Series Pt.2 "The Cost To Move” Series

    Contributed by Sean Dees on Mar 1, 2022

    As kids we played follow the leader. As Children of God, who are you following?

    We are living in a time when people are looking for someone or something to follow, a mission to complete them that will give them hope and reason to dream. Look around you and listen to people they are seeking answers and direction. It doesn’t matter who you are it makes no difference if you are more

  • A Mother’s Job

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 18, 2022

    The path of least resistance is a path that many choose throughout life, because it requires so little of them

    It is a path that most have taken. However, life teaches us in many ways that the great things of life cannot be accomplished by taking the path of least resistance. Illus: You can ask any: • Skilled athlete • Skilled surgeon • Skilled craftsman • Skilled musician And every one of them will more

  • How To Live Like Elijah In The Secret Place With The Power Of God - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Mar 30, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    The Day of Pentecost - The Secret Place - Intimacy - Rebuilding Altars - Issues of the Heart - The Fire of God

    PART 2 Why did Elijah move in miraculous power yet suddenly be filled with fear? It is because He did not have the Holy Spirit living within Him as those who are Born-Again. The difference between the Old and New Testament ministries of the Holy Spirit is that, before the Day of Pentecost, His more

  • Find Yourself By Dying

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jun 16, 2022

    This is a one verse expository sermon.

    Title: Finding Yourself by Dying Script: Gal. 2:20 Type: Expository Where: 6-19-22 Intro: In her book, It Only Hurts When I Laugh, Ethel Barret tells how four outstanding servants of God died to self and sin. George Mueller, when questioned about his spiritual power, responded simply, “One more

  • 3rd Sunday Of Advent, Year A. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 14, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    DECEMBER 11th, 2022.

    Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 146:5-10, Luke 1:46-55, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11. A). A HAPPY HOMECOMING. Isaiah 35:1-10. Isaiah foresees a time ahead of time, when Israel would again be released from captivity, and would undertake another journey through the wilderness. Unlike when they left more

  • #8divine Possibilities: Every Miracle Starts As A Problem Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 15, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    We search for Divine Possibilities, but we must realize every miracle in the Bible started as a problem. This is still true today!

    SPEAK TO THE DIVINE POSSIBILITIES: #8 EVERY MIRACLE STARTS AS A PROBLEM! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. We are studying Divine Possibilities: 1. Climb into God’s Envelope; 2. Accept the Mantle; 3. Starving at a feast; 4. Let God! 5. DYING IN A RUT! When an unforgiving preacher more

  • What In Hell Happened

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Feb 10, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    When Jesus died on the cross and was burried He descended into hell - What in Hell happened?

    “What in Hell Happened?” by Elder Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. I want to talk about something that in and of itself is not in the Bible; however, it is a summation of the faith and belief of those of us that are called Christians. That which I want to speak about is what is called the “Apostles more

  • The Offer Of Liberty

    Contributed by Terry Barnhill on Oct 10, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    All people are imprisoned by our sin, but God has offered us liberty.

    THE OFFER OF LIBERTY SCRIPTURE: EZRA 1:1-4, GALATIANS 3:1-9 / Hymn: “To God Be the Glory” The story is told of a young man who wished to marry the farmer’s beautiful daughter. He went to the farmer to ask his permission. The farmer looked him over and responded, "Son, go stand out in that more

  • Labor Is Life

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Apr 11, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    Carlyle said, "labor is life." While that is a true satement it can be misleading.

    LABOR IS LIFE John 6:27 I. “Loafers,” those looking for a “free lunch” (3 kinds of loafers) A. Lazy “Loafers” B. Loaves “Loafers” C. Lotto “Loafers” II. Laborers, those hoping to work for salvation III. “Lifers,” those accepting the gift Jesus offers. A. Eternal Life B. Heavenly Life (verse more

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