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  • God's Greatest Gift Of All

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Dec 15, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    God has gifted us His best yet -- Jesus!

    Luke 2:11 God’s Greatest Gift to All Introduction – A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art. When the Viet Nam conflict broke out, the son went more

  • The Hand At The Plow

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Jun 25, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    An ordination service ... Day after day commitment, all the while realizing the Lord could come back at any moment...

    My father-in-law is a farmer. Over the years, I have come to learn and appreciate what that means. When a yuppie comes out here from the city and decides to have a farm because it sounds so quaint, they aren’t really farmers. They may like playing around with the horses and maybe even doing a day more

  • Come Out Of Your Cave

    Contributed by James May on Aug 10, 2011
    based on 21 ratings

    Like Elijah, we often find ourselves in a cave of hardness, coldness and perhaps even spiritual and emotional depression. We listen for the voice of the Lord, but he often speaks in ways that we aren't expecting. God wants us to come out of that cave an

    Come Out of the Cave August 10, 2011 By Pastor James May The Prophet Elijah was a man of God like none other described in the Bible. He did mighty exploits for the Lord, and saw the hand of God move to perform great miracles at Elijah’s word. At his word alone, God stopped the rain for 3 more

  • The Meaning Of Discipleship Series

    Contributed by David Baeder on May 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Lesson one in a 15 lesson series on discipleship.

    Discipleship The Meaning of Discipleship Sunday, April 11, 2010 am Reading: Mark 8:34-38 Introduction: This morning, we’re beginning a new adventure. We’re starting a new sermon series on discipleship. I’m afraid that “discipleship” is a term that most of us more

  • The Priesthood Of Believers

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jun 4, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    We look at the O.T. Priesthood, the many jobs at the Tabernacle, their symbolism of Christ & the Church, requirements of Priests to God, & spiritual ministry today, as Priests.

    THE PRIESTHOOD OF BELIEVERS 1 Pet. 2:9 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. An old lady had always wanted to travel abroad. Now that she was getting on in years, she thought she would really like to do so before she died. 2. But until now, she’d never even been out of the country. So she began by more

  • Our Struggle Against Evil

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jul 28, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Observe 4 things: The Overwhelming Army, A Trembling Servant, The Invisible Protectors, & The Courageous Man of God. Then I want to draw 3 conclusions from these observations.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK ILL. Before Allied forces invaded Iraq Saddam Hussein boasted that if Iraq was attacked the world would see "The Mother of All Battles." But he was wrong. Instead, let me suggest a scripture that describes what I believe could be more

  • The Lazarus Generation

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Aug 13, 2016
    based on 21 ratings

    It's easy to see a Lazarus Picture in the world: But I believe The Holy Spirit would have us look at that story again and we might Just see not Just a Lazarus world (But a Lazarus Church).

    I love the story of Lazarus: I believe that Lazarus and his situation or condition and his resurrection is so powerful because it reminds us, “that it's not over till God says it's over” It reminds us that God can do anything It reminds us that God works in the dark It reminds us that more

  • God's Signature

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Aug 23, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    In the story of Noah, we see the covenant God and his signature of his covenant for all mankind.

    God’s Signature Genesis 9: 1-17 (NLT) Intro: A few months back, my eldest son and I were leaving wal-mart in Covington. While we were in the store, a storm had come and we were driving out of the parking lot and DJ said look at that dad, pointing to the sky. In the sky was a beautiful rainbow more

  • A Coat Of Many Colors - Introduction Series

    Contributed by Ronnie Thrower on Oct 9, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    This study will look at each color that could have been used in Joseph’s coat. Through this study, may we get a better understanding of the message Jacob (Israel) was imparting to Joseph.

    This is an introduction to a series of sermons on the coat of many colors – Free Power point is available through E-Mail Several Illustrations, points, and the main idea for this series of sermons dealing with the coat of many colors was from James May’s sermon, more

  • Defining A Hero

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Jul 27, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    As we look through the 11th chapter of Hebrews we how heroes should be defined in the "Hebrews Hall Of Fame". This sermon looks at the first 4 heroes of the faith.

    Defining A Hero Hebrews 11:1-10 Intro: In Cooperstown New York there is a place called the baseball hall of fame. AS you walk through the hall you will find 35,000 bats, balls and gloves that have been used by the greats of the game. Ruth and DiMaggio and Robinson, just to name a few. 130,000 more

  • Mary Wrapped A Present To The World

    Contributed by David Nolte on Dec 6, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Shows Mary taking care of God's Gift

    “MARY WRAPPED A PRESENT TO THE WORLD” Luke 2:1-12 David P. Nolte Christmas is a time for loving, for including, for remembering, and for giving. Christmas is a time when we can truly discover that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Christmas is a time for joy and more

  • Making The Right Choices

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 28, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Many people have echoed that same cry, “If only I had known, I would have done things differently than I did.” Our choices have consequences that can affect not only our life but also the lives of those around us.

    MELVIN NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: Philippians 3:17-21; Joshua 24:15; John 10:10 As most of us are well aware there has been a lot of talk during this election season about media bias. And now that the election is over it is obvious that some in the media are upset more

  • A Different Kind Of Free

    Contributed by Chad Stephenson on Feb 12, 2019

    I believe that we have been blessed to live in the greatest nation in all of the world! And, we have been given, by God, almost matchless freedom.

    A DIFFERENT KIND OF FREE John 8:31-36- 31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of more

  • Children At Play Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on May 14, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Parenting, obedience, mothers, children

    CHILDREN AT PLAY Proverbs 23: 19-23 (p 464) May 13, 2012 INTRODUCTION: My Mom will be 86 years old on her birthday in July…She still leads 2 Bible studies at her church…she still wakes up and goes to sleep reading her Bible every day….she still meets with the minister of her more

  • The Power Of Worship

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jun 1, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    Your breakthrough is in your worship. When Paul and Silas worshipped then their deliverance came.

    The Power of Worship By Pastor M.L. Maughmer, Jr. Acts 16:23-26 “And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely: (24) Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the more

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