
Summary: Nehemiah was by far one of the best leaders in all of history. And anyone who is willing to follow the principles put forth in this book can also become a great leader. Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPoint.

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Principles of Leadership

Nehemiah 2:11-16

He was by far one of the best leaders in all of history. And anyone who is willing to follow the principles put forth in this book can also become a great leader. Nehemiah had walls to build, and we have a church to build, a family to build, a business, a marriage, etc. Bro. Jerry has a youth group to build, and he has assistant leaders who want to be the best that they can be at leading. And there are many other leaders in the church and many of you are future leaders which we are wanting to begin developing.

Not only do we have all the above things to build, but all of us have a life to build. We are parents building little lives. And we are all either leading people to heaven or leading them to hell. They are in our workplace, at our school, and in our circles of life. These leadership principles apply to all of us!

Nehemiah was a Jewish man living hundreds of miles away from his home of Jerusalem in captivity in Persia. He heard about the walls of Jerusalem lying in waste. He was devastated. He prays and weeps and plans, and now sees a miracle happen as the king actually breaks his own law and gives him permission to go home and start rebuilding. The king gives him protection in the form of an armed guard with him. And then he gives him all the provisions he will need. After 120 long days of praying and planning, Nehemiah gets everything he needs from the king in one 10 minute conversation!

When God opens a door no man can shut it, and when God closes the door on a deal no man can kick it down! Nehemiah goes from being the cupbearer to being the contractor, and God's anointed leader of His people.

Principles of Leadership:

1. Leaders understand the value of solitude.

Leaders spend lots of time alone.

v. 11-16 This is a picture of solitude. This is a guy who is awake while others are sleeping. Most of us don't like to be alone. We are used to constant conversation and companionship. We are used to the noise. Be honest, even when you are in the car alone, you can't stand it and you turn on the radio. Teens post on the FB page, "Bored, it's been over 5 minutes since I heard from [hit the cell!]" If you are at home alone the TV has to be on, even if you are vacuuming and cannot possibly hear it! And if your computer dies or the power goes off, then maybe you'll talk to God, you know, since there's nothing better to do.

Leaders understand that times of quiet are vital in life.

• In the quiet we receive a clear vision from God.

He wants to speak to us if He can get a word in edgewise. He WILL speak to us if He can cut thru the noise! Nehemiah needed 3 days to hear from God. Before he begins the work he wants to pause and make sure he does it God's way, not his own way. Otherwise he will be wasting time and money. Some would look at him and say, what a waste of time, he could have been 3 days down the road on this project. But it is never a waste of time to get alone w/ God! Later it was proven that Nehemiah was miles ahead...because of the time he sat still! This multi year project was accomplished in 52 days ... unbelievable!

"Time spent in prayer and planning is always recovered in performance." So don't rush in to your day, take time to pray.

I got up early one morning,

And rushed right into the day;

I had so much to accomplish,

I didn’t have time to pray.

Troubles just tumbled about me,

And heavier came each task.

"Why doesn’t God help me?" I wondered.

He answered, "You didn’t ask."

I tried to come into God’s presence;

I used all my keys at the lock.

God gently and lovingly chided,

"Why, child, you didn’t knock."

I wanted to see joy and beauty,

But the day toiled on gray and bleak.

I wondered why God didn’t show me.

He said, "You didn’t seek."

So I woke up early this morning,

And paused before entering the day.

I had so much to accomplish

That I had to take time to pray.

By Regine Anne Baldomar

You can't out give God. Give Him time each day and He'll give you more back. Give Him 3 services a week and you'll have more free time than those who lay out of church!

ill.--Elijah found himself discouraged, needing God. He got alone w/ God on a high mountain. It was there that he heard a mighty wind. But God was not in the wind. And a great earthquake rumbled w/ powerful noise. But God was not in the earthquake. Then a fierce fire swept thru. But God was not in the fire. And then there came a still small was the voice of God!

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