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  • The Responsibilities Of Man Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Aug 21, 2011
    based on 44 ratings

    We saw focus on the Sovereignty of God in Romans 9 and now he moves into the Responsibilities of Man within that Sovereignty in regards to the salvation of People. What is man responsible for in relation to salvation by faith for himself as well as other

    The Responsibilities of Man Receive Jesus Christ by Faith (Romans 10:1-13) Proclaim Jesus Christ to All (Romans 10:14-21) Even To those who do not seek (Romans 10:19-20) Even To those who disobey (Romans 10:21) Slide Intro Good morning. We are still continuing our Series through Romans more

  • Man's Responsibility, Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on May 5, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    It’s only those who love God that can look over life’s journey and see God’s guiding and directing hand in and through it all. It’s distinctively a “Christian” experience.

    Opening Statement: A discouraged young lady came to D.L. Moody one day and said, “Mr. Moody, I want you to take my name off of the church roll. I’m tired, discouraged and don’t deserve to be on the roll.” Mr. Moody reached into his pocket, pulled out a slip of paper and wrote these words: “I do not more

  • Responsibility And Consequences

    Contributed by Ray Mckendry on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    That if you know God you will respond in faith and obedience or suffer the consequences.

    SERMON: February 28, 2016 RESPONSIBILITY AND CONSEQUENCES 1 Cor 10: 1-13 Old Testament Examples 1 “Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, 2 all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, 3 all ate more

  • Living It Cool

    Contributed by Lauro C Hernandez on Oct 3, 2014


    “LIVING IT COOL” Acts 3:19 “19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” INTRO: Life is for many like a roller costal ride. Exciting yet boring; fast but slow; safe but dangerous. Many love it more

  • It's God's Choice Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jan 3, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God only chooses those who choose Him and only rejects those who reject Him

    NOTE: This is a manuscript, and not a transcript of this message. The actual presentation of the message differed from the manuscript through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible, and even likely that there is material in this manuscript that was not included in the live more

  • Man's Responsibility And God's Sovereignty: A Portrait Of Pilate

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Jan 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Pilate was quite the people-pleaser, yet God allowed this man to be in power to further God's plan to bring us hope and reconciliation through Jesus. What can we learn and how can we celebrate Jesus' Sacrifice?

    Given at Glorious King Jesus (Christian Church) Apex, NC January 9, 2011 Man's Responsibility and God's Sovereignty: A Portrait of Pilate Scripture Reading: John 19 I. Man's Responsibility - Portrait of Pilate Pilate was governor or 'prefect' of Judea during the time of Jesus' ministry. more

  • What Can Man Do? (Wcmd)

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Apr 12, 2015

    God's blessings bestowed upon man, not enjoyed to the extent of His will for man's striving on earth is plagued with modern issues---the same issues that plagued man in early years, taxation shows the struggle of man in God's plan on earth.

    What Can Man Do? (WCMD) by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (April 12, 2015) “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make more

  • Subnatural Response Of Man Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Although they knew God by His works, they did not glorify Him for who He is or thank Him for all He has done.

    Subnatural Response of Man Romans 1:21-23 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they knew God by His works, they did not glorify Him for who He is or thank Him more

  • Go Joe!! (Christmas 2013)

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Feb 11, 2014

    There is arguably no more comforting to the Christian than the fact that God is sovereign. Joseph, although a supporting actor in the nativity narrative, gives an incredible performance.

    Go Joe! (Sermonette) Matt. 1.18-24 December 8, 2013 Chester, IL Chester FBC Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker A There is arguably no more comforting to the Christian than the fact that God is sovereign. 1 Sovereignty is the supremacy of authority/rule. a Christians believe that their Master is Lord more

  • Created Like God

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Sep 27, 2013

    Tells how we are created like God and encourages you to become the person you were created to be.

    “Created Like God” September 29, 2013 Genesis 1:26-31 “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that more

  • The Responsible Decision Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Jun 22, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is the first of a seven part message based on Andy Andrews Book the Traveler’s Gift. This week we look at accepting responsibility for our choices and decisions.

    He was 19 years old and his world had fallen apart. Up to that point he had lived a relatively uneventful life. But at the age of 19 his mother died of cancer and his father was killed in an automobile accident. In his own words “I took a bad situation and made it much worse.” Within a few years more

  • God Is In Control Of You? Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 30, 2014

    One famous preacher in history stated that, "that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God wishes.” Meaning that God controls EVERYTHING. Period. Is that true? Let's examine the Scriptures together.

    Is God in control of you? I mean, right now! Is He in control of you? There are people who believe that, yes, it is all God’s doing. Charles Spurgeon said, “I believe that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God more

  • Genesis 3 As A Response To Suffering

    Contributed by David Petticrew on Mar 4, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    A look at suffering as the result of sin, which arises from free will which is necessary for true love, in the light of Genesis 3.

    Introduction Adam was walking around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely, so God asked him, "What is wrong with you?" Adam said he didn’t have anyone to talk to. God said he was going to give him a companion and it would be a woman. He said, "This person will cook for you and wash your clothes; more

  • Man's Three Responses To The Gospel

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Nov 17, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    When the Gospel of the Lord Jesus is preached in its fullness, those who hear will respond in one of three ways.

    MAN’S THREE RESPONSES TO THE GOSPEL Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him more

  • Response And Responsibility

    Contributed by Doran Eichenberg on Jul 2, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    We were created on purpose for a purpose and as believers we have a responsiblity to accept to accomplish that purpose that is the abundant life.

    RESPONSE AND RESPONSIBILITY INTRODUCTION: We continue today with our study of Genesis. In the previous weeks we have identified that the following: Genesis 1: God created everything for YOU!! Genesis 2: You were created to “live” not just “exist” (i.e. You have a purpose) Genesis 3: more