Sermon Series
  • 1. The Gospel - The Power Of God

    Contributed on May 1, 2011
    based on 46 ratings

    The letter to the Romans has been one of the books of the Bible that God has used throughout history to transform the lives of people He has used greatly. From Martin Luther to John Wesley, God has used Paul’s letter to inform us how the gospel can truly

    Series - Summer in Rome Sermon 1 - The Gospel – The Power of God Romans 1:1-17 Written by Paul, a Servant of Christ Jesus, set apart for the Gospel Written to Romans, those Loved by God, called to be Saints The Gospel is the power of God to live life eternally The Gospel is the power of more

  • 2. No Excuses - Part 1

    Contributed on May 15, 2011
    based on 34 ratings

    Why can’t people just believe what they want and everybody just get along? Does it really matter what we believe in this life about God? Paul tells us that it absolutely does matter what we believe about God and informs us that with the evidence that Go

    No Excuses – Part 1 Romans 1:18-23 Series – Summer in Rome Introduction Slide We are returning to our Summer in Rome series today. We are going through the letter to the Romans and we began 2 weeks ago and learned the Gospel is the Power of God for Salvation and for living more

  • 3. The Results Of Rejecting God

    Contributed on May 22, 2011
    based on 46 ratings

    Choices have consequences. Paul has clearly shown how God has revealed Himself to mankind and yet man continues to reject God. The results of that rejection has effects in individual lives as well as in societies as a whole. What are those results and

    The Results of Rejecting God Romans 1:24-32 Series – Summer in Rome Rejecting & Replacing God results in… …Immoral Passions – Romans 1:24-25 …Indecent Perversions – Romans 1:26-27 …Irrational Practices – Romans 1:28-32 Introduction Slide Have you ever been in a situation where you have more

  • 4. No Excuses - Part 2

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2011
    based on 15 ratings

    Several weeks ago, we saw that those who do not believe in God and ultimately do not trust in Christ have no excuse for not believing and for not living their lives in glory to God. Now Paul turns to the Jews, the religious people of the day, who thought

    No Excuses – Part 2 Romans 2:1-29 Slide Several weeks ago we began this series called “Summer in Rome” and we learned in the first message that the Gospel is the Power of God for salvation and for righteous living. It is only through trusting in Christ that we can be saved and only through more

  • 5. Questions & Answers, Bad News & Good News

    Contributed on Jun 26, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    We all have questions when what we have believed gets challenged. Well, the Jews had some questions for Paul that Paul seeks to respond to briefly. Ultimately he leads them to the bad news about themselves that prepares them for the good news of Jesus C

    Questions & Answers, Bad News & Good News Romans 3:1-31 Slide Intro Questions, Questions. We all have questions sometimes. Sometimes when we have grown up believing something or living a certain way and someone comes and contradicts what we learned growing up or what we have believed for more

  • 6. The Blessings Of Justification

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2011
    based on 34 ratings

    In the Christian sense, being justified in Christ means being made right before God through our faith in Jesus Christ. It is not something we can do for ourselves, and while this justification is a blessing in itself, there are also many other blessings

    The Blessings of Justification Since we have been Justified through faith in Christ, we are blessed with Peace with God Access to God Hope for God’s Glory The Love of God Reconciliation with God The Basis of Justification Outline based on Warren Wiersbe’s “Live Like a King” – Romans more

  • 7. The Christian And The Law

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2011
    based on 18 ratings

    In Romans 6, Paul dealt with those who think they can do whatever they want now, even live sinfully. Now Paul turns to those who think they need to follow “the rules” in order to be a Christian. What we find is that our only hope for living is a relatio

    The Law and the Christian The Law does not have authority over us (v. 1-6) The Law does still have purpose for us (v.7-13) The Law does not have power to change us (v.14-25) Slide Intro It has been hot out there! We have been facing extreme heat this past week. On Thursday, while driving, more

  • 8. The Promised Blessings Of Those In Christ

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2011
    based on 26 ratings

    Paul finished Romans 7 discussing the struggle between the 2 natures we have as Christians. But even in the midst of those struggles, Paul goes on in Romans 8 to tell us of the promised blessings to all who are in Christ!

    The Promised Blessings of those in Christ! Romans 8:1-39 Those in Christ will not be Condemned (8:1-17) Those in Christ will not be Forgotten (8:18-34) Those in Christ will not be Separated (8:35-39) Good morning. Slide We are back into our Series, “Summer in Rome” after taking a week more

  • 9. The Sovereignty Of God

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2011
    based on 31 ratings

    In Romans 9 Paul argues for God’s sovereignty in all things including our salvation as He discusses the Jewish people and their relationship with God to confirm God’s sovereignty to help those who are in Christ to know that God is able to, and does, keep

    The Complete Sovereignty of God God is Sovereign in the Keeping of His word (Romans 9:1-9) God is Sovereign in the salvation of His People (Romans 9:10-33) Through God choosing man in election Through man Believing God in faith Slide Good Morning. This morning I want to jump right more

  • 10. The Responsibilities Of Man

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2011
    based on 44 ratings

    We saw focus on the Sovereignty of God in Romans 9 and now he moves into the Responsibilities of Man within that Sovereignty in regards to the salvation of People. What is man responsible for in relation to salvation by faith for himself as well as other

    The Responsibilities of Man Receive Jesus Christ by Faith (Romans 10:1-13) Proclaim Jesus Christ to All (Romans 10:14-21) Even To those who do not seek (Romans 10:19-20) Even To those who disobey (Romans 10:21) Slide Intro Good morning. We are still continuing our Series through more

  • 11. The Christian’s Obligations

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2011
    based on 20 ratings

    Much has changed in the past 10 years since our country was attacked. Some feel that the increased role of government in our lives has been too much. As Christians, what are our obligations to the civil authorities as well as to those whom we live in th

    Our Obligations as Christians The Christians’ Obligations to the Powers that Be We should Submit to them The Christians’ Obligations to the People by Me We should Love them Video Slide Good morning. It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since America was attacked by more

  • 12. Living Faithful And Free For The Lord

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2011
    based on 36 ratings

    How should we deal with and treat others regarding a conviction we have about a matter that the Bible does not give specific guidelines on or how should we respond to others that have convictions regarding things we find acceptable regarding these matters

    Living Faithful and Free for the Lord Romans 14:1-23 We should not Judge others based on our Convictions (Romans 14:1-13a) We should not Stumble others based on our Freedom (Romans 14:13b-23) Intro Have you ever felt like another person has judged you for something you had no convictions more

  • 13. Being Ministry Minded

    Contributed on Sep 25, 2011
    based on 37 ratings

    Paul was a man of ministry. He was all about bringing glory to God through ministering to people. While we haven’t been called to be Paul, we have all been called to minister to the glory of God. How can we be ministry minded and effective in the minis

    Being Ministry Minded A God glorifying ministry …shares the Gospel (vv. 14-16) …Serves the People (vv. 17-29) …Prays to God (vv.30-33) …is personal and caring (vv. 16:1-16) …is for the glory of God (vv. 16:25-27) Slide Introduction – Summer over Good morning. Well, fall is more