Response And Responsibility
Contributed by Doran Eichenberg on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We were created on purpose for a purpose and as believers we have a responsiblity to accept to accomplish that purpose that is the abundant life.
We continue today with our study of Genesis. In the previous weeks we have identified that the following:
Genesis 1: God created everything for YOU!!
Genesis 2: You were created to “live” not just “exist”
(i.e. You have a purpose)
Genesis 3: You have an enemy trying to steal your purpose and
keep you from progress with God.
Today we continue on in Genesis 3: 1-13 as we look at the responses of Adam and Eve as a result of their fall, which equates to our fall as well.
First thing we learn about Adam and Eve is …
I. Adam and Eve had Personal Purpose vs. 6
Adam and Eve got tripped up by the idea of gaining wisdom because they did not understand who they were, God’s children; Who God was, their father that created everything around them FOR them; or their purpose, which was to live FOREVER in fellowship/companionship and peace with God. They choose the exact opposite of their purpose: DEATH!
A. Everyone has a Godly Purpose and it’s our reason to live
“God has called us not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began” ~ 2 Timothy 1:9
In regard to the scriptures we have already studied through this Genesis study, we know that we are here to glorify God- to know Him and serve Him- but how that looks for each of us is unique and individual. Your purpose will not be that of Adam and Eve’s. You will not name the things of creation; you will not walk with god in the Garden of Eden. Your purpose is specific to the way God created you for such a time as this.
Do you know your purpose?
Many of us have spouses and parents who have a strong desire for us to” be” something or “do” something in life. Sometimes it’s even our own desire to “be” someone. A someone with status, respect, wealth, things, high education. But as a Christian, we are being deceived by the enemy, because in Christ, as a Christian, we already are someone. Not by our merit, but on the merit of Christ. As a Christian, you have the highest call, the most respectable job….that of bringing hope and life to a dying world. Or as DJ once said, “to finish the work Jesus started”.
Perhaps that was the stumbling block for Adam and Eve, too. Perhaps they couldn’t be content with the merit of God and they wanted things on their own merit, too. Is that the pride that fills your heart today? Can you accept that if you did nothing more in your job or in this life for yourself that what Christ has done for you is enough?
Do you know your purpose?
We need to know God’s specific purpose for our life so we can spend our time, efforts and resources storing up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21). Where are your treasures being stored up? Where is your time spent, your efforts, your resources? Are you consumed with what your spouse, parents, or friends think you should be doing with your life? Are you working a job for the prestigious status that comes with it? Are you working a job your parents think you should be working? Or out of obligation that they paid for your schooling to do it? Is your time spent in the pursuit of pleasure or acquiring material things for your pleasure/entertainment?
Married couples, How much time have you spent praying for your spouses purpose this week? How much time have you spent complaining about them? Pressuring them to pursue what you think their purpose is? Do you set the agenda or does God?
Adam and Eve had a personal purpose and it was fueled by our next point:
II. Adam and Eve had Personal Drive vs.6-10
• Selfishness vs. 6: they cared more about gaining wisdom and the pursuit of pleasure than following God’s plan/purpose for their life. The cry of their heart was not “Thy will be done” rather “My will be done”. Which is true of you? What would your neighbors say? Your spouse? Your children?
• Guilt vs.7 Guilt and shame go hand in hand. Out of their guilt, Adam and Eve sowed fig leaves to cover themselves because of their shame. Some people spend their entire lives running from regrets and hiding their shame. Guilt-driven people are manipulated by memories. They allow their past to control their future. They often punish themselves and sabotage their own success/happiness. We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it. God’s purpose for your life is not limited by your past. God turned a murderer named Moses into a leader and a coward named Gideon into a courageous hero, and truly He can do amazing things with your life as well.