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  • Simple Man

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jan 17, 2024

    In the reading today there many simple folks who simply do what they can and the results are not so simple or common.

    “Simple Man” 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20) 1. Samuel was just that a simple man ? He was a worker in the Temple as an apprentice to Eli, the high priest. ? Samuel got there because his mother, Hannah, had prayed and prayed to the Lord that she might have a son. ? When Samuel was born, Hannah made a more

  • A Blessed Man

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 5, 2021

    We think of blessings as it relates to material things and riches. However, Psalm One talks about a blessed man (or woman) as defined by their relationship with God and His Word. This message examines who is truly blessed in God's eyes.

    A Blessed Man Scripture: Psalm 1:1-3; 106:3; Second Timothy 3:16-17; 4:3-4 As some of you know, my brother Barry and I started recording Bible study lessons that people can review at home as part of their personal Bible study time. One of the lessons that we recorded last month was on Psalm One more

  • To Journey With A Man Series

    Contributed by Musasizi Ronald on Jul 14, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Road to Emmaus

    The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-33) As I journeyed in life, I begun to understand something unique about men. I understood that they are carriers of eternity. This gave me directions in ways of dealing with men, for in one man you find the wisdom of the earth, men who are equipped with the wisdom more

  • The Family Man Series

    Contributed by Austin W. Duncan on Jul 19, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    My prayer and desire is to love my family enough to lay my relationships on the altar before God with everything else that I have and everything else that I am.

    The Great Divorce One of my favorite authors is C.S. Lewis. I was first introduced to him back in middle school when I had summer reading - I believe it was either Prince Caspian or The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Part of the Chronicles of Narnia. He also wrote The Screwtape Letters and Mere more

  • The Triangle Of Man

    Contributed by Rev. Timothy Porter on Jan 12, 2021

    We are going to look at a man named Abraham In this passage, he is visited personally by the Lord. During this visit we are given a glimpse at three sides of this great man's life. As Abraham is revealed to us here, we see some characteristics in his life that need to be seen in all of us.

    The Triangle of Pastor Timothy The Bridge Church Upstate Text: Intro: Everyone in this room wears many different hats. For instance, I am a husband, a father, a son, a Pop-Pop, a Pastor, a friend, among a lot of other things. This passage reveal the triangle of man. Let's examine more

  • The Man By The Pool Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Feb 8, 2024

    Sometimes the pain of trying to get well is more severe than just accepting a new normal and staying sick.

    John 5 - The Man by the Pool February 11, 2024 John 5:1-11 NIV Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews. 2 Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. 3 Here a great number more

  • A Lamb For Man

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 25, 2022

    Christ is the perfect sacrifice for our sin. He is our Passover. We should not have anything to do with any past sins (“old leaven”) because He has freed us from the shackles of sin.

    Because they did not have time to wait for the bread to rise, the Hebrews were instructed to make bread without yeast (“unleavened bread”) as they prepared for their exodus from slavery in Egypt. They were told to remove all yeast from the house because it was also a symbol of sin. (Exodus 12:15, more

  • The New Man.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 1, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Having put on the new man, so walk.

    THE NEW MAN. Ephesians 4:17-24. Having argued the case for keeping the unity of the body of Christ (cf. Ephesians 4:1-16), Paul now moves on to insist upon the maintenance of true holiness (EPHESIANS 4:17-24). EPHESIANS 4:17. The “therefore” connects with the ‘therefore’ in Ephesians 4:1. Paul more

  • The Judged Man

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 11, 2025

    In the face of gross sin in others, the tendency may be to see none of it in ourselves.

    In the face of gross sin in others, the tendency may be to see none of it in ourselves. We try to deceive ourselves, but this possibility of deception is removed when we face this scripture. Chapter 1, natural creation of the world and natural character of man. In chapter 2, it is no longer a more

  • The Man In The Middle Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Feb 7, 2025

    Jesus is a sovereign Sacrifice and He cares for us.

    The Man in the Middle Text: John 18:1-11 The word “Treachery” comes from an old Latin word, “Tricari” which means, “an act of treason”, or literally, “faithlessness” to a sworn oath. It’s a word that doesn’t get a lot of use today… word meaning is becoming a thing of the past thanks to modernism… more

  • An Extraordinary Man

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Nov 14, 2024

    We meet many ordinary people regularly, but extraordinary people do not appear as often. Leaders who are competent to lead and able to do what they say are rare. When one is recognized, normally good honest people flock to see them; meet them; seek to find out all they can about them.

    If you heard about or met an extraordinary man, would you be intrigued to hear more about him or desire to meet him? I’m certain many ladies have; you probably married him! We meet many ordinary people regularly, but extraordinary people do not appear as often. Leaders who are competent to lead and more

  • The Son Of Man Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 3, 2024

    Jesus is the Son of Man who was to come!

    INTRODUCTION - Daniel is the last message in our Hidden Hope series within Core 52. - As stated before, the entire Bible points to Jesus. In some pages, He jumps off the page at us, and in others, He is between the lines. - For those who lived in the Old Testament, Jesus was hidden between the more

  • The Man Of Lawlessness Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on May 19, 2024

    From the days of the Apostle Paul, believers have looked to the heavens, hoping to witness His coming in their lifetime. Many signs suggest that His return is near, yet Scripture tells us that it will not happen until the Man of Lawlessness is revealed.

    The Man of Lawlessness 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Online Sermon: Ever since the Lord ascended into heaven, believers have been patiently awaiting His return. Jesus foretold signs of His coming, including wars and rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes more

  • Blind Man PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 4, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the transformative power of faith, using the story of Bartimaeus to inspire believers to be bold and believe before seeing blessings.

    Good morning, beloved family of God, it's a joy to gather together in the house of the Lord. We are here to open our hearts and minds to the wisdom and guidance of God's Word. We are here to listen, to learn, and to lean on each other as we grow in faith. Today, we will be turning the pages of our more

  • The Carnal Man PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 12, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages Christians to reflect on their spiritual growth, overcome hindrances, and strive for maturity in likeness to Jesus.

    Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in Christ, I stand before you today with a message that is as timeless as the faith we share, as profound as the love our Savior has for us, and as vital as the spiritual breath we draw each day. It is a message that resonates with the heartbeat of our more

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