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  • What’s It All About? 1 Of 2

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 25, 2022

    The Book of Ecclesiastes is one book in the Old Testament that is seldom preached from.

    But it is a book in the Bible that tells us how we can find the answer to the question, “WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT?” Very few ever come up with the right answer. Illus: A test was given to 200 men applying for the same job but only 1 out of 200 came up with the right solution. Each applicant was more

  • In The Midst Of Adversity

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    A person that is in the midst of adversity learns that the Lord is working in their life for good even when there are adverse circumstances being faced.

    IN THE MIDST OF ADVERSITY Philippians 1:12-21 Proposition: A person that is in the midst of adversity learns that the Lord is working in their life for good even when there are adverse circumstances being faced. Objective: My purpose is to challenge people to realize that the Lord is more

  • Deborah: A Mother In Israel Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on May 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    If you want God to use you to restore your broken world, proclaim His Word, provoke trust in that Word, and praise the Lord.

    One Sunday, a couple of years ago (2018), Ben and Jackee Belnap noticed an important envelope containing $1,060 mysteriously missing. For the previous year, University of Utah football fans had been saving money to pay back Ben's parents for season tickets, and that money was in the more

  • Spiritual Gifts: Service After Surrender Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jul 26, 2005
    based on 548 ratings

    Link included to 9 sermon series on all 6 gifts from Rom. 12...all are in Formatted Text with Powerpoint Presentations.

    Spiritual Gifts, pt. 1 “Service after Surrender” Rom. 12:3-8 Entire series with powerpoints can be found here: This statue is outside a church in San Diego. Vandals broke off the hands years ago. A plaque reads, "I have no hands but more

  • The Roles Of The Church

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Sep 2, 2015

    What we need to do if we want to see our church grow

    Today we are going to continue by talking about the roles of the Church (That Family) • More specifically how we are to promote growth • And why it’s important to promote growth • Just like anything Growth needs a foundation • And I feel that these are 2 that we need more

  • Advent: God Will Deal With Evil

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Dec 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Zephaniah is a little read and a little known Old Testament Prophecy but it is an important message for the world and for the Church. God will deal with evil, and there will come a day when he will rejoice over us with singing!

    Five years ago I was invited to preach on this Bible passage at a service of ‘Evensong’ in Winchester Cathedral. When I was given the Bible passage (Zephaniah chapter 3) my first reaction was Zeph and what? I quickly realised there was a pun crying out to be used and so for a few days I tried it more

  • Why Speak In Tongues

    Contributed by Rusty Tardo on May 7, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    Why should I speak in tongues? What good is it? What happens when a believer speaks in tongues?

    Eight Scriptural Reasons Why You Should Speak in Tongues Dr. Russell K. Tardo Why speak in tongues? What good is it? How can it be profitable if I don’t understand what I’m saying? Many people question the validity of the Pentecostal experience (the baptism of the Holy Spirit) and even those more

  • Saul's Tragic Downfall

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Jun 15, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Saul’s foolishness and indifferent attitude toward God’s Word contributed a great deal to his tragic downfall.

    The rise and downfall of Saul convey both practical and spiritual lesson to every man especially to believers who want to glorify God continually through their God-given lives. King Saul’s spiritual blunder led him to a place he deserved. He pleased other people but overlooked to please God. more

  • Sanctifying Storms Series

    Contributed by Douglas Mcdaris on Mar 15, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    We all experience scriptural sanctification and spiritual storms. Sanctification is being set apart for God's service and growing in grace.

    SANCTIFYING STORMS 1 Peter 1:1-9 Our conversations show what is important to us. We all experience scriptural sanctification and spiritual storms. Sanctification is being set apart for God's service and growing in grace. What dominates our speech as we assemble for worship? Do we grumble about more

  • El Elyon

    Contributed by Riaan De Villiers on Oct 25, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A certain little girl, when asked her name, would reply, "I’m Mr. Sugarbrown’s daughter." Her mother told her "don’t tell people that say" "I’m Jane Sugarbrown." The pastor spoke to her in Sunday School, and said, "Aren’t you Mr. Sugarbrown’s daughter?"

    El Elyon Introduction A certain little girl, when asked her name, would reply, "I’m Mr. Sugarbrown’s daughter." Her mother told her "don’t tell people that say" "I’m Jane Sugarbrown." The pastor spoke to her in Sunday School, and said, "Aren’t you Mr. Sugarbrown’s daughter?" She replied, "I more

  • Praying Prophets And Puking Fish Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jul 11, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    This is the second sermon in a series preached on Jonah. In this sermon we discuss Jonah's prayer of repentance and God's answer to that prayer.

    Praying Prophets and Puking Fish Text: Jonah 2 How is everyone this morning? We are happy that you’ve chosen to worship with us today. We’re in the Book of Jonah, and we’re going to be reading chapter two this morning. So if you’ll take your Bibles and follow along with more

  • The Magnificat Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    In this lesson we learn that there are several ways in which every Christian should praise God.

    Scripture We are studying the Gospel of Luke in a sermon series I am calling “To Seek and To Save the Lost.” Today I would like to study the passage in which we learn about Mary’s song of praise that is known as “The Magnificat.” Last week I mentioned that Luke gave more

  • Receiving The Promise Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 24, 2018

    I pray by the time we’re done today, every heart here will prepare Him room and receive the King of Christmas.

    Receiving the Promise Luke 2:1-28 Rev. Brian Bill December 24, 2018 Joy to the World Written over 300 years ago, “Joy to the World” is now the most published Christmas hymn in North America. I love these words: Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room I pray by the time more

  • The Necessity Of The Cross

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 8, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Whoever heard of listing the necessities of life and putting the cross at the top of the list? Yet, that is where it belongs. Without the cross there is no salvation, and without salvation life is worse than meaningless.

    Over fifteen hundred years ago, on Good Friday, Ambrose the Bishop of Milan ascended to his pulpit in the Cathedral of Milan and said to his congregation, "I find it impossible to speak to you today. The events of Good Friday are too great for human words." Centuries later the great more

  • Sermon: Built For This.

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Sep 24, 2024

    But if we choose to run to God and rely on His strength to help us, we can not only defeat our opposition, because God has been making us better, stronger and wiser through the process of life. Believers are built for this.

    Sermon: Built for This. Scripture Lesson: Numbers 13:26-33 “to Moses, Aaron, and the whole community of Israel at Kadesh in the wilderness of Paran. They reported to the whole community what they had seen and showed them the fruit they had taken from the land. This was their report to Moses: “We more

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