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  • Love Your Enemies Series

    Contributed by John Bright on May 22, 2021

    Working through the Gospel of Luke using consecutive expository preaching.

    “Love Your Enemies” Luke 6:27-36 A sermon for 5/16/21 Pastor John Bright Luke 6 “27 “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. 29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other more

  • Bless Like You Never Been Hurt Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Jun 1, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    What is our natural response when someone hurts us? I can think of two. The first is to get back at the person in some way for what they have done to us. The second natural response is to say that I will have nothing more to do with them. God's response is that I am to bless them.

    Introduction Today, I want us to move our priestly duty of being a channel of blessings to a higher level. It might be easy for some of you to bless a stranger; it might be easy for some of you to bless a family member; it might be easy for you to bless a fellow church member. But I would dare say more

  • Love Your Enemies

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jun 7, 2022

    Christ said to love your enemies. That takes His grace and the power of the Holy Spirit to do because it is not in our nature.

    It is easy to see that Christians are surrounded by enemies on nearly every side. The irony is that while so-called Christians persecuted the Jews for centuries it is the Israelis who are our biggest friends. True, some of the Ultra-Orthodox may not think kindly of us, but other Jews see us as more

  • Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time- The Opening Up Of A Relational Space By Forgiveness.

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 11, 2022

    Forgiveness is a conditional gift offered that opens a relational space that expects a reciprocal response.

    There used to be a sign in the Princeton University Book Store basement which said: "Love your enemies—it will drive them crazy." Clever but love of enemies and forgiving, commanded by Jesus in our Gospel this Sunday, is not hoping that the other person will change or trying to be more

  • "the Kind Of God We Are Dealing With"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about learning to love like God.

    “The Kind of God We Are Dealing With” Luke 6:27-38 Somebody hurt you and you can’t forget about it. Maybe it was yesterday; maybe it was last month. Maybe it was years ago and the memory of that injury still lurks in unguarded corners of your mind. It’s a monster, that irrepressible hate—an more

  • 7th Sunday After Epiphany, Year C. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 14, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    February 23rd, 2025.

    Genesis 45:3-11, Genesis 45:15, Psalm 37:1-11, Psalm 37:39-40, 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 1 Corinthians 15:42-50, Luke 6:27-38. A). GOD SENT ME HERE. Genesis 45:3-11, Genesis 45:15. The Old Testament Joseph is very much a Type of Christ. Favoured by his father (cf. Genesis 37:3), Joseph more

  • The Beatitudes As A Pattern For Discipleship

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Feb 15, 2022

    The Beatitudes provide a description of the signs to be recognized in the experiences of the Christian who is moving along the path toward mature discipleship.

    Seeing the Beatitudes as Steps in Restructuring Your Heart For the past few weeks, we have been thinking about what it means to be followers of Jesus. At the beginning of this series, we were challenged to step out in faith without looking back, just as Peter and the other first disciples did. more

  • Why Love Our Enemies

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 16, 2022

    Christians are to love their enemies. What does that mean? Let’s examine what Jesus says in Luke 6:27-38.

    Prelude Christians are to love their enemies. Purpose: What does that mean? Plan: Let’s examine what Jesus says in Luke 6:27-38. Do Good, Bless, Pray “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use more

  • What Grace Is That To You?

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Feb 16, 2022

    Jesus preaches an extreme type of pacifism in order to let our lights shine.

    2.13.22 Luke 6:27–36 27 “But I say to you who are listening: Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. 28 Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone strikes you on one cheek, offer the other too. If someone takes away your coat, do not withhold your more

  • "Love Your Enemies”- "So Easy To Say!”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Feb 16, 2022

    “The Christian principle, Love your enemies is good. There is nothing to be said against it except that it is too difficult for most of us to practice sincerely.” (Divine Conspiracy) Bertrand Russell Beatitudes not only call us to “love our enemies and do good to them” How Can I?

    In Jesus Holy Name February 20, 2022 Luke 6:27 “Love Your Enemies”- “So Easy to Say!” General Robert E. Lee was once asked his opinion of a fellow officer who was widely known as one of Lee’s greatest detractors. The general responded that he thought the man a very fine officer. “But more

  • Love Your Enemies

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Feb 17, 2022

    Jesus asks us to love the enemy, do good toward the enemy, bless the enemy, and pray for our enemies.

    Love Your Enemies Luke 6:27-38 1. Love your enemies? Jesus say Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. • Jesus declares to his audience, "Love your enemies," The "love" Jesus calls for is not emotional or more

  • Loving Our Enemies (February 20, 2022)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 11, 2022

    Is it harder to turn the other cheek, to offer something else when someone has taken something from us, to be generous, to be merciful and to go the extra mile?

    LOVING OUR ENEMIES Text: Luke 6: 26-38 Luk 6:27-38  "But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,  (28)  bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.  (29)  If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and more

  • Is Your Best Offense Really A Good Defense?

    Contributed by Darian Catron on Mar 17, 2022

    Why are so many so offended by everything today, and are we exempt from this problem? What is the best response (the Christlike one) when things are offensive to us?

    INTRODUCTION: Illustration- There’s an old saying – “The best defense is a good offense.” It’s been used in sports, in business, and in war. It’s also known as the strategic offensive principle of war. The theory is that being proactive with a strong offensive action will make your opponent so more

  • How Do You Treat The "Jerks” In Your Life?

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 28, 2022

    It is not difficult to love people who love us…IS IT!

    But everybody does not love us. There are people who hate us: ? If we do not think the way they think or ? Do things the way they do things In their warped way of thinking this is grounds for hating you!!! That is, you can do and say 99 things they would like you to do or say but that does not more

  • How To Get Rid Of Your Enemies

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Apr 14, 2022

    The world is torn apart by people reacting to their enemies in ways that just cause further provocation and pain. We all need to know God's way for responding to those who come at us as enemies.

    What do you do when people do nasty things to you? What do you do when things happen like someone treating you like an enemy, hating you, cussing you out, abusing you or stealing your coat? That makes it harder to be a Christian, doesn’t it? Everyone here has had an encounter with someone who is more

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