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Sermons on Lukas 5:1:

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  • Coming To Faith

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Feb 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Theme: Coming to Faith - Isaiah, Paul and Peter come to faith through: 1. An epiphany/encounter with the LORD 2. Acknowledging and confessing their sinfulness 3. Accepting God's purifying touch 4. Partnering with the LORD JESUS

    Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-10; Luke 5:1-11; [1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and Acts 9:1-19] - Epiphany 5 Theme: Coming to Faith - All three individuals (Isaiah, Paul and Peter) come to faith through: 1. An epiphany/encounter with the LORD 2. Acknowledging and confessing their more

  • Tangible Kingdom – Old Ways, New Ways Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Feb 29, 2016

    learning the ways to live incarnationaly - from Hugh Halter's work, The Tangible Kingdom

    Tangible Kingdom – Old Ways, New Ways Illustration of iron and steel wool – set me on fire God! For God to take us on a new path in this Tangible Kingdom, He needs to remake us. Next week, my son Ken will talk about a new heart that God proposes to give us. The last couple of weeks, more

  • The 12 Apostles Of Jesus: Peter

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 12, 2015

    Look at the 2nd apostle of Jesus called and His best friend. Study the 25 incidents in Peter's life. Watch his growth in faith, his decline, and his 2nd rise to greatness. Great for the development of character in our lives.

    THE 12 APOSTLES OF JESUS: PETER Jn. 1:41-42, etc. INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. We’re going to look at Peter & when he walked on water. 2. I heard a story about 3 pastors who went fishing. They agreed on a lot of doctrine except one believed that miracles and gifts ceased with the apostles. 3. more

  • The Altar Series

    Contributed by John Crisp on May 28, 2014
    based on 11 ratings

    What is the Altar a Place for?

    Luke 1.5.11 - The Altar V5- we find them in the days of a terrible king, terrible days on the earth where sin reigned, yet we still find a remnant that feared and followed the Lord. V6- they were both righteous before God-> they were doing everything right, they were blameless. V7- yet they were more

  • The Story Must Change (2) - Power Of Obedience Series

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Jul 23, 2014

    God is interested in changing people's conditions but they should first of all, change themselves by resolving to obey Him first.

    THE STORY MUST CHANGE (2) - POWER OF OBEDIENCE LUKE 5:1-8 God is interested in changing people's conditions but they should first of all, change themselves by resolving to obey Him first. Many a times, we think that our task is difficult but the most difficult task is not doing what we supposed more

  • When Your Net Comes Up Empty!

    Contributed by James Reginald Levert on Aug 1, 2014

    Sermon designed draw others into God purpose.

    When your net comes up empty! Luke 5:1 As Jesus is walking alone the Sea of Galilee he notices two boats along the side of the bank. The fishermen are not there but have left to clean their nets. The bible says that after fishing all day and night their nets came up empty. Can you imagine being more

  • Why Should We Not Also Enter Into Joy? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 30, 2014

    Joy is found in following Jesus even though we know we are sinners.

    Thursday of 21st Week in Course Evangelii Gaudium The wisdom of the world that St. Paul is putting down today is foolishness to God. Listen to the advice shows. By and large, they try to help people advance in life by making more money, or gaining more popularity, or both. But these thoughts more

  • Seven Secrets Of Spiritual Success

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Dec 1, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    I believe that of all people in the world, we Christians should want to succeed. What makes us different are our priorities, definition of success, and ways on getting there. Let’s take a lesson from a weary team of fishermen who felt failure until Jesus

    Intro: Almost every normal person is interested in success. Observe the business section and self-help section of the local bookstore. Look at the best-selling books. See the ads section of newspapers for invitations to “success” seminars. I believe that of all people in the world, we Christians more

  • A Call--Accepted Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jan 29, 2013

    Astonished at Jesus' teaching and amazed by his authority and power, Peter, James and John accept Jesus' invitation to follow him even though they do not know what the future holds.

    Luke 6:1-16 “Something New” INTRODUCTION I think that one of the great joys in life is to be able to give a gift and then watch the recipient enjoy the gift. As a grandparent, I love giving a gift to my granddaughters and then watch them play with it. I can’t imagine what more

  • A Revival On The Lake

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Sep 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus revived his disciples who were burnt from toiling all night without a catch.

    I. They were Down due to human failure. (They caught nothing) II. They were in a Drought. (They toiled without Jesus) III. They were instructed to let down for a Draught. (The command to try again) IV. The Difference. ( They were not deep enough. God is calling us to go deep) V. Their more

  • Catchin Anything?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 5, 2013

    A sermon about being equipped to be fishers of men and being intentional about winning souls

    I can’t think of any other pastime better than fishing, except maybe hunting. Well either way they run a close race, but you know what they say “bad day fishing beats a good day at work anytime.” You may not know it by looking at me but I know a little bit about fishing. Growing more

  • Aligning Yourselves With The Purposes Of God

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 8, 2013

    What made Peter different from other men, that people fell dead before him, that his shadow healed the sick, that 1,000s were saved when he preached? It was his intimate exposure to Jesus and his aligning himself with the purposes of God.

    ALIGNING YOURSELVES WITH THE PURPOSES OF GOD Luke 5:1-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: THE WISDOM OF YOUTH Some parents have questioned whether their kid’s brains were functioning, but there's actually a lot of evidence to prove something is going in out there: 1. Patrick, age 10, said, more

  • Character Changes Through Encounters With God Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jun 20, 2022

    When we have an encounter with God several things change in our. We categorised them into three, Vision, Character and Relationships. In this part of the series we look at the Character Changes that happen when we have an encounter with God.

    Encounter with God Series Part 4 Encounter Changes our Character For a video version o this sermon visit Good morning. We are digging into the aspect of Encounters with God. In the first message on this series, we saw that there are four biblical perspectives on God more

  • Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time- Called, Cleansed, And Commissioned

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 11, 2022

    The deeper the cleansing, the deeper we hear the Lord’s calling and commission to labor for the salvation of souls.

    They fished at night because they did not have nylon nets back then; they used thick linen nets which the fish can see during the day, so they fished at night; but they caught nothing. Ask: Where is the hinderance, Lord? When Jesus does for us what we can’t do for ourselves by removing the more

  • "i'm A Sinful Person"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 26, 2022

    A sermon about hearing God's call and acting on it.

    “I’m a Sinful Person” Luke 5:1-11 It’s been said that “Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans.” The disciples didn’t get their call from Jesus when they were looking for it. Rather, it was at the end of a long, sweaty night, when they were discouraged and ready to pack it more

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