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Sermons on Lukas 24:4:

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  • Easter Resurrecttion Rattle Series

    Contributed by Rev. Timothy Porter on Apr 18, 2022

    Yes, all of these are examples of Ratteling in the bible. However none of them can compare to the RATTEL OF THAT FIRST FIRST EASTER!!!!!!!!

    INTRODUCTION: Our Bibles are filled with statements about the sound of ratteling. We are told in Jer 47:3 about the ratteling of the hooves of war-horses. Eze 37:3 tells of the valley of dry bones and how Ezekiel prophesied over the bones and they began to rattel and come together more

  • "just As He Said"

    Contributed by Curtis Mathis on Apr 24, 2022

    Yes, Easter has passed…but I think I will remain here, at the tomb, yet a little longer…

    RED OAK BAPTIST Pastor Curtis Mathis 4/24/2022 – Sunday AM Matthew 28:6 “…JUST AS HE SAID… Introduction: Well, another Easter has come and gone, the baskets of goodies have been delivered, families have gathered, meals have been eaten, eggs have been hunted, and the peace lilies have left the more

  • Evidence God Revealed That Proves He Exists

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Feb 11, 2022
    based on 5 ratings

    16 Proofs from Nature and Secular History

    "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:20 NIV) As a young teenager, I came to the logical conclusion that more

  • From The Burial Of Jesus To The Empty Tomb.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 23, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Joseph, the women, Peter.

    FROM THE BURIAL OF JESUS TO THE EMPTY TOMB. Luke 23:50-56; Luke 24:1-12. As we drew to the end of Luke’s account of Jesus’ sufferings, we read that Jesus’ acquaintance, and the women who had followed Him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things (Luke 23:49). LUKE 23:50-53. It more

  • Was It A Morning Like This? Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 4, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Easter: This message shows how, through the resurrection, Jesus has brought light to our darkness and given us good news to share. Jesus seeks a personal encounter, and wants us to experience His resurrection power in our life.

    Was It a Morning Like This? Luke 24:1-12 I have entitled our message, “Was It a Morning Like This?” Was it a morning like today when Jesus arose from the grave? I want to begin by reminding us how the resurrection is the event on which our faith is founded. In 1 Corinthians 15:16-17, the more

  • Heroes Of The Bible: Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Mar 9, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible is full of heroes! They don't wear spandex or fly around in capes and cowls, but God empowered these heroes to accomplish some pretty amazing feats that can inspire us to become heroes of God too. The greatest hero of all is Jesus Christ! (Alliterated Outline, PowerPoint Available)

    NOTE: This sermon was adapted from my book, Holy Heroes of the Bible. If it's a blessing to you, please consider buying the book which includes chapters/sermons on 17 additional Bible heroes: Heroes of the Bible: Jesus Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove more

  • When Jesus Left Behind An Empty Tomb

    Contributed by Dr. Michael Pope on Apr 10, 2018

    What Jesus left behind in the tomb and what He took with Him when He left the Tomb.

    WHEN JESUS LEFT BEHIND AN EMPTY TOMB LUKE 24:1-8 1 APR 18 DR. M POPE INTRO: Philip Henry used to call the Lord's day the queen of days, the pearl of the week, and observed it accordingly. His common salutation of his family or friends, on the Lord's day in the morning, was that of the primitive more

  • "Why Do We Come To The Tomb?"

    Contributed by Paul Norwood on May 7, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon prepared for "Easter" Sunday and compares the reasons folks came to the tomb where Jesus was laid to rest and our reasons for assembling to worship on the first day of the week.

    I. Welcome II. Introduction MercyMe first released their hit song I Can Only Imagine in 1999. Since then, I’ve heard this song played numerous times at funerals as one imagines being in heaven and in the presence of God. The movie by the same name was released last month with much greater success more

  • Jesus Did It For You

    Contributed by Matthew Cox on Apr 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We will look at the gospel of Luke 24:1-8

    1. Jesus was handed over to the hands of sinful men, to be whipped for your sins. 2. Jesus was crucified, so you would be forgiven for your sins. 3. Jesus rose from the grave so that he could go and prepare a place for you in heaven! 4. So let us rejoice today, because whatever we may go be more

  • His Conquest In The Garden Series

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Apr 3, 2017

    5th part of a series entitled The Echoes of Easter.

    The Echoes of Easter Pt 5 "His Conquest in the Garden" Luke 24:1-12 Luke 24:1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the more

  • He Is Risen! Series

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Apr 15, 2017

    the empty tomb proves death is not the end

    HE IS RISEN! Luke 24:34 Have you ever heard of a man named Harry Houdini? He died in October of 1926, but Harry Houdini’s claim to fame was that he was a magician and an excellent escape artist. Houdini was said to have the flexibility of an eel and the nine lives of a cat. They did all kinds of more

  • Yes He Died, And Yes He Arose!

    Contributed by Steve Taylor on Apr 16, 2017

    Death, what is it, and why do we fear it? We all are born in our time, and we all will die in our time. However, different religions have different viewpoints on death, but one thing we all agree upon is that death is inevitable.

    Death, what is it, and why do we fear it? We all are born in our time, and we all will die in our time. However, different religions have different viewpoints on death, but one thing we all agree upon is that death is inevitable. The Buddhist believes that when a person dies, he’ll be reborn more

  • Rediscover Easter

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Apr 17, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We look at the resurrection and the difference is should make

    He was dead, and with him died all of their dreams, all of their hopes everything they believed in. They had given everything to him, their past, their present even their future and up until three days ago it seemed like a pretty good bargain. All he had wanted was everything, and they gave it. more

  • The Risen

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Apr 19, 2017

    Easter Sunday morning. 14 salvations. Sermons speaks of how Christians can be raised along with Christ.

    The Risen Luke 24:1-7NKJB Last Sunday I spoke on the subject- What’s In a Difficult Week? It was about Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. (After that though in your Bible you’ll find these subjects). Betrayal and Arrest in Gethsemane. Peter denies Jesus, and more

  • "The Miracle That Still Changes Lives" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Apr 19, 2017

    The disciples found themselves in an extraordinary situation. The One whom they had followed for 3.5 years; had sat at His feet and learned all of the great teachings firsthand, had now been crucified on a cross and buried in a borrowed tomb.

    “The Miracle that Still Changes Lives” Luke 24:1-12 1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. more

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