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  • The Confirmation Of Angelic Prophecy Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    In this text Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth so she can confirm the truth of the angel Gabriel’s words to her.

    Scripture Today is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We are focusing our attention during this Advent Season on one of the Scripture Readings read during Advent. And so today’s text is Luke 1:39-45. Receiving confirmation for a significant event or activity is often important. When I was in the South more

  • Mary’s Secret For A Merry Christmas

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Dec 20, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Mary rejoiced in God, her Savior. That’s where we want our Christmas joy to come from as well. Parts: A. Recognize our lowliness. B. Rejoice in his greatness.

    Text: Luke 1:39-55 Theme: Mary’s Secret for a Merry Christmas A. Recognize our lowliness B. Rejoice in his greatness Season: Advent 4c Date: December 20, 2009 Web page: Grace and peace to you from God more

  • Our Souls Magnify The Lord Series

    Contributed by Dustin T Parker on Dec 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As we look at Mary - do we see her Magnificat as our song as well

    Concordia Lutheran Church The Fourth Week of Advent, December 20, 2009 Our Souls Magnify the Lord Luke 1:36-59 † IN JESUS NAME † For you, there is God’s grace, mercy and peace, as we await the return of His Son, our Savior! The Mary Dilemma In today’s gospel, we see a young Mary, sent to more

  • Evangelism--A Mission Of Delight Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 29, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The Church's mission--and ours--is to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal.

    Monday After Trinity You Will Be My Witnesses 5/31/10 The Church is always celebrating the presence of the Lord Jesus in Her midst. Zephaniah’s words to the wounded people of Israel must have seemed strange when he first prophesied the Lord’s presence, but they were almost identical more

  • A Pregnant Atmosphere

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Jan 26, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    A look at the pronouncement of the birth of John and what his birth entailed prophetically.

    I. God spoke and proclaimed He had found the ones who would birth John the Baptist – the one sent to prepare the way A. You are to call him John which means “Jehovah is a gracious giver.” B. Many will rejoice because of him and return to the Lord their God. C. This age will be a great time in the more

  • God's Choice Of A Mother

    Contributed by Victor Haynes on May 14, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon addresses the issue of motherhood.

    God’s Choice of a Mother Luke 1: 26-31, 38, 46-55 If you were given the responsibility of choosing a woman as the ideal candidate for motherhood, other than your own mother, more

  • What’s The Best Way To Honor Godly Mothers?

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    What’s the best way to honor Godly mothers? 1. Follow their faith (Luke 1:34-38). 2. Walk in their wisdom (Luke 1:39-40 & John 2:1-11). 3. Stand with the strength of their love (John 19:25). 4. Help them when they hurt (John 19:26-30).

    What’s the Best Way to Honor Godly Mothers? Luke 1:26-45, John 2:1-11, John 19:25-30 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - May 13, 2012 (Revised from Sermon preached at McClendon Baptist Church - May 9, 2010) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Luke 1, thinking about the best way more

  • Waiting For Jesus: Elizabeth Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Saying "Yes, Lord."

    Good morning. My name is Elizabeth, and I am the wife of Zechariah ben Abijah, who is a priest at the temple in Jerusalem. That’s not his full-time job, of course, he goes up for a week twice a year to take his turn in the rotation. It’s ordinarily pretty routine - although a great honor, of more

  • Responding To The Good Work Of God Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jul 5, 2011

    What great things has God done and is doing for us and how are we responding to this Holy God?

    Last week, through the story of a Jewish Priest named Zechariah, we noted that In spite of what we think, nothing happens by chance in the hands of the Almighty God. Today in our passage we will note another truth which supports that God is Almighty: Nothing is impossible with God! Maybe you don’t more

  • It's Birthing Time

    Contributed by Selwyn Robins on Jan 31, 2016

    This is a message of Grace & Salvation.

    It’s Birthing Time Luke 1:5-13, 17 & 41-44, 56 Tonight your word is “It’s Birthing Time”. Tell someone it’s time for delivery We know that (John 1:1-5) says... "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the more

  • Come, Long Expected Jesus

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Jul 8, 2015

    If we obey God’s will for our lives like Mary and Elizabeth did, we will be richly blessed like they were because we will be blessed by the light and life of Christ-a light that shines brightly in our dark, sinful world.

    Anne couldn’t think of a good reason that God should give her a grandchild. And even though it was one of her deepest desires, she had almost given up on the idea. God had already blessed her with two wonderful children. Her son decided to remain single and had devoted his life to Bible more

  • The Story Of Jesus #1: The Birth Of The King

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on May 5, 2016

    The story of Mary and Joseph teaches us about the greatest gift that God has given to us - His Son Jesus, and salvation, joy, peace and hope.

    THE STORY OF JESUS #1: THE BIRTH OF THE KING INTRO TO TOPIC: Doesn’t it seem odd looking at the Christmas story in April?? • However, the story of the birth of Jesus isn’t just for Christmas! It’s part of our faith! THE BIG IDEA: The story of Mary and Joseph teaches us more

  • Zechariah's Praise Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 8, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Zechariah was a faithful servant for the Lord, but doubted God when an angel appeared to Him with great news. When God's promise was fulfilled, his first response was to PRAISE because of who God is. Will we do the same during this Christmas season?

    2014 Christmas Series (December 7, 2014) Sermon 2 – Zechariah’s Praise Luke 1:5-25; 57-66; 67-80 Introduction - Obvious question: “What is Advent?” -- The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." -- The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus more

  • The Gifts Of The Three Wise Women Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Dec 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    It wasn't just wise men who had gifts for the Lord. Find out who the three wise women were, what their gifts were, and what they can teach all of us, even now!

    The Three Wise Women -- Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna Last week we spoke about the Magi who came and gave gifts to Jesus after He was born. We think of them as the “Three Wise Men”, even though we really don’t know how many there were. Each of the Magi’s gifts had a specific more

  • My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord

    Contributed by Robbie Parnell on Dec 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The heart of worship. The need and importance of worship in our churches and world today.

    INTRODUCTION: (found on One morning in 1970, without warning, all heaven broke loose during Asbury College’s 10 a.m. chapel service. “When you walked into the back of Hughes Auditorium … there was a kind of an more

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