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  • Search For Lost Sinners

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Nov 28, 2004
    based on 124 ratings

    It’s the job of Christians to search for the lost.

    Search for Lost Sinners Luke 15:1-10 We all have lost something during some point in our lives. We’ve misplaced keys. We’ve forgot our watches and wallets. We may even have lost a pet dog or cat once. What did we do when we noticed that these things were missing? Did we search for them? more

  • Getting Sinners Lost

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    A message to today’s church member who does not realize that they might be lost!

    GETTING SINNERS LOST Acts 8:5-25 INTRO: Before anyone can be saved, they must first know that they are Lost!! Church members need to realize that some of them are lost. Today, we will see the tragic story of an unconverted church member. I. SIMON’S more

  • Jesus Seeks Lost Sinners

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Pentecost 17(C) - Our Savior, Jesus Christ, seeks lost sinners. Each one is precious in his sight. Repentance brings heavenly joy.

    OUR SAVIOR SEEKS LOST SINNERS (Outline) September 27, 2009 -- PENTECOST 17 -- Luke 15:1-10 INTRO: The center of Jesus’ earthly ministry was the cross. Jesus spent his entire life looking to the time he would die on the cross for the sins of the world. During his public ministry on more

  • A Lost Sinner Sought And Saved

    Contributed by Cesar Delgado on Mar 24, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    It is always of great rejoicing for our souls to read about the conversion of a sinner by God’s omnipotent grace

    A LOST SINNER SOUGHT AND SAVED Luke 19:1-10 Good News Christian Fellowship BUCAS, Daraga Albay March 11, 2007 Introduction It is always of great rejoicing for our souls to read about the conversion of a sinner by God’s omnipotent grace. It is always encouraging knowing lost sinners have been more

  • The Lost Sinner And The Loving Saviour

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Dec 28, 2021

    Jesus is the Saviour and He has great passion for the lost sinners, but only as they are willing to come to Him, can they be saved.

    The Lost Sinner and The Loving Saviour Study Text: Luke 19: 1 - 10 Introduction: - There are people who seem to possess everything this world holds in value and esteem, and are looked upon by others as being happy, fulfilled and successful. - Zacchaeus was one of those people who had more

  • White Throne Judgment Of The Lost Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Aug 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    No one can know what each day will bring as for as worldly events are concerned, but what we find in Gods Word to do with coming Prophetic events we can rest assured these will come to pass when its Gods set time to do so.

    #7~ Rev.20:11-15 WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT OF THE LOST 8-3-13 Today we'll continue with our study of "THINGS THAT ARE STILL TO COME". No one can say what the day by day activities will be, all sort of different things happen, when we watch the news on T V each more

  • Underdog

    Contributed by Steve Kinnard on Feb 18, 2019


    Underdog (Luke 19:1-19:10 ) Illus “$25 For A Crippled Puppy” A farmer was sitting on the front porch one summer evening when a newspaper boy came to deliver his paper. The boy noticed a sign on the porch which read, “Puppies for Sale.” He got off his more

  • Sinners Welcome

    Contributed by Jonathan Meyer on Sep 22, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Whether we know it or not, we are all lost. Jesus comes seeking us, calling us to repentance, and He welcomes sinners to His feast of victory.

    There’s a story I read about a pastor who was called to see a young man, John, dying of a terrible disease. The young man was once a member of this pastor’s congregation. He had received all of the good Christian education and training, growing up; he was baptized and confirmed—the typical more

  • Sinner’s Prayer

    Contributed by Glenn Abel on Jul 6, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon was preached in response to reading a book that attacked the idea and validity of using the sinner’s prayer.

    "What About the Sinner’s Prayer?" Luke 18:10-13 The “sinner’s prayer” gets a bad rap. It has become popular today to trash the idea of “the sinner’s prayer.” Some very popular recent writers have reduced the idea of a sinner’s prayer to the level of superstition or magical incantation. In my more

  • God’s Lost And Found Department

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Mar 17, 2015

    God loves everyone, especially the "wrong crowd". He wants us to know the joy of a life lived in God. He invites us to join Him in the great treasure hunt-the hunt for lost souls-and bring the great treasure to Him when we have found it.

    A minister died and was waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him was a guy who was dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket and jeans. Saint Peter addressed the guy, "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?" The guy replied, "I'm Joe more

  • Seeking Sinners Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 6, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus associated with sinners because their repentance brings great joy to heaven. The parables’ drama is built on the tension of an attempt to find what is lost. If the lost were important to Jesus, they should be important to His disciples.

    LUKE 15: 1-10 [PARABLES IN LUKE] SEEKING SINNERS [Jesus, Friend of Sinners] Why seek sinners? Chapter 15 contains three linked parables that explain why Jesus associates with sinners. Jesus associated with sinners who recognized their need of salvation and because their repentance brings more

  • The Healing Of The Lame Man

    Contributed by Gino Cascieri on Mar 28, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    In this passage the healing of the lame man pictures the conversion of a lost sinner.

    "Healing of the Lame Man" Text: Acts 3:1-10 Intro: -In the passage account of the healing of the lame man. -We are going to look at this passage not doctrinally but devotionally. -I believe in the passage that the healing of the lame man pictures the conversion of a lost sinner. I. The more

  • Judgment #7 -- The White Throne -- Rev.20:11-15 Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT" the judgment of all lost sinners that died in their sin.

    JUDGMENT #7 -- THE WHITE THRONE -- REV.20:11-15 - 9-6-08 Today we’ll conclude our study of the 7 judgments that we started 7 weeks ago. Today we’ll think on "THE WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT" the judgment of all lost sinners that died in their sin, Jesus paid for every ones sins but more

  • Jesus--Dispeller Of Darkness

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Aug 20, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The story of blind Bartimaeus reveals a number of correlations with the condition of the lost sinner. This message points out some of those correlations.

    JESUS— DISPELLER OF DARKNESS Text: Col.1: 12; I Pet.2: 9; Luke 18: 35-37 Intro: In the days of Christ, to be blind was to experience not only physical darkness, but personal destitution as well. Such was the case of the blind man that Christ encountered near the city of Jericho. From the more

  • The Lost Coin - The Priority Of Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Aug 15, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God is infinitely concerned about each and every lost soul and so should we be. In our passage today, Jesus (addressing sinner’s see v.1) is going to reveal the heart of God toward lost sinners: 1. THE SUFFERING HEART OF GOD (v.8a) 2. THE SEARCHING HEAR

    “THE LOST COIN” “The Priority of Evangelism” Luke 15:8-10 Fr. Christopher M. Nerreau One of the lessons I will never forget from my day’s as a Protestant is a passion for Evangelism. Evangelism is not a suggestion but a command. • Matthew 28:19 - “Go therefore and make disciples of all the more

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