
Summary: Jesus is the Saviour and He has great passion for the lost sinners, but only as they are willing to come to Him, can they be saved.

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The Lost Sinner and The Loving Saviour

Study Text: Luke 19: 1 - 10


- There are people who seem to possess everything this world holds in value and esteem, and are looked upon by others as being happy, fulfilled and successful.

- Zacchaeus was one of those people who had it all. He was a rich man, and he was a man of position and power. Sure he was successful by the world's standards, but a destitute, lost and wretched sinner before God.

- That is the situation with many today, they seem to have it all together, they seem happy and successful, but deep down inside something is missing in their lives, which only Jesus, the Saviour can provide.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Portrait of a Lost Sinner

2. The Passion of a Loving Saviour

3. The Pattern of a Lasting Salvation

1. The Portrait of a Lost Sinner

1. A Man Of Prominent Position

- Zacchaeus was a tax collector. He was permitted to extract taxes from those in Jericho at a rate of his own choosing. This means that he was a man of considerable position and wealth.

2. A Man Of Great Authority and Power

- By virtue of his position, Zacchaeus was a man of great authority and power in Jericho, and well dreaded among the people.

3. A Man in Great Danger, Desperately in Need of the Saviour

- Even though this man was wealthy and successful by the world's standard, he knew something was missing, that only Jesus, the Saviour could provide.

- A Sinner without the Saviour is in great danger, and on a path to destruction, so every Sinner is desperately in need of the Saviour.

- This man had a desire to see the Lord. Zaccheaus may not have fully understood all that was happening in his heart and life, but he has a desperate need to get to Jesus.

4. A Man Having Great Obstacles on his Way to Salvation

- Before this man could get to Jesus, he had to overcome certain great obstacles.

1. The Crowd

- The Bible tells us that Zacchaeus was a little short man, and he could not see over the crowd. They were between him and where Jesus was to pass by.

- The crowd was following Jesus, but not with determination of having a personal experience or encounter with Him. They represent those who praise Him with their mouths, but their hearts are far away from Him.

- The crowd still keeps some people from seeing Jesus today. There are those who allow their friends and associations to keep them from seeing Jesus. Jesus is more valuable than any friend you will ever have in this world.

- There are others who allow some backslidden, hypocrites in the church to keep them from coming to Jesus. Nobody, either as a church member or not is worth going to Hell over. If you need Jesus, please do not let the crowd stand in your way.

2. The Condition

- Zacchaeus had a personal problem that kept him from getting close to the Lord. He was short and couldn't see because of the crowd.

- Every lost person has a matter of personal condition standing as an obstacle from getting to the Saviour.

- Your sins are standing between you and the Lord. Before you will ever be able to be right with God, then your sin problem must be dealt with. Isaiah 59:2

5. A Man of Great Determination

- Zacchaeus climbed a tree to be able to clearly see the Lord as he passed by that day. He allowed nothing, not the crowd, not his condition, to stand between him and his seeing the Lord Jesus Christ.

- What about you? Do you care enough about the condition of your soul to pay whatever price is necessary to be right with Him?

- Are you willing to make any sacrifice? Are you willing to turn away from your sin? Are you willing to walk away from those friends?

- Jesus Christ is worth any price, He is worth any sacrifice, He is worth whatever has to be done according to His will to be made right with Him.

2. The Passion of a Loving Saviour

- Just as Zacchaeus was seeking to see Jesus, Jesus was seeking souls to save by grace.

- When Jesus stopped under that tree that day, He knew everything there was to know about Zacchaeus, yet He still loved him and still had compassion on him.

- What a picture of grace! Jesus knows everything there is to know about you, but He still loves you and would save you by His grace if you would only come to Him and receive Him.

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