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  • Romans Chapter 1(C) How Lost Is Humanity Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Mar 2, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    This one is about why we need a "righteousness revealed from heaven"...

    Dakota Community Church February 1, 2009 pm Romans – Chapter 1(c) (Week 4) Read Romans 1 1. What is this “call of God”? The call is not so much about special people and special positions as it is a call to slavery, to servant hood, to being dead to self and alive to Christ. We don’t answer the more

  • When You've Lost Your Cutting Edge

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 4, 2007
    based on 107 ratings

    We are quick to ‘fly off the handle’. But God has a way of sharpening dull Christians…and good things ‘surface’ when we return to where we lost our cutting edge and reclaim it! Link included to formatted text, audio & video, & PowerPoint Presentation.

    When You’ve Lost Your Cutting Edge II Kings 6:1-7 We are so quick to ‘fly off the handle’ these days. But God has a way of sharpening dull Christians…and good things will ‘surface’ if we will return to where we lost our cutting edge and reach out more

  • Day Of Decision Or Hour Of Intent?

    Contributed by Michael Blankenship on Jan 14, 2001
    based on 70 ratings

    Israel had wonered away from God, gotten lost in her own selfrighteousness, and found herself morally bankrupt. Is America headed the same way?

    First Baptist Church Jellico, Tennessee. 37762 Pastor: Bro. Michael Blankenship Web Day of Decision or Hour of Intent Israel had wondered far away from its place of origin. As if a child lost in a store, she is drawn away by delights of the eye, more

  • "The Floating Axehead"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Oct 2, 2007
    based on 74 ratings

    Simple three point outline on staying afloat in the ministry: 1.) I borrowed the Axe. 2.) I lost the Axe. And 3.) I found the Axe!

    Title: "The Floating Axe Head" Introduction: Elisha’s school of the prophets was growing and now needed to be relocated and expanded. He asked his students for help in supplying the necessary building materials. Each student was to cut down a beam and bring it with him to the new construction more

  • Woe Unto Them

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 4, 2016

    To show that GOD the LORD JESUS found me when I was lost and healed my eyes so I can see when I was blind.

    I. EXORDIUM: Did JESUS found me? Yes. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD the LORD JESUS found me when I was lost and healed my eyes so I can see when I was blind. IV. TEXT: Isaiah 5:20 (Amplified Bible) Woe to those who call evil good and good more

  • Formula For Regaining Lost Love: Remember, Repent, Repeat Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Sep 24, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Some might argue it’s not possible to stay in love-"Love" hormones work about 18-24 months and then settle down to normalcy. Jesus doesn’t share that perspective. He gives the 3 R's for Rekindling 1st Love -Remember, Repent & Repeat.

    To: The Angel at the Church in Ephesus Write, These things says the One holding the seven stars in His right hand, the one walking in the middle of the gold lights: I know your works, and your labor and patience (endurance-bearing under a load). And that you are not able to tolerate bad people, more

  • Moving Ahead – When All Seems Lost Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jan 19, 2014

    Moving ahead can be scary... Moving ahead can seem like a waste of time if we don't see the need But this morning we are also going to look at where moving ahead may seem impossible b/c we MAY feel like all is lost! Look at the story of Paul and Silas...

    Sermon Brief Date Written: January 15, 2014 Date Preached: January 19, 2014 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: Moving Ahead Sermon Title: Moving Ahead – When All Seems Lost Sermon Text: Acts 16:16-40 [ESV] Introduction: Prior to 1880 if you wanted to more

  • "Look Who Jesus Hangs Out With"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 31, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about Jesus' love for sinners.

    "Look Who Jesus Hangs Out With" Luke 15:1-10 Have you ever felt lost? All of us, some days feel more lost than found, more wrong than right. Perhaps we have acted like unthinking sheep and wandered off. Maybe we have felt like a person who doesn't understand the questions on a math test, more

  • Celestial Celebrations Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Nov 19, 2018

    This is message 32 in our exposition of James. This message continue the theme of restoring the wayward. I share how God feels about the wayward by looking to the parables of Jesus in Luke 15.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Celestial Celebrations” Luke 15:1-32 Introduction Last week we explored the attitude toward the wayward, lost, sinners, stumbling, straying James prescribes for every follower of Jesus. My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone more

  • Can A Saved Person Ever Be Lost, Pt. 1 Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 18, 2004
    based on 70 ratings

    First of 3 part series on Eternal Security. Link inc. to formatted text version, audio/video, PowerPoint.

    Can a Saved Person Ever Be Lost? Ephesians 2 Let’s pretend that we all have just boarded a jet for a non-stop trip overseas. We all get on the airplane, take our seats, and fasten our seat belts, then we reach for a magazine, and when we do, we more

  • From Tension To Certainty - Short

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Mar 20, 2018

    The tension Jesus must felt as He approached His passion must of been tremendous but He knew it was His Fathers will. A will of Love.

    From Tension to Certainty - short John 12:27-34 IT was Jesus’ claim that when He was lifted up. He would draw everyone to Him. There are some who take this to refer to the Ascension and who think that it means, that when Jesus was exalted in His risen power. He would draw everyone to Him. But more

  • Have You Lost Your Cutting Edge For The Lord?

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 12, 2001
    based on 657 ratings

    The young student prophet of Elisha lost his iron axe head in the Jordan River. He lost his cutting edge for the Lord, have you?

    Sermon.992 See #.478 “Have You Lost Your Cutting Edge For The Lord?” Second Kings 6:1-7 This event took place in the 8th century BC. There are many people in this Bible story, but there are two main characters, an unnamed prophet student, and the prophet Elisha. You remember that Elisha had more

  • The Christmas Story Pt 4. Our Love For The Lost

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Dec 21, 2018

    This is a Christmas message on why God chose to send the angels to the shepherds rather than to anyone else. God wanted the message to include everyone including the lost. Since God has a great love for those who are lost we as believers should have that same type of love.

    The Christmas Story 12/23/2018 Matthew 1:18-25 Luke 2:1-7 We are in the last part of our series “The Christmas Story.” We have looked at God’s Love For Us, Our Love For Each Other, Our Love For Christ, and we conclude with our Our Love For The Lost. It’s Christmas time, and that means that it’s more

  • Where Are You?

    Contributed by Nickolas Kooi on Jun 7, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon examines God's question in Genesis 3:9: "Where are you?" It looks at where are Adam and Eve in relation to God. It looks at where we are, and where God can be found. This sermon also uses the analogy of Hide and Seek to advance the thought.

    For some reason, it seems that every kid loves the game, “Hide and Seek.” My siblings have always enjoyed it. My cousins have always liked it, and it is one of my nephew’s favorite games. The children of my friends always want me to play it with them as well. Kids love to hide, and then to be more

  • Opposing The Opposition

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Sep 21, 2015

    These are hard times for the churches across North America. We have the greatest message the world could ever hope to hear but people shut their ears and hearts to it. So what are we to do?

    Opposing the opposition - Jeremiah 11:18-20 This week I was drawn to the book of Jeremiah. God called him to a difficult task at a difficult time. Jeremiah was calling out to the people of God but they wanted none of it. In fact they had enough of Jeremiah and planned to kill him because he more

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