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Sermons on Los Salmos 51:16:

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  • King David

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 2, 2020

    Davis is a mess and only God can fix his tremendous guilt.

    King David is broken psalm 51:1-17 1. David -- , the greatest king in Israel's history, consider the splendor and popularity of Israel’s greatest King, He is known as the champion because he defeated Goliath, David the conqueror, David the Singer, David the shepherd boy, David the one with more

  • How To Get Up When Sin Drags You Down

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Nov 11, 2021

    He was a great king, very passionate, the commander-in-chief, with a heart after God, yet Satan trapped him in the net of sin. God’s king must operate by a different standard tha the world. When David’s conscience was awakened, he expresses a heartfelt desire to be right with God.

    Sermon – “How to get up When Sin Drags You Down” Ps 51:1 (A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.) “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. 2 more

  • El Gozo Del SeÑor Es Mi Fortaleza

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Apr 22, 2020

    Para aquellos en quienes el Espíritu de Dios está trabajando, la reconciliación es seguida por el don de la alegría pura, la alegría duradera de nuestra salvación.

    Estoy en deuda con Scott Coltrain y John Dobbs de cuyos sermones publicados en (« La alegría del Señor es nuestra fortaleza», Scott Coltrain,, noviembre de 2002 y «La alegría del Señor», John Dobbs,, more

  • Sermon On The Mount - Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jun 17, 2019

    Part 3 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” as described by Jesus to a crowd of people on a Galilean hillside as he delivered what is more familiarly known as the “Sermon on the Mount.” In this part we examine the beatitude, “Blessed are those who mourn.”

    Sermon on the Mount The Christian Character Matthew 5:3 - 7:27 (Cf. Luke 6:20-49) Part 3 - Beatitudes – those who mourn This is Part 3 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” as described by Jesus to a crowd of people on a Galilean hillside as he delivered what is more more

  • What Do You Do When The Devil Steals Your Joy?

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Aug 7, 2022

    Addresses necessary steps to reacquiring your joy, from Psalm 51.

    Psalm 51 WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN THE DEVIL STEALS YOUR JOY? - Read Psalm 51 In verse 12 of this passage, David writes, “Restore the joy of your salvation to me.” Restore the joy of Your salvation to me. Can the Devil steal your joy? You better believe he can steal your joy. He has many tools at more

  • The Joy Of Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Aug 11, 2022

    Psalm 51 is the great Psalm of forgiveness and mercy. There is in this Psalm the tragic reality of sin and the realization of how sin separates us from God. This is the Psalm that David comes face to face with his sin.

    The Joy of Forgiveness Psalm 51 The spark that started the fire of the first great awakening was a sermon delivered by Jonathan Edwards called, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” When the Jonathan Edwards preached this sermon, you could almost not call it preaching. He read a manuscript more

  • A Fragrant Offering

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Sep 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Our sacrifices to God are fragrant offerings to Him.

    The character is Jonah and I want to begin by considering the sacrifices of the Hebrew people to God. The Law of Moses required the people to make a variety of sacrifices to God. The important point of the sacrifice was that it was to come from the heart, not merely be an outward activity of simply more

  • The Stain Of Sin

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Feb 22, 2022

    Sin is like a stubborn stain. It is difficult to remove. Money and earthly sacrifices cannot remove sin. The stain of sin can only be washed off with the blood of Jesus.

    TEXT: PSALMS 51:1, 14-17 (NLT). "Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins... Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves; then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness. Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may more

  • Why Ash Wednesday

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 16, 2021

    Does lent serve any purpose for a Protestant?

    Prelude Does lent serve any purpose for a Protestant? Purpose Let’s look at several reasons for a Christian to fast and pray. Plan We’ll look at the topic of fasting in Joel 2, Psalm 51, 2 Corinthians 5-6 and Matthew 6. Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm more

  • Shame Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Oct 27, 2022

    David dealt with shame and we see his heart in Psalm 51. We deal with shame. Psalm 51 and the background of 2 Samuel 11-12 help us deal with shame.

    THE VERY RELATABLE LIFE OF KING DAVID SHAME 2 SAMUEL 11-12, PSALM 51:1-19 #kingdavid Based off an older sermon of mine which has in the notes: “This sermon is based on a few ideas in Craig Groeshel’s book “The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn’t Exist.” Zondervan, 2010. more

  • Necessary Steps On The Way Back Home (Part 1)

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Apr 18, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Examining the proper steps toward restoration to a right relationship with the Father.

    Necessary Steps On The Way Back Home (Part I) Psalm 51:14-17 Some weeks back there was a post on Facebook about a young man who was lost and could not find his way back home. Tricia El-Sharkaway posted a picture with this description: "My children and I have known (this young man) for several more

  • Necessary Steps On The Way Back Home (Part 2)

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Apr 19, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Examining the proper steps toward returning to a right relationship with the Father.

    Necessary Steps On The Way Back Home (Part II) Psalm 51:14-17 Last week my father and I drove to Springville to look at a car. The man who was trying to sell it gave me his address and I put the information in my GPS. My trusty little technological boss lady (GPS) took me right to Springville. At more

  • A Psad, Psad Psong Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jul 26, 2015

    David's prayer of confession came as a result of a sad time in his life, but it became a song of grace and forgiveness.

    I love old homes. They have character, charm and history, and they have high ceilings. Most old homes have front porches, too. I love front porches. For all the warmth, charm and character old homes have, they often leave a lot to be desired. For one thing, the floors creak when you walk. For more

  • When You Feel Like A Failure

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Aug 7, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    When you're in misery, call out to God for mercy.

    When You Feel Like a Failure Psalm 51 Rev. Brian Bill August 8-9, 2015 Confession didn’t come all that easy for me when I was growing up. I think it was because I was expected to spill my sins to our priest in a confessional booth. This was difficult because he and my parents were close more

  • C.p.r. For The Soul

    Contributed by Jeffrey Wildrick on Feb 16, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Examining Psalm 51, we see the pattern of Confession, Pardon, and Re-Creation (CPR) at work in David's life, and still effective for us today through the work of Jesus Christ. Preached on Ash Wednesday as an introduction to the season of Lent

    Psalm 51; 2 Samuel 11-12 "C.P.R." Ash Wednesday INTRO: Today is Ash Wednesday, and throughout the world, Christians of many branches of Christ's church are observing this unique day in the Christian calendar. It is a day of penitence, and fasting. It is, quite frankly, a rather gloomy day. more

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