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  • Streaming: Live- Presenters To End-Users Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Apr 3, 2011

    Living in the light is to be visible evidence of God-like living.

    20110403 Web Site Title: Streaming: Live Presenters to End-Users Text: Ephesians 5:8-14 Thesis: Living in the light is to be visible evidence of God-like living. Lenten Series: Reflecting, Repenting and Returning to God The Lenten Season is a time for reflection, repenting of our sin and more

  • Living In The Present Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Mar 5, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    Moses, Pt. 6 of 15

    LIVING IN THE PRESENT (EX 16:1-21) I read a true account of a billionaire who purchased an expensive $20-million jet which transported him between Los Angeles and New York. He collected works of art by contemporary masters to hang in his homes, bought identical wardrobes for clothing on both more

  • Live In The Present Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Jan 2, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    It’s a new year. Now what? For some the possibilities seem to be endless, but for others the future appears uncertain with many challenges. Regardless of whether your future seems bright or bleak, here are some things to keep in mind.

    I. A Clear Admonition A. In Isaiah 43:18 God gives us a clear admonition; don’t dwell on the past! If you want to make progress in the future, you must leave the past behind. The past is over and gone. Don’t dwell on what could have been or should have been. It is what it is. Leave it at more

  • Fear Not - Focused On Today Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to let go of future anxieties and focus on the present day, trusting in God's provision as taught by Christ in Matthew 6:11, 6:34.

    Welcome back! Today is our 3rd week in our Fear Not series. So far we’ve talked about the difference between healthy and unhealthy fear. We know that God does not give us a spirit of fear but rather a spirit of power, of love, and of self-control. We also learned that fear has a proper place. Can more

  • Clockwork: Living In The Present Series

    Contributed by Shannon Lewis on Oct 14, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    God Opporunities come in our lives but are we awake, alert and advancing when they arrive?

    Clockwork: Living in the Present by Shannon Lewis 10/15/06 The last time we visited this sermon series we looked at the first dimension of time management: Learning from the Past. This week’s sermon of the 3 part series we’ll be exploring: Living in the Present. Just a quick recap before we more

  • Presenting Our Lives

    Contributed by Timothy Dolan on Apr 13, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How to be a living sacrifice as Paul exhorts believers to do.

    Presenting Our Lives Scripture Text: Romans 12:1-2 Introduction: Is there any encouragement in your life today…..or even how you live your life? Do you think that your behavior has any impact on those around you? More importantly, does your life have any purpose? Propositional Statement: I more

  • Living In This Present World

    Contributed by Martin Holland on May 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Everyday it gets more difficult to live a godly life in this present world. Paul instructs Titus as he lived in a similar society for a while.

    Why? Understanding Life Events (II) 2 Kings 5 6-7 -09 Intro Isa 55:8-9 ¡§¡¥For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,¡¦ says the LORD. ¡¥For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.¡¦¡¨ Last Sunday more

  • Into His Presents

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Jun 5, 2021

    Problems here on earth and in our lives are short in time compared to our time with our God.

    Sermon Title: Into His presents. Scripture Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13- 5:1 We have plenty of troubles, personal and national , to keep us busy with worry and no sleep at night. These troubles even cause us medical problems. Things seem to be getting worse as time passes. Everything is more

  • Walking On Water - Living In The Now Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Aug 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Miracles of Jesus Walking on water and what we miss when we get distracted by the storm.

    Title: Living in the Now Theme: To show the miracle of Jesus walking on water and what we miss when we get distracted by the storm. Text: Matthew 14:22 – 33 Introduction Wedding at Cana – Jesus Invitation Healing the Leper – Jesus Touch Healing the Blind – Laying aside the garments Feeding the more

  • Look To The Future; Live In The Present Series

    Contributed by Matthew Grise on Apr 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Philippians 1:18-26. Believers are encouraged to follow the example of Paul as he proclaimed "To live is Christ, and to die is gain."

    AGAIN I SAY REJOICE LOOK TO THE FUTURE; LIVE IN THE PRESENT PHILIPPIANS 1:19-26 INTRODUCTION - I’m sure many, if not all of you, are familiar with the famous Peanuts cartoons. If you have read one of these cartoons before, you know that often Charlie Brown is the frustrated character and Lucy more

  • Living In The Now Zone

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Apr 25, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    God refuses to live 5 minutes ago, His desire is to walk with you now! God gave you a testimony; however, He desires for you to become a relevant person.

    The Now Zone Isaiah 43: 18-19 Back in 1899 the CEO of the United patent office made a strong statement which almost closed it down. He said, “Everything that can be invented already has been invented.” 18 “ Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things more

  • Understanding The Present Time Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Feb 18, 2014
    based on 85 ratings

    In the light of our salvation what must we do? 1- Put aside the deeds of darkness 2- Behave decently as in the daytime 3- Clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus

    INTRO.- Do you know what time it is? Many people are living in their own little fairy tale world and they don’t know what’s going on spiritually. ILL.- “Actress Katie Holmes Six Years Later” the article stated. Six years after what? Six years after meeting Tom Cruise. more

  • Is God Present? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 3, 2014

    Let us not make the mistake of missing God in our daily lives; He is always available!

    Let us continue to learn from God’s Word; open your Bibles to 1 Samuel….. We have noted the story of prayerful Hannah who was blessed with a son she named Samuel. Samuel was raised in God’s Temple in Shiloh. We have noted from Chapters 2-6: The Ark of the Covenant was more

  • Living In Expectation Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Nov 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God surprises us and show up at the most unexpected times.

    FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT NOVEMBER 28, 2010 Matthew 24:36-44 “Living In Expectation INTRODUCTION Living in expectation is a natural experience in life. It is also an important part of life, because it brings with it hope and excitement. Millions of people have been living in expectation more

  • The Presentation Of The Bride

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 29, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    Now the Lord was doing a new thing.

    THE PRESENTATION OF THE BRIDE. Revelation 21:1-6. We can imagine John in Patmos, only too aware of the sea which separated him from his congregation in Ephesus. “Sea” had come to represent not only primeval chaos (Genesis 1:1-2), but also all that is wrong in this now fallen world (Psalm more

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