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  • Membership Matters Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Jun 19, 2017

    The message today is based on a book written by Thom Rainer, titled, “I am A Church Member.” Thom is the President of Lifeway resources and spends a great deal of time researching all different kinds of churches!

    Good morning. Last week Pastor Steve talked a little bit about how we all have our preferences when it comes to where we sit. Personally I sit in a different spot most weeks… And I have met lots of great neighbors. Sometimes though I wonder how YOU feel when one of the pastors sits with you. more

  • M.a.d. With Practical Love Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    4th in series: Following Jesus in how we as Christians and as a church can and are to make a difference in our communities through practical applications of love that bring Christ glory!

    M.A.D. with PRACTICAL LOVE Fourth in Series: “Love In Action” Rev. Todd G. Leupold Perth Bible Church July 20, 2008 AM INTRODUCTION: Important News Flash: VIDEO: “What Does It Take To Be A Superhero?” (BluefishTv) – 51.8 secs Last week we learned to better understand the radical love more

  • All The Church Has Is Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 21, 2013
    based on 115 ratings

    What makes sheep? Sheep make sheep. And we are his people and the sheep of His pasture. So how do we go about making more sheep for His flock?

    In a large city there was once a prominent church building. It was a beautiful four story structure that dominated the city block on which it stood. It was well known in the community for its beautiful building, it’s dignified and well educated preacher, a choir with professional quality, and a more

  • Session 6: Prepared (Luke 3:7-18)

    Contributed by Ed Lu on Jan 5, 2021

    Weekly summary and excerpts from Explore the Bible Lesson Sessions

    Warning (Luke 3:7-9) John the Baptist calls the religious leaders "brood of vipers", for deadly and devious were their ways. John tells the people to "produce fruit consistent with repentance or face destruction." Response (Luke 3:10-14) John's message causes 3 groups to more

  • Reaching Out To Our World Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Apr 2, 2013

    Message with the series on the topic of Outreach

    This message was adapted from the 30 Day Church Challenge Kit from Outreach Marketing The Times-Reporter of New Philadelphia, Ohio, reported in September, 1985 a celebration of a New Orleans municipal pool. The party around the pool was held to celebrate the first summer in memory without a more

  • Backtrack To The Bible Series

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Sep 15, 2022

    When dealing with perilous times brought on by a corrupt culture, the Apostle Paul knew the answer: it was to go back to godly living and the foundation of truth as found in the Word of God. This was his counsel to Timothy in II Timothy 3.

    Our culture has long been going in the wrong direction. We have made great progress in technology, but it has also been our undoing. Existentialism and Post-modernism have taught us to focus on ourselves and selfishly pursue our own desires despite the consequences. Instead of the church affecting more

  • Pursuing Contentment

    Contributed by Dwight Kennedy on Dec 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    It's a tragedy that the lack of contentment today has become the norm for even the children of God, yet contentment is absolutely essential to walk worthily of our Lord.

    “Pursuing Contentment” Philippians 4: 4-7 by Dwight Kennedy Outline: 1. Rejoice Greatly in Your Heavenly Maker. (vs. 4) (An Act of Worship) 2. Respond in Gentleness & Hardiness to Men. (vs. 5) (Action in Our Work) 3. Request with Gratitude and Humility in Every Manner. (vs. 6) (The more

  • Spiritual Warfare The Belt Of Truth Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Government says taxation, environmentalists say population, politicians say legislation, taxation and education. All of their strategies are wrong. The gospel and truth of Jesus says the solution to our problems is transformation.

    Intro: The government is looking for ways to save entitlement programs and the only place they look is more taxation. The environmentalists are looking for ways to save the planet and the only thing they can come up with is lower population. Politicians are looking to solve our illegal alien more

  • A Question Of Priorities Series

    Contributed by Richard Mcnair on Sep 16, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    How would Jesus build a church? He did build a church by reaching the lost and making it a priority.

    “My kids were lost and I didn’t even know it.” ... ILL #1 “My kids were lost and I didn’t even know it.” ... When I was in school in Dallas my 2 kids,6 & 9, spent the afternoon with a pastor friend of mine Garris Baggett and his wife. Janet and I were at work and didn’t even know the kids had more

  • Inside Out

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Apr 29, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This is a sermon in which I taught about the importance and significance of baptism.

    Stats don’t lie. LifeWay data indicates that although Southern Baptist membership grew, the number of baptisms decreased for the fourth consecutive year. The 2003 total was 377,357, reflecting a 4.44 percent decrease from the 2002 totals. “This indicated a baptism ratio of 1 to 43, meaning that, more

  • Do You Really Love Jesus?

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Mar 16, 2014
    based on 14 ratings

    Eamaining our love for Jeus Christ

    Do You Really Love Jesus? John 14:15 I would like to begin with a question…. “Do You Love Jesus”??? I am not surprised that you would say yes. But I want to go a bit farther and really examine this subject: 1. Does your life show that you love Jesus? 2. Do your actions prove more

  • Interceding For America

    Contributed by Jeffrey Powell on May 31, 2009
    based on 45 ratings

    The unchurched population is growing exponentially and with that the anti-Christian sentiment is producing a society that God will not support, thus the downward spiral of America.

    Interceding for America Psalms 2 After last week’s message I did a great deal more soul searching. For some time now I have not been happy with my own relationship with the Lord. I am increasing more aware of the masses around us who don’t go to church; probably don’t have a relationship with more

  • A Church Awaiting God Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jan 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Acts 19:8-20 regarding the church in Ephesus and Paul’s 3 year ministry there that reached an entire region

    Text: Acts 19:8-20, Title: A Church Awaiting God, Date/Place: NRBC, 1/18/09, AM A. Remember this is Sanctity of Life Sunday! B. Opening illustration: funny church names like Corinth Baptist Church… Devils Lake United Methodist Church, Devils Lake, North Dakota, Crooksville First United Methodist more

  • The Echo

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jun 23, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon was preached after our youth group returned from a week at Falls Creek. It also ties in with Fathers Day, and it hopefully encourages parents to pass their faith on to the younger generations

    ECHO (Fathers Day / Falls Creek Message 2009) By: Ken McKinley Text: Psalm 145:4 (Read Text) Well as you all know, we spent last week at Falls Creek. There were 5300 students and adults registered from 116 churches, and the theme this year is the idea of echoing your faith, from one generation to more

  • Challenges American Churches Face

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Apr 14, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Christianity in America (and in Europe) is declining. This sermon share three challenges that caused the decline and how we respond to them.

    Thirty-four years ago, a church was born in Walnut Creek under the leadership of Pastor X. During those years, we faced many challenges, both internally and externally. But by the grace of God, we still exist today. That is why today, we want to thank God for His faithfulness. We say, "Thus more