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  • Where Does It End

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 19, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon on when we should not use our freedoms to trip up the "weak" and when we should exercise our freedoms (Material adapted from Dave Swavely's book, Who Are You to Judge? and outline from Steve Cornell)

    HoHum: Bob Deffinbaugh- I have been in some of the meat markets of the eastern world, especially in some of the remote villages of India. I wanted to know just what kind of meat it was. I also was interested to know how long it had been dead. The flies which swarmed over the dead carcasses were more

  • Only Two Ways To Live

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The pursuit of holy living is the pathway to a happy life.

    Only Two Ways to Live Psalm 1:1-6 Rev. Brian Bill December 28-29, 2024 I want to begin with a question to see how well you know your Bible. Q: What did Adam say to his wife on December 31st? A: It’s New Year’s, Eve. How many of you plan to make a New Year’s Resolution for 2025? I talked to more

  • A Fresh Start

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Jan 8, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    The Christian life is one of ongoing transformation, when discouragement derails our progress we need God’s grace for a fresh start.

    Dakota Community Church January 7, 2007 A Fresh Start I want to begin today by asking you two questions. Question 1: To what degree are you the person you believe God created you to be? I submit that deep down in the core of our being we know who we are supposed to be. I think we have parts of more

  • Does Jesus Care

    Contributed by Gerry Pratt on Mar 9, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    Jesus cares far more that many actually realize

    When good things happen to us, we are all too ready to praise Him for His loving care. A. Certainly this is right. 1. Nobody has to force us to recognize the hand of the Lord, in this blessing. B. Most of us are not really that quick to recognize that God loves and cares for more

  • Fuel Up With The Word Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Sep 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Rising fuel prices have people seeking for alternative sources of energy. The Bible offers answers.

    Fuel Up With The Word. (James 1:16-27) Introduction 2008 has being the year of rising oil prices. Therefore there is a great push to discover and develop alternative sources of energy. Last week we talked about “Be Fueled with Prayer.” How to be fueled with Prayer? Jesus said pray in secret and more

  • The Wicked And Righteous Contrasted Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Nov 18, 2022

    Psalm 1 lays out the great theme that we hold up in the Christian life. The contrast of two types of people. The one who follows God’s law which is the way of blessedness. Standing opposite of this is the one who follows the way of wickedness whose end is judgement.

    I was driving though the mountain range of Colorado when I saw a sign posted that said this was the Continental divide. This Continental divide is a fascinating this. Two raindrops can fall from the same cloud. If one drops on one side of the Continental divide and the other on the other side, they more

  • Mirror Image

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Sep 2, 2012

    When man looks into a mirror, the Word (ie, the Law) is the perfection of his image. Through Christ, in aligning his form to the righteous life of God's commands, a man participates in paradise.

    “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (Jas. 1:22). James wrote to believers not to pagans: “To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations” (Jas. 1:1). We might explain his recipients as those of the Faith who live in a godless more

  • Choosing The Best: And Leaving The Rest Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 13, 2003
    based on 23 ratings

    Learning to look for God’s will

    Let me share with you some statistics from 1992. The New Republic in its January 27 issue reported that the number of products in a typical supermarket in 92 was some 30,000. In 1976 it was 9,000. Likewise in 1992’s produce section there was 285 products while in 1975 only 65. My how our more

  • Living In Egypt

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 22, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    you can live godly in an ungodly world if you have the presence of God in your life.

    Genesis 39 October 31, 1999 Living in Egypt: How can I live Godly in an ungodly world? INTRODUCTION This day on our calendar is designated as Halloween. Some would call this the most evil day of the year because of the fact that in it¡¦s origination, it was a day dedicated to Satan and his more

  • Living A Happy Life

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 25, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    Paul urges us to live a joyful life in Christ. We are to (1) choose to rejoice in Christ, (2) let go of our worries through prayer, and (3) think and meditate on God’s truths.

    Philippians 4:4-4:9 How can we live a happier life? Paul gives us three principles: 1. CHOOSE to Rejoice Always Paul says we can choose to rejoice - it is a choice. • We are not victim of the circumstance • If we believe God, then He is our Guide, not fate, not some kind of force. Paul says we more

  • Times Of Refreshing

    Contributed by Jim Belcher on Oct 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    When we know the whole story about the human condition, we can fully appreciate how good the Good News really is.

    Overview of last week. Overview of chapter: set the drama. From "happy ship church" to crashing on waves of persecution. The events of chapter 3 will lead directly to persecution. Peter and John get arrested for this healing and their preaching. Healing of the Lame Beggar (v. 1--10) There is a more

  • Psalms 1 And 13 - The Ups And Downs Of Life

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Feb 1, 2019

    One starts with "Blessed is the man" and the other starts with "How long, O Lord, will you forget me forever?" Is the second man blessed as well and if so, how can that be?

    Psalms 1 & 13 Please stand as we read our newest memory Scripture together … 1 John 1:5-7 “This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not more

  • Confidence And Success Living The Scriptures

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    To meditate the God’s word is to ponder, mutter or consider it in your mind until it becomes personal revelation. When you discover the deeper meaning behind a scripture, God seems to manifest Himself just for you. He becomes your personal God.

    Confidence and Success Living the Scriptures Joshua 1:8-9 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and more

  • The Big Picture

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Feb 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We mustn’t take our eyes off the big picture; keep the Main Thing the main thing!

    The Big Picture February 25, 2018 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We mustn’t take our eyes off the big picture; keep the Main Thing the main thing! Focus Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 ( Supplemental Passage: Therefore, since we have so great a more

  • To Be Blessed

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Sep 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God favors those that choose to walk in the light, He blesses those who delight in His word and meditate on its wisdom with a world-resistant faith that is fruitful and productive.

    To Be Blessed 09/20/09 AM Text: Psalm 1:1-6 Introduction: May I ask a question that is almost rhetorical? How many gathered here this morning do NOT want to be blessed by God? It’s really a bit of a silly question isn’t it? I mean the reason we are all here today is partially because we more

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