The Secret Ingredient For Effective Ministry
By Ray Hollenbach on Jun 17, 2025
What if there were a way to open the floodgates of heaven for other people? What if YOU could have this secret?
Are there any limits to human wickedness? Imagine a guy who practices witchcraft and seances, fortune-telling and necromancy. Picture him engaged in human sacrifice by burning his own children on altars of fire. Give him nationwide authority and influence, so that he not only practices these things, but trains others to do the same. Now, if there is room left in your imagination, envision this man finding a way to win God’s affection.
What moves God’s heart? Buried deep in the Chronicles of Israel is the story of a despicable ruler who captured the Father’s grace and mercy by humbling himself before God. His name is Manasseh; you can read about him in 2 Chronicles 33. In the space of one chapter, scripture reveals the transformation of a man from vessel of wrath to vessel of mercy. He won God’s attention because of his humble heart. It’s not that Manasseh simply experienced God’s mercy; he provoked it.
The Father loves humility. It turns his head. Jesus tried again and again to share this secret pathway to God’s heart: “The one who humbles himself will be exalted.” He used this phrase no fewer than four times. Jesus himself modeled humility as he lived in the low places of Israel. He portrayed children as exemplars of humble trust in the Father’s care. He derided self-sufficiency.
Humility is an expression of truth and integrity. People intuitively hunger for humility in their spiritual and political leaders. Perhaps this hunger for authentic humility is growing stronger: the Google search-phrase that has most often brought people to my blog site is the simple phrase, “How can we humble ourselves?” Although that post is more than four years old, people find their way to it week after week. All over the world people enter search phrases like “how to be humble like Jesus?” and “how do we humble ourselves before God?” There is beauty in the humble way.
Humility is the sail that captures the mercy of God. His ear is tuned to hear the weakest words of a humbled heart.
In King Manasseh’s story we find hope for everyone who has wondered if they could possibly grab God’s attention. Here are four sure lessons from Manasseh (2 Chronicles 33) for those whose hearts are inclined:
1. Even in the midst of gross iniquity, God is still speaking: (v10) Even after a long list of rebellious acts against God, the text reveals that God still reached out to Manasseh. If you’ve been told that God hides from your sin, you’ve been misled. Our sin is one of the very reasons God continues to reach out to us. He loves us and refuses to give up on us. But it's not just that his love reaches down; a humble heart reaches up.
2. God knows how to humble us: (v11) There’s a massive difference between being humbled by the Almighty and humbling yourself before him. God may arrange circumstances that bring us low in the eyes of others, but only we can lower ourselves before God. He can extend severe mercy, in C.S. Lewis’ phrase, but we remain in control of our own thoughts and hearts.
3. Our hearts can move God’s heart: (v13) This is an astounding revelation! God is not impressed by human power, wealth or wisdom, but he is impressed by the human heart. When we choose contrition the Father tells all heaven to be quiet. Our prayers never have more power than when we take our proper place before him.
4. Our humble example can influence the generations to come: (v25) Manasseh had a grandson named Josiah, who (as a child) sparked a nationwide revival. I like to imagine that Josiah heard first-hand from his grandfather the horrors of rebellion and the grace of humility. Our life-lessons can become the seed that springs up thirty, sixty, and a hundred fold in the lives of those who follow.
These are more than theological considerations; they are postures of the heart.
What is whispered in the Old Testament is shouted in the New: humility is the doorway to God’s Kingdom. Jesus embodied the life of humility before the Father. It worked out pretty well for him—he demonstrated the humble path leads to glory, a glory unimagined by the wisdom of men.
Humility spared Manasseh's life. The humility of Jesus opened the floodgates of heaven for others. We are his humble vessels. The world waits for us to pour ourselves out.
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