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  • Delusion Feasts Off Lies Like Maggots Feast In Garbage Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Sep 19, 2022

    We live in a world plagued by all manner of delusions - scams, deceptions, lying, but this is just a small light thing on the great delusion that will be on earth in the Tribulation. Two matters considered are the Indian scammers and climate change activism.

    DELUSION FEASTS OFF LIES LIKE MAGGOTS FEAST IN GARBAGE This is an article on Delusion as I read it right now. I want to revisit this important subject of delusion mainly because it grows worse, and like a vortex, is sucking more and more people into it. The end of the Church age is going to see more

  • 'the'

    Contributed by Jacob Mathew on Jul 28, 2011

    Everyone of us is created to be God's Original Masterpiece to make an "original difference' in our world! (The Original is annual series at SOAR Live the Generation Now event of AG Church, Kolkata)

    ‘THE’ – o The year was 1986 – my mom walked in with me into the school. We walked together into my class room.–the basic problem was this – my mom was complaining to my school teacher – he does not speak anything except Malayalam in the house(he refuses more

  • Jehovah Jireh - A Name Of Faith And Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Don Aldrich Tamayo on Nov 15, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    thanksgiving is the natural response to God’s provision. When we see how He meets our needs, even in unexpected ways, our hearts should overflow with gratitude. This is the essence of Thanksgiving: recognizing God as the source of every blessing.

    Jehovah Jireh – A Name of Faith and Thanksgiving Intro story: A hunter was deep in the woods, tracking a bear. He had his rifle ready and was determined to bring the bear home. Suddenly, the tables turned—the bear spotted him, let out a mighty roar, and started charging at him! Panicked, the more

  • Building A Church Of Thessalonica For The 21st Century | Part 3 | True Transformation | Dr. Madana Kumar Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Feb 12, 2024

    In this third part of the series Dr. Madana Kumar explains what True Transformation is, and how it will prepare us for the second coming of Jesus.

    Building a Church of Thessalonica for the 21st century | Part 3 | A True Transformation This is part 3 of the series on 1&2 Thessalonians Good morning and welcome to the Part 3 of the series on 1&2 Thessalonians. So far in Part 1 and 2, we have seen the historical background in which the more

  • He Was There All The Time Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not merely a New Testament phenomenon; it is stealthily sprinkled throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. This is one way we know it is true.

    He Was There All the Time (Acts 2:14-36) 1. Some people have a lot of nerve. Take this late-breaking odd news item: KOLKATA, India (Reuters) - An Indian man who took an impersonator to court to get a divorce faces legal action after his real wife found out, lawyers said Friday. Sanjib Saha more

  • The Harvest

    Contributed by Kevin Litchfield on Oct 11, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    The sermon focuses upon my expereinces in India

    It all began for me last May when God began to direct brochures and flyers about a vision trip to South Asia. Over time God clearly showed me that I was to go, but throughout the months of preparation and even the mission experience itself, one question still seem to haunt me. Why? Why was I going more

  • Transformed In His Presence Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Those who become Christians become new, they are not the same anymore for the ‘Old Life’ is gone, a ‘New Life’ has begun. One of the greatest truths in the Bible is that people can experience a transformation. In Christ alone one is given a new nature and

    Illustration: My maternal grandfather who was a devout Hindu by birth did his schooling at a Missionary school in the state of Haryana in the North of New Delhi, India. He had learned about Christ and been invited to accept Him as His personal Savior but shrugged the opportunity. After qualifying more

  • Surviving Life’s Storms

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Nov 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Calamities prompt us to ask, "Why?" There are no pat answers. Yet there are answers for how we can survive these sudden storms. It’s important that we anchor our attitudes in Scripture.

    Opening illustration: It seemed like a regular day at the beach. When the blasts of billions of tons of water wrecked the coasts of more than a dozen Asian nations on Dec. 26, 2004, most of the people on the beaches were totally unaware of the looming danger. In its wake the massive tsunami claimed more

  • 'the Real' Series

    Contributed by Jacob Mathew on Jul 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    When God created you, He had a real plan to make you succeed - How do I live out the Real Plan?

    THE REAL o (clipping from Aladdin animation Movie) – o Aladdin like most of us had a desire within him to be a fake and impress o We all have this battle within us saying yes to o IT’S ALL ABOUT ME – Aladdin – I want to impress this princess and make her love me – so more

  • Free To Set Others Free

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Feb 23, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Forgiveness is characteristic of God that we need in our lives to be a free person.

    FREE TO SET OTHERS FREE Matt 18:21-35 In our look through the Bible the one that we find is most like other humans is Peter. On many occasions, his desire to be spiritually tough and dependable surpassed his depth of his commitment. He often is shown as one who is weak spiritually than the other more

  • Elijah's Chair

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Oct 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate believers to look back on their Old Life and share with others that TRUE Christianity involves RECEIVING and ACCEPTING Jesus Christ (as their Lord and Savior) rather than outward ATTEMPTS and CHANGES to look relig

    5 October 2008 U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (BfSB) West Fort Hood Chapel Killeen, TX BIG IDEA: TRUE Christianity involves RECEIVING and ACCEPTING Jesus Christ (as Lord and Savior) rather than outward ATTEMPTS and CHANGES to look religious. more

  • The Greatest Love Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 66 ratings

    John 3:16 is so simple and easily understood that sometimes we fail to understand how majestic and powerful it’s underlying message can be.

    OPEN: I once read the story of a man had been driving on an out-of-the-way 2 lane highway running thru the rural countryside. He noticed an old tumbledown shack standing in the middle of an open field. He had to smile to himself as he read the crudely printed message on one whole side of the more

  • God's Peace

    Contributed by Kevin Litchfield on Oct 11, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    This Message foucses upon the peace of God

    A few weeks ago while in India I was asked to share several message to the believers of Delhi, India. Encouraging them to continue to stand strong for Christ- Standing and staying strong even in the midst of pain and suffering. I was told to share using the simple clear Bible stories found through more

  • Paul's Sermon At Athens: Culture And Common Ground

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 8, 2021

    Paul's sermon before the men of Athens began with a topic familiar to all of them. It was the common bond of religious belief and practice in their respective cultures. Jesus demonstrated it throughout the Gospels. It is a biblical pattern for effective evangelism.

    It has been over forty years since I traveled to India on vacation, away from the business of the McDermott Fabrication Yard in Dubai where I worked as an oil rig sandblaster and painter. I moved there in early 1980 to live with my dad and to grow in maturity of character. I learned the value of more

  • Beggars On Lambton Quay

    Contributed by Darryl Ward on Mar 26, 2017

    A sermon about how we should respond to begging

    I have lived in the Wellington Region for well over 30 years, and during this time, I have seen many changes in the urban landscape. Buildings have come and gone. Whole streets have disappeared, and new ones have emerged. But one change I find particularly disturbing is that it is now an everyday more

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