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Sermons on keeping our focus:

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  • Keep Up With Your God

    Contributed by Donato Solano on Feb 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Starting the New Year With God.

    INTRODUCTION Last year’s NBA season was also a season of Moving up with the powerful! Everybody wants a championship ring. Many superstars have move-in into powerhouse teams despite their fans’ disappointment. In the political scene in the country also, after Duterte’s win in the more

  • Keep Your Mind On God Series

    Contributed by Thomas Wilke on May 1, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Learning to think about God and what He says to think about.

    With the right thoughts… You can live in Peace instead of Fear and Worry! With the right thoughts… You can have Joy and not Depression and Despair! With the right thoughts… You will make right choices and be an overcomer! But… If you think the wrong thoughts… You will stay confused, depressed more

  • Keep Awake, Be Alert, Be Ready PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 30, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the importance of spiritual alertness and readiness for the second coming of Christ.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters, to this gathering of hearts and minds, united by faith and love in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are here, each one of us, bearing the imprint of His grace, the beneficiaries of His boundless love, and the recipients of His eternal promise. We are here to reflect, to more

  • It' Not About Us

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Apr 22, 2020

    We love our church traditions and are proud of the good things we do. But our calling is to honor Jesus above ourselves and change any tradition to better point people to Jesus, like John the Baptist.

    One of the fun parts of the Christmas season is getting letters from old friends and learning how their kids are turning out. Erik, whom I confirmed years ago, is in the Air Force now. Annie is a commercial artist. Allen, who used to get bullied, is a police officer now. Tim is married, with more

  • Enjoy Life, But Keep It Real! Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 24, 2012

    Christmas is to be celebrated with the understanding of God’s love in mind!

    The message today will be quiet simple: Let’s enjoy life but let’s keep it real! You see, many may be celebrating because we survived the Mayan calendar but they continue to live in myths and fantasies. Many will celebrate Christmas without Christ! Many will say “How can there more

  • How God Keeps Time Series

    Contributed by Jeff Krist on Apr 8, 2015

    There is no time with God, because He's all about "NOW". Are you living in God's NOW or are you living in your time zone.

    (Built large letters saying "NOW". The "O" was a clock) ("Now" series can been seen on How many of you are wearing watches today? How many of you use only your phone for a clock? How many of you wake up to soothing music? How many wake up to that old school alarm? We have more

  • Tell The Vision To No Man PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 5, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores understanding God's timing and purpose in revelation through discerning divine directions, decoding disciple dynamics, and distinguishing disclosure decisions.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet you all today in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We gather here, not as mere spectators, but as participants in a grand symphony of faith, orchestrated by the Divine Conductor Himself. We are here, not by accident, but by more

  • Keeping The Spiritual Fire Burning

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Aug 12, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Every believer needs to keep the spiritual fire burning in order to prevent spiritual death and rusting out.

    KEEPING THE SPIRITUAL FIRE BURNING Study Text:— Gal 3: 1-3 Introduction: - The Christian life should not only begin strong, but it should also finish strong . - How many of you, after beginning the Christian life strong, are in danger of rusting out? 2Ti 4:7: I have fought a good fight, more

  • Keeping Your Heart In The Right Place

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Oct 6, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Keeping your heart in the right place. Leading a comfortable lifestyle is not the only thing we should be seeking in life. We have a responsibility to our fellow men and women as well as God.

    Keeping Your Heart in the Right Place Introduction Manufacturers have regularly recalled such items as automobiles, television sets and, of course, more recently, Chinese built children’s toys. If defective, these items can be very dangerous. In 1972, General Electric issued what may be the more

  • Keeping Your Heart In The Right Place

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Oct 6, 2007

    Keeping your heart in the right place. Leading a comfortable lifestyle is not the only thing we should be seeking in life. We have a responsibility to our fellow men and women as well as God.

    Keeping Your Heart in the Right Place I. Introduction II. The Life and Heart of Israel a. Israel well off - high standard of living, good security and political relations b. Heart for maintaining lifestyle led to neglect of others c. Heart for others required by God d. Prophecy of judgment meant more

  • How To Keep Your Vision Alive

    Contributed by Benjamin Suulola on Mar 13, 2023

    It takes a God-like vision to make positive difference, bring transformation and to impact our generation for the Lord. But having a God-given vision is not important as being able to keep the vision alive.

    Vision is simply the ability to see what God is doing and the role apportioned to you in bringing it to reality. Your God-given vision is one of the most important reasons for your living. When there is no vision of God to be accomplished with one's life, the purpose of living becomes more

  • Watch What You See

    Contributed by John Ong on Aug 26, 2015

    Today, we are posed with the question of seeing. If for example God will remove 4 out 5 of your senses and will keep your sight, what are the things that you will see? Who would you continue pleasing?

    “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupery Our discussion is very much close to the quote of Antoine de Saint-Exupery on his book The Little Prince. Today, we are posed with the question of seeing. If more

  • Legalism - How It Distorts Our View Of God

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Mar 14, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    When there is an undue focus on the "will" of God to the exclusion of the whole "Being" of God we will end up with a distorted perspective of God

    • Doctrines can be defined as those things we cannot do without and still be a Christian • Beliefs are those things that make a Christian a Christian o Salvation is through Christ alone, by faith alone through grace alone o The Bible is the Word of God So our focus should be on the essentials of more

  • Keep Your Eyes On The Road Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Apr 10, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Sermon on the Sixth Petition: Lead us not into temptation.

    We all know how dangerous drinking and driving is but did you know that texting and driving is even riskier? Car & Driver magazine found that it took an impaired driver traveling 110 km an hour, 5 meters longer to stop than when he was sober. Five meters is more than a car length. When they ran the more

  • Epilogue To Romans Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 9, 2022

    This epilogue contains many valid teachings for us to adhere to and follow in our day-to-day Christian lives. It has warnings, exhortations, and examples of lifestyle, and finally ends with a strong theological conviction that Holy Father was revealed through Jesus Christ alone.

    Romans 16:17-27 Epilogue This is the end of the Epistle to Romans by Paul. This epilogue contains many valid teachings for us to adhere to and follow in our day-to-day Christian lives. It has warnings, exhortations, and examples of lifestyle, and finally ends with a strong theological conviction more

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