How To Keep From Falling
Contributed by Fernando Cabrera on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The three safeguards that will keep you from falling.
How to Keep from Falling
By Pastor Fernando Cabrera
Philippians 3:1-3:21
• Paul provides us with three safeguard for keeping what we have in Jesus
• “it is a safeguard to you”…a safeguard from keeping us from falling
1. Guard your thought life (3:1-8)
a. Watch them dogs
i. Dogs intimidate others with their mouths (NT. Times)
1. He is saying, watch your thought life by watching them dogs
a. Get toxic people out of your life
i. Three times he says, “beware” or “watch”
1. Toxic thinking enters your life through people
a. Satan is out to sabotage your faith
b. Avoid the wrong people in your life
2. You have to be careful who you allow to touch your life
b. Toxic people produce toxic thoughts in your life
i. In verse 4 “mind”
ii. In verse 15 “attitude”
iii. In verse 19 “whose mind is set on wordly things”
1. what enters you determines what exits you
ii. Dogs are scavengers
1. these are those who only want to be with you because they want to use you or something from you
iii. Dogs are filthy
1. so is their motive
a. they have a secret agenda
2. They contaminate you in two ways
a. Fear through legalism (never sure if they are saved)
i. Legalism is substituting rules and regulations for your relationship with God
1. circumcise – ritual (v.5)
2. nation of Israel – heritage (v.5)
3. a Hebrew of Hebrews – religion (v.5)
4. a Pharisee – rules (v.5)
5. found blameless – reputation (v.6)
a. and yet he will still not right with God (v.9)
b. the law is just a mirror to show us what we lack
b. Bondage through cheap grace (v.18-19)
i. Do as you want, since you are under grace
2. Go for the goal (3:10-14)
a. What is it that you prized the most in your life?
i. What you prized will determine what you will be passionate about
b. How do we reach the goal?
i. Forget your failures (v. 13)
1. you can either rehearse it or release it
a. memory replays the past, godly imagination preplays the future
i. like movie previews
2. No opposition, no separation, no condemnation, no accusation can stop your glorification
3. It is time to proclaim, “Satan, the blood of Jesus is against you”
a. If it wasn’t for the blood, I would not be here
i. What Adam got me into, Jesus got me out of
1. Whatever the devil throws, it won’t work…the blood
ii. Finish with determination (v.14)
1. “press” – maximum effort
a. time
b. energy
c. resources
iii. Focus on the future (v. 14)
1. what is your finish line?
a. II Cor. 5:9 – to please Him through faith that finishes to the end
2. Refocus your vision
a. Keep your priorities straight
i. Are your priorities in order?
3. Get a mentor (3:15-17)
a. Monitor the walk
i. accountability
1. connection that breaks isolation
a. pack of wolves look for isolated victims
b. Model the savior
i. “observe” (v. 17)
1. observe what?
a. Where they are going and how they are getting there.
ii. Two walks
1. v.17 and v.18 mentions two different walks?
a. Why?
i. Two different destination
2. mentors make sure you don’t take the wrong turn
c. Moan for your soul (v. 18)