Sermon Series
  • 1. Giving Us What We Need Most

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2022

    Instead of healing the paralytic, Jesus first meets his most important need, the forgiveness of his sins, much to everyone's annoyance.

    In our Gospel Lesson this morning, we meet up with Jesus just after he returns “home.” We don’t always think of Jesus having a home, but this was not his own anyway. In this case, home seems to mean Peter’s home in Capernaum. Shortly before our Gospel, both Matthew and Mark share a similar record more

  • 2. Coming To The Feast

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2022

    This message is intended to explain the great offense shown in ignoring both the invitation to the Feast and the refusal to wear the proper wedding Garment, which is a reflection of Christ's Righteousness.

    The parable which began Matthew 22, our Gospel lesson this morning, is a parable that can really bug people. It’s shocking and disturbing and I have found over the years that people complain about it because of how harsh it is. It also serves as a good way for us to better understand how to more

  • 3. Loving God First

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2022

    Focus on Matthew 22 and How we can keep the Greatest Commandment.

    Loving God First One day, a young Christian, wanting to become all that God had for him, visited the home of an elderly Christian man. He had heard that this old man had never lost his first love for Jesus over many years. The elderly man was sitting on the porch with his dog, taking in the more

  • 4. Keeping The Greatest Commandment

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2022

    This sermon serves as a comparison of keeping the Greatest Commandment between Jesus and the Pharisees.

    How We Keep the Greatest Commandment You don’t have to show hands, but how many of you have a person in your family that you find you apologize for before people meet them. Maybe an aunt or uncle, maybe a parent, who’s you just find yourself warning those you bring to a party or event: “Look, more

  • 5. Rejoicing When You Want Fiery Justice Instead!!

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2023

    John the Baptist sits in jail, waiting for Justice to rain down upon Herod. Meanwhile Christ preaches Good News, rather than wrath. How can we rejoice when there is no justice in this world?

    Good Morning! As someone who grew up in a liturgical church, I realize that Lent and Advent can be easy to confuse. I say the wrong name quite a bit and might accidentally say the wrong name this morning. That’s one of those pastor cliches. My pastor, from our parish down in Baltimore, kept putting more

  • 6. Jesus Anti-Evangelism

    Contributed on Mar 16, 2024

    In John's Gospel, Jesus does something many people find surprising, that of frequently driving away people who claim to be believers in Him. Today we look in depth at those He drove away in John 8, why He did it, and especially how He did it by claiming to be the Great I AM!

    Our move now through the Lenten Season, and to the cross has a purpose: to confront people to make a decision about what they think about Jesus. The TRUE Jesus. This week, we focus on the foolishness of the cross to those who want to accept Him on their own terms. In 1 Cor 1: 18 The word of the more

  • 7. Why Jesus Left

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2024

    Jesus Says it is better for Him to go and to send the Holy Spirit. That may not make sense, so let's dig into John 16 and see why!

    Why Jesus Left Good Morning. This Morning’s Gospel text is from the same chapter we read from in John last week, John 16, and it does make a nice Part II to what we read. So, let’s review a couple of things from last week. 1. It comes from a part of the Gospel of John I figuratively called Jesus more

  • 8. Putting Jesus First Isn't Easy.

    Contributed on May 5, 2024

    Martha's jealousy and anger drove her to the point where she was literally yelling at the Lord, and bossing him around. How did she get to this point? What is the point of service to God, family and church, and what can get in our way?

    Good Morning. I got a fun story to start with as we dig into the story of Mary and Martha. It took place in 1956, and Tom Attridge was test piloting the brand new jet they wanted to use for the famous Blue Angels. Gunning it up to break the sound barrier, he was instructed to test fire his guns at more