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  • You Need To Hear From God Yourself

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 5, 2022

    The story of the prophet of Judah & the old lying prophet is one of the weirdest passages in Scripture, but is filled with miracles and lessons. We see 4 amazing things, the main lesson, and look at the hidden symbolism pointing to Christ.

    YOU NEED TO HEAR FROM GOD YOURSELF 1 Kings 13:1-32 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Why was the blonde staring at the orange juice container? Because it said, "concentrate." 2. How do you keep a blonde in suspense? (I'll tell you tomorrow.) 3. A blonde approached a pop machine and more

  • Punishment Of A Nation Series

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jan 30, 2023

    Every nation has need of discipline. God will punish an evil nation for disobedience by unrighteous leadership. Look at the nation of Judah and God's punishment of them. Yet, God will protect and comfort the righteous in captivity.

    As Americans, we have not seen a complete overthrow of our nation’s leadership. We have witnessed many attempts to assassinate our presidents, with a few successes. Our form of government seems to be stable. The democracy in which we live has been built upon Godly principles and appears to be a more

  • Lessons From Jeremiah – Part 5 – Injustice Against God; Treachery And Demonism Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 9, 2024

    Jeremiah preached to an unjust and wicked nation facing judgement. Headship in marriage, injustice, and wimps in churches, charlatans in church positions are covered. Israel/Judah changed its God for idols and all in leadership they were corrupt.

    LESSONS FROM JEREMIAH – PART 5 – INJUSTICE AGAINST GOD; TREACHERY AND DEMONISM PART 5 - Jeremiah 2:4-12 CHAPTER 2 [A]. THE ADDRESS TO THE NATION; THE LORD PLEADING WITH THEM {{Jeremiah 2:4-8 Hear the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel. Jeremiah more

  • Huldah The Prophetess & The Power Of God's Word Series

    Contributed by Calvin Miles on Aug 25, 2024

    Huldah the Prophetess. Her story is brief but profound, showcasing the role of women in leadership and prophecy in ancient Israel. This study will delve into Huldah's significant yet often overlooked contribution to the spiritual renewal of Judah.

    "Huldah the Prophetess". Her story is brief but profound, showcasing the role of women in leadership and prophecy in ancient Israel. This study will delve into Huldah's significant yet often overlooked contribution to the spiritual renewal of Judah. "Sermon: Huldah the more

  • The Revelation Of Isaiah To Israel Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 6, 2025

    Isaiah gives Judah/Israel a great insight into what irritates God, but he also gives you and I the very same insight: these are the things God detests! Our challenge today will be, "What kind of church do we want to be?"

    Isaiah, Part 1 The Revelation of Isaiah to Israel Isaiah 1:1-31 Introduction - Welcome to Seasons! This morning, for ~2025, we begin our study of Isaiah -- Much to learn, and to examine, from a man who was faithful to God’s calling -- If there is any encouragement we can grab hold of – it is more

  • Nehemiah - A Bold Builder

    Contributed by Jack Woodard on Jul 7, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    In a day when his nation lay in ruins from the Lord’s Judgment, the Lord needed a man Bold enough and Committed enough to lead His people to rise up and rebuild. Nehemiah was that man. This message describes the man the lord uses to get the job done

    TEXT: NEHEMIAH 6:15 TITLE: BOLD BUILDERS Author: JACK WOODARD ______________________________________________________________ "So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty two days!" [Nehemiah more

  • Choosing Our King

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Nov 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Our nation is destined for the elections to be held in two days. God chose the next king of Israel even though they had rejected Him. Today the fate of our nation to remain standing or be almost ruined like Israel, depends upon our choice. Will we make a

    Opening illustration: An Oriental king once summoned into his presence his three sons and set before them three sealed urns - one of gold, the other of amber, and the third of clay. The king bade his eldest son to choose among these three urns that which appeared to him to contain the greatest more

  • One Little Weakness Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Mar 14, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Samson was so enslaved to this love for women, that he was making the same mistake over and over again. The very women whom Samson was so in love with were also the cause for his ruin. Is there some weakness that is within us which we have become accustomed to?

    Chapter 3 – One little weakness We read in Act 26:18, “You are to open their eyes and turn them from the darkness to the light and from the power of Satan to God, so that through their faith in me they will have their sins forgiven and receive their place among God's chosen people.” (GNB) As more

  • The King Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Dec 6, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This passage contains numerous prophecies of the Messiah; one of them being how "Shiloh" must come before the arrival of God’s kingdom of peace and justice. Also discussed are the "Scepter" and the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah."

    Christian author Phyllis Reynolds Naylor wrote a book entitled A Shiloh Christmas, which is about a small boy named Marty Preston and his rescued beagle dog Shiloh, who are eagerly waiting for Christmas to arrive, as their town is running low on love and compassion; or what we might call “Christmas more

  • Called To Be Clean Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Dec 18, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The nation of Judah was in deep trouble, they had chosen to walk a path apart from God and God was tired of their sinfulness and would be allowing punishment and pain to come within their lives shortly. The beginning of the Book of Isaiah tells of th

    Called to Be Clean Invitation of God for us to be Clean Invitation should be extended to all Invitations Contents In 1818, Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis was born into a world of dying women. The finest hospitals lost one out of six young mothers to the scourge of "childbed fever." A doctor’s daily more

  • Finishing Well

    Contributed by Dana Visneskie on Nov 22, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This was a Narrative sermon where I acted out as a citizen from the Kingdom of Judah. I give life lessons from two kings who were Amaziah and his son Uzziah, from the perspective of a citizen in that time.

    Title: Finishing Well! Text: II Chron 25-26 Pray!!! (Playing the role of citizen under Uzziah’s leadership) Introduction: It was the final hole of the 1961 Masters tournament, and I had a one-stroke lead and had just hit a very satisfying tee shot. I felt I was in pretty good shape. As I more

  • Hosea Part 2 Draft

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Feb 23, 2025

    NASB The Prophet's message (unconditional love - agape); Israel's judgment; written about 750 BC before the Assyrian captivity of the 10 Northern Tribes. The 2 southern tribes are Judah and Benjamin.

    The Response to God’s Rebuke 6 “Come, let us return to the Lord. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has [a]wounded us, but He will bandage us. 2 “He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, THIS IS A TYPE (HINT) OF CHRIST. That we may live before Him. 3 “So let more

  • The Disconcerting Dilemma Of Divine Inaction-3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 5, 2024

    3 of 4. Habakkuk faced the disconcerting/unsettling dilemma of Divine 'inaction' towards His people, Judah. What makes, or How is Divine inaction unsettling? 4 fabrications that either: accentuate the dilemma—OR—that muddy/confuse/obscure the answer of God’s inaction.

    The DISCONCERTING DILEMMA Of DIVINE INACTION--III —Habakkuk 1:3(1:1-4) Key Words— •Difficult/Disturbing/Disorienting/Disconcerting/Perplexing/Uncertainty/Unsettling. •Dilemma/Predicament/Quandary/Situation. Attention: Salem BC’s ‘foundation plants’ recently got a much needed trimming/hedging. more

  • Responding To The Unexpected

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on May 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Many Christians are not prepared spiritually for the attacks of the enemy. This message, taken from 2 Chronicles 20, gives six things we can do to prepare ourselves from the enemy's attacks.

    Many of you are much too young to remember the 1965 title bout between the Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali and the man he defeated for the title, Sonny Liston a year earlier. Ali knocked Liston out in the first round with a right cross to his left temple that he never saw coming. Ali’s punch more

  • Your Need For Worship

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 18, 2021

    Worship is a big deal: Cain killed his brother, Abel. Moses asked Pharaoh for some time to away in the wilderness to worship. Ancient Jewish families would bring animals to Jerusalem for the purpose of worship. And Jesus turned over the tables in the Temple because they were ruining worship.

    Your worship is a big deal to you personally. Worship is a big deal down throughout history. Think about the importance of worship down through the ages: Cain killed his brother, Abel, over worship in Genesis 4. Moses asked Pharaoh for some time to away in the wilderness so the children of Israel more

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