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  • Encounter At Jacob's Well

    Contributed by Lee Henry on Oct 16, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    The Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus at Jacob’s well changed her life. An encounter with Jesus can also change our life.

    Encounter at Jacob’s Well John 4 In John 4:42 we read that many Samaritans came to Jesus and recognized Him as “Savior of the world.” What led to this great response of the Samaritans? It all began with an encounter at Jacob’s well between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. Jacob’s well is located more

  • A Healthy Appetite

    Contributed by Andrew Drummond on Oct 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Often times we are driven by our hunger, which is probably why there are so many fast food joints. We have hunger for a great many things in this life, but are we most hungry for the things that permanently satisfy?

    This morning I am going to talk about appetite. Now I know that some of you are already thinking about lunch, but my theme this morning is not food. Often times we speak about being hungry or thirsty for the Lord because they are terms that everyone can understand. Do you long for God like a cold more

  • Just Add Water Series

    Contributed by David Selleck on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Michael Yaconelli’s, "Messy Spirituality" God’s Annoying Love for Imperfect People

    Template Oct 22, 2006 Messy Spirituality Series 4 Felt Need: I believe God forgives, but I am not sure He forgives me, am I too much of a loser for God? Hoped for Result: Listeners will understand and believe in their hearts that God Forgives our past and He loves and accepts, us in the more

  • "Love That Knows No Barriers!” Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Oct 30, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    # 10 in series. Points out four things about contact with Jesus.

    A Study of the Book of John “That You May Believe” Sermon # 10 “Love That Knows No Barriers!” John 4:1-30 Our story today begins with Jesus on a journey. He has been traveling and has paused for a rest and some much more

  • Sharing Your Faith

    Contributed by Miguel Pinell on Dec 14, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    John 4:1-10 teaches us a method used by Jesus to share the good news

    If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, your life is a living testimony to the world. Through the scriptures we find several examples from which we can learn how we could share God’s message; in today’s reading we find a very good example from Jesus on sharing. Here we find many valuables lessons, more

  • A Worshipping Community. Series

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Dec 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Another in the purpose driven series: Worship @ the center.

    John 4: 1-26. The act of Worship can take many forms from the numerous religions aound the world - Satan worship, pagan and new age worship of nature - the secular worshippers of money, power, sport, fashion and show biz and the many world religions. As we look around the globe we see that human more

  • Tearing Down The Wall Series

    Contributed by Ron Murphy on Mar 20, 2007

    Jesus "had to go through Samaria." Why? To teach us that walls must come down, if we are to enter the harvest.

    Introduction: I. If you are a subscriber to the Bucks County Courier Times, you may have seen this article in the Tuesday edition. A. The article deals with a survey that was conducted at Council Rock High School. 1. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but is not Council Rock High School like the more

  • The Fields Are White Series

    Contributed by Ron Murphy on Mar 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We must create a thirst in others before we offer them the life giving water. This message will give a three part method for creating thirst.

    Introduction: I. The closing point of last Sunday’s sermon was, “Sometimes We Must Create A Thirst, Before We Offer Water.” A. Perhaps as you heard that, one of your questions might well have been, “But just how am I supposed to do that.” B. How do I make people thirsty for the water that only more

  • How Important Is Worship?

    Contributed by Matthew Sickling on Apr 1, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This is a modern day parable about the importance of worship.

    Introduction: One sunny Sunday morning, much like today, Henry Jones woke up with his wife standing over him, shaking him, and saying, “You have to get up, we have to get ready for church.” Henry responded by saying, “I don’t want to go to church today, “I want to stay in bed.” His wife more

  • A Woman At A Well

    Contributed by Greg Carr on May 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Drink of the Living Water today and allow the new thing that God wants to do in your life to come to fulfillment.

    LET’S PRAY Father we ask for Your anointing on us today. Place Your anointing on me as Your messenger today. God move in our lives. Help us to see things the way they are and understand that we need to prepare for the day you send your Son to bring us home. Rip open the heavens and visit Your more

  • The Impossible Dream

    Contributed by Doug Boquist on May 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a modern-day telling of the "woman at the well" found in John chapter 4. It is delivered as a monologue from the perspective of a narrator.

    INTRODUCTION What follows is a sermon delivered completely as a story. No scripture is read, and no conversation precedes the story to set up the audience. The story is told from a narrator’s standpoint. The songs in the story can be spoken or sung, although singing would be preferable. Later more

  • "If He Must Needs Go, I Must!"

    Contributed by W. Alderman on May 19, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon that encourages us to go to all people groups as Jesus did the woman at the well.

    “IF HE MUST NEEDS GO, I MUST” Text: John 4:1-28 W. Max Alderman Introduction: This is a great story that shows the compassion that the Lord had for “whosoever”. This lady in Samaria was so despised by the world, but so loved by the Lord. You may more

  • Who Membership Is For.

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Jul 30, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    How can you encourage your membership to commitment?

    Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman beautifully illustrates who membership in for. 1. Membership is for anyone who is not perfect.(v16-18) "Jesus said to her’you are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not more

  • The Worthwhile Life

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Too many Christians live mediocre lives. But they don’t have to. We have within us the ability to make a difference in our everyday lives.

    OPEN: "We rarely use the word ’cure,’" said the psychiatrist to his patient. "But after 5 years of therapy it is my pleasure to pronounce you completely cured." To his surprise an unhappy look came over the woman’s face. "What’s wrong?" he asked. "I thought you’d be thrilled." "Oh, it’s fine more

  • The Life Of The Lost

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 9, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Do we really consider the life of the lost?

    “THE LIFE OF THE LOST” By: Dr. Dennis Deese JOHN 4:1-30 There are two perspectives of life I believe Christians are prone to ignore or are simply too detached from. The troubling life of the lost and the blessings and spiritual resources that are available to us in our painful (common to the more

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