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Sermons on Josue 7:20:

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  • When The People Sin, And God Does Nothing (Joshua 7:1-24) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 26, 2021

    When God does nothing, the simplest things become impossible.

    Last week, we read about the conquest of Jericho. I tried to raise all sorts of weird, unpleasant questions, because I think the story raises these questions. Why did Yahweh mark off Jericho as dedicated to himself? Why were the Israelites supposed to kherem the city-- devote every single more

  • Walking In Integrity Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jan 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When the Lord begins tearing down the walls of opposition and using you to bring glory to Himself, and to see the lost come to Christ; it is at this point that you need to be ever-mindful of how you stand, and be careful to walk in integrity.

    With success comes great responsibility. When the Lord begins tearing down the walls of opposition and using you to bring glory to Himself, and to see the lost come to Christ, then you need to be careful that you do not fall into sin. Lawrence O. Richards says, “Early [devotion to God] leads to more

  • Finding Freedom From Your Secret Sin Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Feb 6, 2023

    Based on Joshua 7 - Challenges hearers to identify & deal with any secret sin that is in their lives.

    “FINDING FREEDOM FROM YOUR SECRET SIN” Joshua 7:1-26 FBCF – 2/5/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – Dan Hall, Livingston Fellowship, sermon – “Where Is My Lord?” – Great sermon about Mary at the tomb after resurrection – John 20:13 – “They have taken away my Lord & I don’t know where they have put Him.” 5 more

  • There Is Sin In The Camp!

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Feb 14, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The popular insurance commercial asks the question, "What's in your wallet?" Today, I am here to ask you, "What's in your camp?" What's in your household that is keeping the blessings of God from coming to fruition? Is there sin in your camp?

    The popular insurance commercial asks the question, "What's in your wallet?" Today, I am here to ask you, "What's in your camp?" What's in your household that is keeping the blessings of God from coming to fruition? Is there sin in your camp? Is there sin in your more

  • From Why To What

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Feb 21, 2024

    The normal human response, “Why did this happen?” calls God to account. On the other hand, “What do you want me to do?” is an invitation for God to call us to account.

    Sixty years ago President John Fitzgerald Kennedy sent a group of military advisors to a little country in the Far East that most Americans had never heard of. Their government was having some trouble with rebels and turned to the U.S. for help. Who else should they turn to? The United States was more

  • Elisha’s Ministry - The Wolf At The Door - Lust When It Has Conceived Brings Forth Sin - Gehazi 2kings 5:20-27 Part 1 Of 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 19, 2022

    Naaman was healed by God but Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, coverted the gifts Naaman brought which Elisha refused. This sad story is what happens when lust has conceived and it had tragic results for Gehazi.

    ELISHA’S MINISTRY - THE WOLF AT THE DOOR - LUST WHEN IT HAS CONCEIVED BRINGS FORTH SIN - GEHAZI 2Kings 5:20-27 PART 1 of 2 SERIES – MESSAGES ON ELISHA – HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY Number 15 Just a touch of revision from the last Elisha message. We need to recall 2Kings 5 v 15. Open at that verse more

  • Your Hidden Sin Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jul 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Chapters 1-6 of Joshua the children of Israel go from strength to strength. Then there was an unseen problem that would ruin everything. It was the hidden sin of Achan recorded in Joshua chapter 7.

    It was an unusual situation. One evening the president of our fraternity called a special unplanned meeting. When everyone came to the room the doors were shut. He explained the problem. Wallets were disappearing from the rooms. They were disappearing at such a rate and at such unusual times that more

  • No Place To Hide From God

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Aug 4, 2024

    This sermon explores the consequences of hidden sins, emphasizing God's all-knowing nature, and encourages confession and seeking forgiveness through understanding Joshua 7:1-26.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a joy to gather with you in this sacred space, where the Word of God is our guide and His Spirit our comforter. We are here today, not by accident or happenstance, but by divine appointment. God has a message for us, a message that will challenge more

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