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  • La Ley Entra Por Casa Series

    Contributed by Humberto Hilario on Jul 26, 2014

    Esta es una oportunidad que nos ha dado Dios para presentar una palabra que nos dio inicialmente para compartir con los maestros de Escuela Dominical orientada a los padres y madres así que vamos a estar ministrando esta vez nuestras propias vidas.

    Para que la Palabra haga lo que Dios quiere y sea prosperada en aquello para lo que la envió, primero tenemos que reconocer el ministerio que Dios puso en nuestras manos al permitirnos el privilegio de ser padres o madres. Dice la Palabra en el Salmo 127:3, “He aquí, herencia de Jehová son more

  • Le Péché De David

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Mar 30, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Etudes sur 2 samuel 11, inspiré des ressources d’études Zondervan.

    3. Le péché de David contre Bathsheba (11:1-5) Bien que le chapitre 11 soit une unité discrète dans de plus grands chapitres se composants complexes 10-12 (voir le commentaire 10:1-19), les références à David, Joab, les ammonites, Rabbah, et Jérusalem en 11:1 et dans Marc 12:26-31 il more

  • Las Cenizas De La Vaca Alazana

    Contributed by Val Black on Jan 25, 2004
    based on 55 ratings

    Estudio acerca de las cenizas de la vaca alazana y su significado para el Cuerpo de Cristo de hoy. El siguiente estudio fue presentado por Val Black en la iglesia Faith Christian Fellowship, Shenandoah, Iowa durante el servicio del miércoles, 30 de Abr

    Las Cenizas de la Vaca Alazana por Val Black Traducido del inglés por Carlos R. Colón Sandra Rivera y Myrtelina Rivera Estudio acerca de las cenizas de la vaca alazana y su significado para el Cuerpo de Cristo de hoy. El siguiente estudio fue presentado por Val Black en la iglesia Faith more

  • Cuando Está Que Arde Series

    Contributed by Alberto Valenzuela on Oct 8, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Cuando desobedeces a Dios y te encuentras en aprietos, es duro, pero solamente tu tienes la culpa. Pero cuando obedeces a Dios y te encuentras en el atolladero, puede ser más difícil, y ni siquiera es culpa tuya. Ese fue el caso de los tres jóvenes hebreo

    Cuando está que arde De alguna manera nos hemos hecho a la idea que si las cosas no van muy bien en nuestra vida, si tenemos problemas en el trabajo, si nuestro matrimonio no va marchando como debiera, si tenemos algún percance o accidente, ya sea enfermedad o cualquier otra cosa, es porque no more

  • Encuentros Sobrenaturales

    Contributed by Dillon Burroughs on Apr 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Una discusión de la Biblia acerca del interés de nuestra cultura con lo sobrenatural. El mensaje es de Efesios 6:12. Original era para un público de tamaño medio iglesia congregación.

    Encuentros Sobrenaturales Dillon Burroughs Efesios 6:12 2.5.06 [Este sermón fue traducido del original en Inglés sermón.] ¿Ha notado la nueva América centrarse en lo sobrenatural? America’s incluyen opciones de entretenimiento ... películas como Underworld, El Sexto Sentido, El exorcismo de more

  • El Espíritu Del Anticristo

    Contributed by Horacio Raúl Piccardo on Apr 13, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Cuáles son las características y modo de operación del espíritu del anticristo hoy en la iglesia. Descubramos cómo opera y tomemos una decisión.

    1 Jn. 2:18-29: 4:1-6: 2 Jn. 5-11 Introducción Cuando pensamos en el anticristo, nos viene a la memoria, primero el libro de Apocalipsis, y en particular aquel personaje siniestro, que va a ser la encarnación de Satanás. La palabra “anticristo” sólo aparece en los versículos que hemos more

  • Wicked's Death

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 1, 2012

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a wicked man? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: General believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the wicked's death not desirable. IV. TEXT: Proverbs 11:7 When the wicked die, their hopes die with them, for they rely on their own

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a wicked man? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: General believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the wicked's death not desirable. IV. TEXT: Proverbs 11:7 When the wicked die, their hopes die with them, for they rely on their own feeble strength. Pray: Oh, GOD, that we will not die as more

  • Unveiling Of The Gospel - Part 6 Series

    Contributed by Tiger Gullett on Jan 15, 2004
    based on 3 ratings

    The Sixth Part Of A Study Through Romans.

    Lesson 6 F) The Transformation Of The Gospel (12:1-15:14) The Responsibility Of The Believer 1. We Are To Become A Living Sacrifice (12:1) 2. We Are To Follow A New Pattern Of Life (12:2a) 3. We Are To Seek And Discover God’s Personal Will For Our Lives(12:2b) 4. We Are To Not more

  • Genuine Love

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 7, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Another song of agape love.

    GENUINE LOVE. Romans 12:9-13. In Greek, the first clause of Romans 12:9 has no verb, so could literally be rendered “love without hypocrisy” or “love unfeigned”. From this, I have taken ‘Genuine Love’ as a title for this section. The second clause talks about evil and good, forming a kind of more

  • Fear God And Keep His Commandments Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In today's lesson we are urged to demonstrate our fear of God by keeping his commandments.

    Scripture Today we come to our last lesson in the book of Ecclesiastes. In his quest to find out how to live a meaningful life the writer of Ecclesiastes urges his readers to demonstrate their fear of God by keeping his commandments. Let us read Ecclesiastes 12:9-14: 9 Besides being wise, the more

  • Preparing For Battle Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Oct 31, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Every Christian will face warfare. The question is "Are you prepared?" This message examines the preparations necessary to stand firm.

    Preparing for Battle Ephesians 6:10-17 Ephesians 6:10 (HCSB) Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Getting Stronger • The strength of the Lord – His strength compensates for your weakness • 2 Corinthians 12:9 2 Corinthians 12:9 (KJV) And he said unto me, My grace is more

  • Love Without Hypocrisy.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 2, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Agape love in action.

    LOVE WITHOUT HYPOCRISY. Romans 12:9-16b. In Greek, the first clause of Romans 12:9 has no verb, so could literally be rendered “love without hypocrisy” or “love unfeigned”. So far in Romans, ‘agape’ has spoken of the love of God toward us (cf. Romans 5:5; Romans 5:8; Romans 8:35; Romans 8:39). more

  • Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gift: "Survey Of The Spiritual Gifts”

    Contributed by Nathan Parker on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    A survey of the Spiritual Gifts by Dr. Craig Price.

    The Difference Between Talents & Spiritual Gifts Natural Talents Source: God through parents Possessed: From birth Process: Benefit mankind on natural level Function: To be dedicated by believers to God for His use and glory Spiritual Gifts Source: God through Holy Spirit independent of more

  • Love Overcoming Evil.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 29, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Fervent Christian service.

    LOVE OVERCOMING EVIL. Romans 12:9-21. I). GENUINE LOVE. Romans 12:9-13. In Greek, the first clause of Romans 12:9 has no verb, so could literally be rendered “love without hypocrisy” or “love unfeigned”. From this, I have taken ‘Genuine Love’ as a title for this section. The second clause more

  • How Can The Lord Help You Gain Peoples' Cooperation?

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 33 ratings

    Show how much you have need for and appreciate one another. Paul writes, "From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Eph. 4 :15 ,16) 12

    What are some of the Biblical guidelines in gaining others cooperation? Quote: Cooperation is best gotten when people know how much you love them and seek their best interests. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. 1. Ask the Lord to give you a special passion, more

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