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Sermons on Jonás 1:2:

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  • Jonah, The Defiant Disciple

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Jul 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon to show the folly of disobeying God.

    “Jonah, The Defiant Disciple” “Jonah 1:1-3” ********** Jonah 1:1 Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. 3 But Jonah rose up to flee unto more

  • The World's Worst Missionary Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jan 5, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon has four points. 1. God's Call Is UNPREDICTABLE, 2. God's Call Is UNCOMFORTABLE, 3. God's Grace Is INCOMPREHENSIBLE, 4. How We respond to God's call MATTERS

    Jonah's Journey: The World's Worst Missionary Today we are going to begin a new study. We are going to make our way through the book of Jonah. As we begin our journey with Jonah, let’s clarify one point. Jonah is not the hero of the story. God is! At the beginning Jonah is running from more

  • Are You A Jonah

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jan 31, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Are you willing to let a soul go to Hell because of your bias???

    Jon 1 1 Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. 3 But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a more

  • God Is Bigger Than Your Failure Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Feb 5, 2015

    The benefits of failure

    1. God knows my pressure point - 1:17 2. God give me a second chance - 3:1 3. God sees through my hypocrisy - 4:1 Prayer #1 Prayer #2 Desperate (2:2) Angry (4:1) My life is over (2:7) Argumentative (4:2) Confession (2:9) more

  • 1. Living In Rebellion Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Nov 29, 2020

    One of the unfortunate things about the book of Jonah is: most people know only about the great fish, but they know nothing of the great God.

    One of the unfortunate things about the book of Jonah is: most people know only about the great fish, but they know nothing of the great God. Jonah is for real! He was the son of a Amittai. 2 Kings 14:25. A prophet who prophesied in the time of Jeroboam II. Our main concern should not be whether a more

  • 22 The 2nd Commission Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Dec 24, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This devotion is about the 2nd call of God to Jonah to go and preach to the people of Nineveh. This is the 22nd of 31 devotions on the book of Jonah, where a comparison is made between Jonah and The Church-at-large, in the light of the present global pandemic.

    Jonah 3:1 – “Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you.” “Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time…” When we read the above words of the Lord to Jonah in Jonah 1:2, “Arise, go more

  • The Reluctant Missionary: Jonah Preaches To Nineveh

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jan 16, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God's will will be done whether we are willing or not.

    The Reluctant Missionary: Jonah Preaches to Nineveh Jonah 3:1-10 The story of Jonah and the whale is a favorite story at Vacation Bible School. Children are drawn with the fascination of the idea of being swallowed alive. It also addresses the natural fear children have of the unknown. A story more

  • Jonah The Deserter Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    He was a deliberate, determined, disobedient deserter of duty, and yet he was an instrument of God for the salvation of many. That is the real wonder, and not the whale experience.

    Jonah is one of the most famous books of the Old Testament. It is known of by masses of people who never read any of the Bible. Strange as it may seem it was the first book of the Bible to be translated into Chinese. The trouble with all the widespread knowledge about Jonah is that it is all more

  • Time To Start A Fire

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jun 27, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Hear me now, if you know and I mean truly know the Son of God, you have a reason to sing! It’s time we sang the praises of our Savior louder and clearer than we ever have!

    Time To Start A Fire Illus by sermon central: The Fire H. A. Ironside told the story of pioneers who were making their way across one of the central states to a distant place that had been opened up for homesteading. They traveled in covered wagons drawn by oxen, and progress was necessarily more

  • Adrift Series

    Contributed by Drew Mills on Jan 27, 2021

    Have you ever made bad decisions? I think we all have. Parable of prodigal son Ever make bad decisions? What happens when a prophet of God WON’T speak God’s word? That’s what we are going to look at today in the book of Jonah.

    “Adrift” ‘Ready to Soar’ series Jonah January 17, 2021 Bad decisions: , construction fails… Have you ever made bad decisions? I think we all have. Parable of prodigal son What happens when a prophet of God WON’T speak God’s word? That’s what we are going to look at today in the book of more

  • "Jonah: God’s Compassion Is Different From Ours” Series

    Contributed by Charles Clemons on Feb 10, 2021

    “True compassion comes from God. It is sacrificial and reflects and honors Christ. It is otherworldly. It is inspiring, beautiful, and compelling. But the sin of racism is evidenced by a lack of compassion for those deemed inferior.”

    JONAH: GOD’S COMPASSION IS DIFFERENT FROM OURS I. Jonah Rebels and Runs from God (1:1-3, 7, 17) A.God Supernaturally pursues Jonah (vv.3-9) 1. Sailors REPENT, and God Relents (vv.5-16) II. Jonah Prays and Recommits (2:1-10) III. Jonah PREACHED, and Nineveh Repents (3:1-10) IV. more

  • Attitudes In The Life Of Jonah

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 23, 2022

    Some people describe others by saying, “They have an attitude problem.” Listen, on any given day that could be said of any of us.

    Illus: There used to be a song that some churches in the South liked to sing called, “I woke up this morning feeling fine! I woke up with heaven on my mind.” But I have a confession, sometimes I wake up and I am not feeling fine, and I certainly do not have heaven on my mind. Generally, when we more

  • Chicken Of The Sea

    Contributed by Richard Stevens on Mar 23, 2022

    Jonah didn't follow God's clear direction for his life. Jonah didn't take a Bible Principle (Bible Truth) and make it a Conviction (belief based on Bible Truth), then take that Conviction and make it a Standard in his life.

    Introduction SLIDE Jonah 1:1-3 “Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; more

  • Running From God

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 29, 2022

    David Jansen made a big hit on the television series called, “The fugitive.”

    What made this program so exciting was that every week the character he played was staying just one step ahead of the law. He was running from the law because he had been falsely accused of killing his wife. He had been convicted and sentenced to prison, but somehow he escaped. After he more

  • I Worship The Living God Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 22, 2021

    The book of Jonah describes the event that had happened at the time of prophet Jonah. It explains the relationship between a Prophet and his God.

    Theme: I worship the Living Lord Text: Jonah 1:1-9 Jonah answered them, “I am a Hebrew. I worship Yahweh, the God of heaven. He is the Elohim who made the sea and the land.” (Names of God Bible). Introduction: The book of Jonah describes the event that had happened at the time of prophet Jonah. more

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