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Sermons on John 6:1-14:

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  • It's True, You Can’t Out Give God!

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jun 29, 2022

    George Muller, September 1805–1898, witnessed probably more miracles than anyone ever. Along with pastoring one church for, 66 years, Muller establish the Ashley Down Orphanage in Bristol, England. He cared for 10,024 orphans while establishing 117 schools for their education throughout England.

    You Can’t Out Give God! John 6:1-13TPT Picture this, I'm at the marriage supper of the Lamb, I worship God with every bite. By the time dessert is served, revival is about to break out. What’s served? I’m not sure, but I know this, “It will be better than a fillet mignon with a blue cheese more

  • Get On The Field! Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Miracles of God, such as the feeding of the five thousand, provide opportunities to be part of what God is doing.

    INTRODUCTION • When you look back on your life, how many opportunities have you missed because you felt like you were not up to the task or did not have the resources to take advantage of the opportunity? • Maybe you missed your chance because you were afraid? • Basketball great Michael Jordan said more

  • John Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Oct 22, 2021

    The Deity of Jesus ---- The Great I AM

    October 23, 2021 Today the book of John. Once again, the author of the book is not identified within the text. Early church tradition identifies John, “the beloved disciple” as the author and it is widely believed that it was the final book of the New Testament to be written = between 95-100 AD more

  • Learning From The Passover (Exodus 12:1-28) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 12, 2022

    The Passover is not "our" festival. But there are things about it, that we should learn and carry over to how we "observe" the Lord's supper.

    This morning, we find ourselves in Exodus 12. Here, Pharaoh is about to finally, forever be popped like a tick. Every Egyptian firstborn, from human to cow, will be killed. After this, Yahweh will give his people freedom, and lead them toward the promised land. Now, Yahweh knows that we more

  • The Testing & Teaching Of The Feeding Of The Five Thousand

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 26, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    You probably know that what we learn after we are out of school is much more than what we learned in the classrooms while we were in school.

    A mistake many high school students make is to think that one day they will graduate and never have to apply in their daily living any of the things they learned in those classrooms in the past twelve years. The reason they think that way is because we have been trained to think of a classroom more

  • Good Bread Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 8, 2022

    What fills you up? What do you strive hardest to acquire? Jesus is truly the bread of life that meets all our needs.

    * Introduction to Lenten season * Our understanding of Lent is likely limited to knowing people who give up something for the season or don’t eat meat on Fridays. * Season of preparation for Easter - the resurrection * A time to reflect on Christ and His sacrifice so that when we come to Good more

  • What Are We Hungering For?

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jul 26, 2021

    What is it we really hinger for and what should we really hunger for?

    John 6:1-21 What are we hungering for? 1. What is it we hunger for especially when it comes to food? • Typically we want something quick, easy and light on the pocketbook. • McDonald’s and Burger King, chick flea. • An article I read this week said, “Americans spend more money on fast more

  • Miracle? What Miracle? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 26, 2021

    If we get hung up on materialism and materialistic explanations, we might miss the most wonderful truths of all.

    Seventeenth Sunday in Course 2021 What Miracle? I’ve been teaching and studying chemistry for most of the time since the year 1962, which for most folks alive today was the Dark Ages. The one law of science that governs my discipline is called the Law of Conservation. Before and after a chemical more

  • Abracadabra? Can Miracles Still Happen?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 6, 2021

    Could everyday hold the possibility of reaching for a miracle? Study WEE BOBBY MOFFETT, missionary to Africa.

    ABRACADABRA? EVERYDAY HOLDS THE POSSIBILITY OF A MIRACLE By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. DOES LIFE AND MINISTRY EVER BECOME A BURDEN? I have tears running down my cheeks as I prepare my heart. I look down at my feet and there lies CHUBACA (Chewy) a Shih Tzu. He has more

  • The School Of Obedience

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Apr 15, 2022

    All we like sheep

    THE SCHOOL OF OBEDIENCE (JOHN 6:1-14) Grammar Bible (English) Tatabahasa Alkitab (Indonesian) Biblia de Gramática (Spanish) Gramatika Bibliya (Filipino) more

  • Five Loaves And Two Fishes, Feeding 5000, Why?

    Contributed by Mark Van Cuylenburg on Mar 20, 2022

    Jesus performs another miracle. He has performed so many but why this one and for whom was it intended?

    Five small barley loaves and two small fish, and 5000 plus hungry mouths to feed! This is nothing for our God who is without limits! Our text today gives a picture of a man that performs a miracle that is impossible in human eyes, that is until you factor in the man and His Father, in whom nothing more

  • Failing The Test?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 18, 2017

    Many situations in life are but testing zones...Philip faced a test? Andrew faced a test? You will face situations that will test your faith.

    FAILING THE TEST? HINDER MY MIRACLE? THIS IS BIGGER THAN I AM... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. WILL MY OWN LIMITATIONS DEFINE WHAT GOD CAN DO? Do I tend to focus on THE PROBLEMS and not GOD SOLUTIONS? Are we so blind that the facts define our faith? Facts that can kill our more

  • A Miracle Through You

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Aug 20, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    One young man had a lunch and was willing to give it all to Jesus. That is how 5,000 were fed with more than enough.

    A Miracle in You or Through You? Purpose of Miracles John 20:30,31 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might more

  • What If I'm Broke Series

    Contributed by Erik Estep on Mar 7, 2016

    This is the second sermon in the "Give" series. How are we supposed to give if we're broke? In our text we see what Jesus can do when an a gift is offered to Him in faith.

    “What If I’m Broke?” John 6: 4-14 February 14, 2016 Intro: I’m not a gambling man but I have to admit I was pretty intrigued by Powerball last month when I saw that the prize had risen to $1.6 billion! People were lining up all across the country to purchase a more

  • I Came Doing Miracles Lesson 6

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Mar 29, 2019

    Extraordinary events that were not natural, but supernatural.

    Note: The Bible by Jesus will be used throughout this lesson unless otherwise noted after each Bible reference. A. SURROUNDED BY THE SUPERNATURAL 1. Some events of my life were miraculous: a. I fulfilled Old Testament prophecy b. Prediction to Elizabeth and Mary and more

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