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Sermons on John 17:15:

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  • Christians Are Out Of This World

    Contributed by Thomas Andrufski on Jan 10, 2024

    What Jesus said in Matthew 7 is something that every Christian should heed How do we keep from being one whom the Lord professes, “I never knew you”? We have to live a Holy Life separated from this World. How do we do that?

    Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV-BRG) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and more

  • Blessed Be The Name Sermon Iv: The Lord God Our Intervener Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 26, 2020

    As we mature in our walk with the Lord, mature Christians cherish their remembrance of prayers which never fell on deaf ears but got the attention of Father God who intervened in life's situations to turn negatives into positives.

    BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD OUR INTERVENER A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves. Each of three passersby had opportunity to intervene in his situation, but only one did. The first was too proud and unwilling more

  • That They May Be One

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Sep 17, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    What is the answer to racism? How can Blacks and Whites and other people of color be reconciled?

    (John 17:1 NASB) These things Jesus spoke; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Thy Son, that the Son may glorify Thee, (John 17:2 NASB) even as Thou gavest Him authority over all mankind, that to all whom Thou hast given Him, He may give eternal more

  • The Real Reason For The Season Series

    Contributed by John Reid on Dec 12, 2022

    There are major differences when it comes to the church and the world celebrating Christmas

    CHRISTMAS vs The World & The Church For the World, Christmas is about Santa Claus. But for the Church, It’s about Jesus Christ. For the World, Christmas is about Charles Dicken’s Caricature: Ebenezer Scrooge. But for the Church, It’s about God the Father sending His Beloved Son: Immanuel, more

  • What's In A Name--The Divine Name? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 9, 2024

    Jesus is standing between the Father and the people, very much like Moses on Sinai or in Jordan before they cross over into the land of promise.

    Seventh Sunday of Easter 2024 Today we celebrate the Seventh Sunday of Easter, so we have had six full weeks since our Resurrection day. Most US Catholics today celebrate the Ascension of Jesus, but we operate here on the calendar that prevailed for almost two thousand years, until the US bishops, more

  • I'm So Glad He Prayed For Me

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on May 13, 2024

    A sermon for the 7th Sunday of Easter, Year B

    May 12, 2024 Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church John 17:6-19 I’m So Glad He Prayed for Me Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Every Sunday morning our bulletin contains a section with the names of people we are asked to pray more

  • Walk In Unity, Grow In Maturity Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Apr 28, 2024

    Paul urges the believers to live the truth (expressed in Eph 1-3) by walking in unity, watching their attitudes, and growing in maturity as a Body of Christ.

    Eph 4:1-16 WALK IN UNITY, GROW IN MATURITY We are at a turning point in this book, moving from doctrines to the practice of the truth. • Chapters 1-3 on the DOCTRINES – who we are as the church of Christ and 4-6 talks about our CONDUCT – how we ought to live as the church. • 1-3 talks about more

  • Home.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on May 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    How strange, we are born into this world. We’ve never been anywhere else. And yet, we never feel at home here. It’s the only place we’ve ever known, and yet still, We are never quite at home within it.

    Home. John 17:15-17TPT Getting To Heaven- The pastor was talking to a group of young children about believing in Jesus and going to heaven. At the end of his talk, he asked, "Where do you want to go?” "Heaven!" they all piped up. "And what more

  • Unity In The Church: And The Boundaries Of Unity Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 6, 2024

    We have a perfect example from Jesus about what it means to walk in unity. On Earth, Jesus sought to do the perfect will of God the Father.

    You can tell when you walk into a church, and spend any amount of time there, whether that church is united or not. What is Christian unity? We know it when we see it. We can feel it. You can feel the peace around the table. You can sense the peace and unity in the service, the bible studies, the more

  • Faith Is The Victory

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 8, 2023

    How does faith give the victory? 1. Faith in the future. 2. Faith overcomes temptation. 3. Faith to Go on. 4. Faith to Die (Started working on this some years ago so have no idea where this outline came from. Yes, this sermon is based on the hymn, "Faith Is the Victory")

    HoHum: “everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:4, NIV. The hymn “Faith is the Victory” is based on this verse. The author of this hymn, John Yates, overcame an accident prone childhood. In 1844, 7 year old John fell more

  • The Pursuit Of Happiness

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Feb 16, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Our world wants so deperately to be happy. Here, in the first, psalm, God gives us the recipe: choose your friends carefully, devote yourself to his word, and allow him to plant you into spiritual maturity so that all you do will bring about kingdom success.

    The Pursuit of Happiness Psalm 1:1-6 [Please contact me at for sermon outline in Word.] A while back there was a movie called, “The Pursuit of Happyness,” and it was a good movie. Yet, the title is also an accurate description of our society today. America is on a pursuit more

  • The High Priestly Prayer (Part Two) Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 24, 2025

    As we continue looking at Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, we see Him shift focus to the disciples (and by extension - us). How wonderful it is that we have an advocate with the Father.

    The High Priestly Prayer (part two - John Part 55) Text: John 17:6-20 Well, this morning we’re going to continue looking at the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John chapter 17. Last Sunday we saw Jesus pray for Himself. Specifically that The Father would glorify the Son, so that the Son could more

  • Joseph Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Feb 12, 2025

    Most of us believe God has a design or plan for our lives. How we get there depends more on us than we think.

    The Story of Us Joseph January 22, 2012 Most of us believe God has a design or plan for our lives. How we get there depends more on us than we think. 1. How do we handle the promises? Joseph is 17 Genesis 37:3-9 NIV Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born more

  • Lord Of The Sabbath

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Dec 2, 2024

    Who becomes an individual’s boss? Who is their judge? Who is their Master? Who is their Lord? Who has the right to judge another’s actions? When one tries to do right, mistakes will still happen because of ignorance, error in judgment, etc.

    Many people around the world use the English language to write or read official documents. The Bible is commonly read in the English language. Knowing the scriptures were translated into the first English Bible by the order of King James of England in 1611, the original Hebrew (Old Testament more

  • Jesus Prayed For His Disciples Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Sep 25, 2024

    Jesus prayed for Himself. He asked that God would glorify Him so that He might glorify the Father. And He also asked that He be restored to His former glory. Jesus prays for His disciples.

    Jesus prayed for Himself. He asked that God would glorify Him so that He might glorify the Father. And He also asked that He be restored to His former glory. Jesus prays for His disciples. READ verses 9-10. Jesus says that He wasn’t praying for the world right now. He specifically said so. more

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