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  • The Joy Of The Christian Life

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 22, 2000
    based on 94 ratings

    True joy comes from being in Christ

    The Joy of the Christian Life John 15:1-11 August 16, 1998 Morning Service Introduction A. The great vine of Hampton Court: There is a grapevine under glass, estimated to be over 1,000 years old, it has only one root - 2ft thick, some of the branches are over 200ft long, it produces tons of grapes more

  • Joy - Fruit Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 3, 2001
    based on 668 ratings

    We’ll identify some enemies of joy; then look at a perfect example of joy; & then consider, "How do we experience that kind of joy?"

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX A. Last week we began looking at Galatians 5:22 where Paul speaks about the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Listen as I read it once again. Paul says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, more

  • Intentional Living

    Contributed by Brendon Bridges on Nov 2, 2000
    based on 144 ratings

    distinguishing the difference between WHAT IS IMPORTANT and that, which is UNIMPORTANT. It is possible to spend much of our time “MAJORING IN MINOR ISSUES AND MINORING IN THE MAJOR ISSUES”.

    INTENTINAL LIVING – Introduction: John 15:1 A doctor, an architect, and a lawyer were arguing over who had the oldest profession. The doctor said, "Well the first operation was performed on Adam, so the medical profession is the oldest." "No," said the architect, "Architectural planning and more

  • God's Measuring Rod

    Contributed by Bobby O on Nov 30, 2000
    based on 105 ratings

    This is a sermon on faithfulness through fruitfulness

    John 15:1-17 “God’s Tape Measure” Introduction: 1.Every person has been placed here on earth for two reasons. a)To know God in your heart personally. b)To obey God with your life. 2.Salvation’s path goes like this: a)A union, a communion, and a reunion. 3.God’s measuring rod that signifies more

  • Abiding In Jesus Means: Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on May 5, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    Jesus, the vine and the Father the vinedresser and the Holy Spirit the witness all work to help us bear fruit that will last

    John 15 Abiding in Jesus means: 1. Bearing fruit 2. Answered prayer 3. Obeying the commands 4. Facing opposition from the world 5. Holy Spirit witness In the Bible we see that stories have principles. The Jews called this the haggadah and the halakah. The haggadah is the story or narrative more

  • Bearing Fruit

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 217 ratings

    We are to be doers of the word and not hearers only. God has called us to bear fruit not just feed off the vine.

    Bearing Much Fruit  The American church today has allowed mediocrity to creep in.  Everyday 10 churches go under in the United States  Everyday 7 new churches are started that’s a loss of 3 churches everyday.  In the last 10 years the church attendance has remained, more

  • The Challenge

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 20, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    St. Francis of Assisi once said”Preach the Gospel to all the world – and if necessary use words.”

    St. Francis of Assisi once said ”Preach the Gospel to all the world – and if necessary use words.” The way we live is vital if we want to be effective for the Kingdom. Indeed we need to excel in all three of the relationships of John 15 if we want to be true servants of the Lord. These are more

  • Let Us Worship And Bow Down (Iv): In Joy

    Contributed by Ken Gehrels on Dec 5, 2001
    based on 30 ratings

    A message on worship - where the source of true fulfillment comes from, well beyond the outer form.

    Let Us Worship And Bow Down (IV): In Joy Bible Reading: Psalm 100 John 15: 1-17 PREPARED BY KEN GEHRELS PASTOR CALVIN CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH NEPEAN, ONTARIO Let Us Worship And Bow Down (IV): In Joy p.1 I’d like to invite you to go back with me, for a moment, to the opening of our service this more

  • Constantly Abiding

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Dec 20, 2001
    based on 138 ratings

    Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."

    I.“Abide in Me”—Experience Life (verses 1-8) verse 2, “no fruit” verse 2 “fruit” verse 2 “more fruit” verse 5 “much fruit” Where are you and I? Are we still acting like people that are not saved. Are we just barely growing so that we are still struggling with swearing or lying or stealing etc.? more

  • Christians That Produce Christ-Like Fruit

    Contributed by Terry Vaughan on Jan 1, 2002
    based on 20 ratings

    In this message you will see three things that we need to bear fruit for the Lord Jesus.

    WESTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR: TERRY VAUGHAN SERMON TITLE: CHRISTIANS THAT PRODUCE CHRIST -LIKE FRUIT “For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to more

  • The Crisis Of Dependence

    Contributed by Jerry Vargo on Jan 8, 2002
    based on 32 ratings

    To find joy, one must continually abide in the Word, Prayer, and in His unbounding love.

    If you use any or all of this message--would you be willing to fire off a quick email I would like to have an idea of how often my sermons are actually being preached to strengthen the Body of Christ. Thanks! The Crisis of Dependence Pastor Jerry Vargo Text: John more

  • Abiding In Christ

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Aug 6, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Our number one goal must be our relationship with Christ, staying with Him, obeying His commands and living in His love.

    Intro: An older sister was sitting next to her younger brother in Church one Sunday morning unsuccessfully trying to keep him still and quiet. Finally she said, “I wish you would calm down.” “I can’t”, he said, “it’s just so boring.” With that his sister turned and said, “It’s supposed to be more

  • How To Construct Topical Messages - John 15:7

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 14, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    Guidelines in Constructing a Topical Message - John 15:7

    Hints for Constructing Topical Sermons 1. Compare and contrast Biblical doctrinal truths to the topic. Study the great doctrines of the Bible with balance in your theological perspective. For instance help people see that Calvinists and Arminianists have different views on various theological more

  • Abiding In Jesus

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Aug 31, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by [what is) evil and He Himself tempts no one.

    Abiding in Jesus Introduction Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by [what is) evil and He Himself tempts no one. But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions). Then the more

  • John Chapter 15 Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 20, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Somewhere along the way to the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus stopped at a vineyard and compared His relationship to His followers to that of a vine and its branches to assure His followers of a productive and gratifying life.

    John Chapter 15 The setting for this chapter is somewhere along the way to the Garden of Gethsemane. Perhaps Jesus stopped at a vineyard terraced along the hillside at one of the wealthy homes along the way, and compared His relationship to His followers to that of a vine and its branches, to more

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