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  • Is God Just?

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 21, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    There is a difference between how the world responds to life’s darker moments and how God’s best servants react. It is the difference between desiring and deserving.

    OPENING: A magician working a cruise ship had recently purchased a parrot to be part of his act. However, the bird was not only clever but also annoying. It was constantly telling the audience how the magician accomplished each trick. For example, the bird would say to the audience, "He has the more

  • The Prayer Of Antioch

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 26, 2002
    based on 90 ratings

    The prayer of Antioch got God’s attention in a big way, but we’re not told what they prayed. What can this unique prayer teach us?

    OPEN: A 5-yr-old said grace at family dinner one night. "Dear God, thank you for these pancakes." When he finished his prayer, his parents looked curiously at him and asked him why he thanked God for pancakes when they were having chicken. He smiled and said, "I thought I’d see if He was more

  • Helping Jesus Build His Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 1, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    The most efficient form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. It’s totally efficicent, totally logical, and totally without human error. But Jesus didn’t set up His kingdom that way. Why not?

    OPEN: In the 1970’s Andrew Richardson, a Liverpool postal worker, declared his semi-detached flat to be the independent nation of Granbia. After a while, however, Richardson lost interest, and the apartment reverted to England by default. In 1964, Leicester Hemingway, the little brother of author more

  • Creating An Updraft Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 8, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    There’s a right way and a wrong way to "do" church. The right way is the one that takes the most work.

    A woman once told about her good friend and fellow parishioner who had just bought a house that was between the preacher’s house and that owned by the chairman of the deacons. I teased her a bit. "Now you must really walk the straight and narrow," I said. "On the contrary," she replied. "I more

  • The Source Of Hope

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 9, 2002
    based on 511 ratings

    What is it that can give us one of the three greatest gifts God has promised us?

    OPENING: While hunting, Larry and Elmer got lost in the woods. Trying to reassure his friend, Larry said, "Don’t worry. All we have to do is shoot into the air 3 times, stay where we are, and someone will find us." They shot in the air 3 times, but no one came. After a while, they tried again. more

  • Partners In Pulling Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 15, 2002
    based on 101 ratings

    Priscilla and Aquila had the most magical of marriages. It was a rare quality that all Christians couples should strive for. What was it?

    OPEN: A traveler was driving along one day and had an accident. He drove his car into a ditch in a desolate area. Luckily, a local farmer came by to help with his horse named Buddy. Well, the farmer hitched Buddy up to the car and yelled, "Pull, Nellie, pull!" Buddy didn’t move. Once more the more

  • Avoiding Short Cuts Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 22, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Antioch was a booming church with great potential. But they lacked one thing that would make them great.

    TITLE: Avoiding Short Cuts OPEN: Several years ago the Chattanooga Free Press told the story of a woman who had decided to take a short cut to cleaning the birdcage that housed her favorite canary Chippie. Having a busy schedule that day, she decided to clean the cage with the vacuum cleaner. more

  • A Light In The Darkness

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 30, 2002
    based on 92 ratings

    Peter stressed that we "pay attention" to the words of the prophets. But why? What did Peter think was so important about Scripture that we needed to give it such a focus of our attention?

    OPEN: I have a quiz for you this morning. I’m going to give you 10 different quotes and then ask you if the phrase if from the Bible or not 1. "To the victor go the spoils." (False—This was written by William Learned Marcy in his Life of Jackson.) 2. "Can a leopard change his spots?" (True—See more

  • Excited Anticipation Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 7, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    Abel and Enoch were unusual choices for the first representatives of God’s parade of faith. Why did God use them and what does this tell us about faith?

    OPEN: In college, Ken Davis (a popular youth speaker) was asked to prepare a lesson to teach his speech class. They were to be graded on their creativity and ability to drive home a point in a memorable way. The title of his talk was, "The Law of the Pendulum." He spent 20 minutes carefully more

  • Flood Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 13, 2002
    based on 80 ratings

    God tells us that Noah is a perfect example of Godly faith. What was so impressive about Noah’s faith that we could learn from?

    ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED FROM NOAH’S ARK o Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. o Noah didn’t wait for his ship to come in, he built one. o Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something REALLY big. o Don’t listen to critics -- do what has to more

  • Fair Is Fair Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 13, 2002
    based on 70 ratings

    There are times it’s worthwhile to figure out what Jesus "didn’t mean."

    OPENING: A woman read ahead as we were going through this text and was troubled by the phrase: "do not turn away from the one desiring to borrow from you." It wasn’t that she didn’t give to those in need... her problem was that she was giving so much away, that she barely had enough left for more

  • Foundations - My Faith Looks Up Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 18, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Hebrews 6 talks about leaving the "elementary truths" behind. Amongst that list, he includes "faith." How can a good Christian leave that behind???

    OPENING: A telephone repairman, who had been working late in an unfamiliar building got lost. Finally, he saw a woman at the end of a corridor and asked her how he could get outside. "Dial 9," she replied. APPLICATION: The Book of Acts tells the stories of men & women who were not pleased with more

  • Foundations - Going Beyond Repentance Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 18, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    The writer of Hebrews tells us we must mature in Christ to the point where we go beyond the "elementary truth" of things like repentance. But how can we do that?

    OPENING: A fellow named Louie, deep in debt, was thinking of ending it all. "That’s ridiculous," says his neighbor, who was a chemist. "Look, I can give you a pill that will put you in a state of suspended animation. I’ll say you died - but then I’ll ship your body to another state, where you more

  • Foundations - The Resurrection, Cold Theology Or Hot Reality Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 18, 2002
    based on 185 ratings

    Why do you believe in life after death. Your reason may tell a lot about your confidence in Jesus

    OPENING: "Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked his younger employee. "Yes, sir." "Well, then, that makes everything just fine," the boss went on. "About an hour after you left yesterday to go to your grandfather’s funeral, he stopped in to see you." APPLICATION: Do you believe more

  • Foundations - Escaping Hell's Fury Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 18, 2002
    based on 78 ratings

    Why did Jesus preach about Hell, and how can we be sure to avoid this terrible place?

    OPENING: Looking over the rim of the volcano’s crater, the American tourist remarked, "Reminds one of Hell, doesn’t it?" The guide threw up his hands and exclaimed, "These Americans, they’ve been everywhere." APPLICATION: The tourist was noting that the volcano’s pit was not a comfortable place. more

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