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  • Catchin Anything?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 5, 2013

    A sermon about being equipped to be fishers of men and being intentional about winning souls

    I can’t think of any other pastime better than fishing, except maybe hunting. Well either way they run a close race, but you know what they say “bad day fishing beats a good day at work anytime.” You may not know it by looking at me but I know a little bit about fishing. Growing more

  • Out Of The Fire Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Aug 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God can deliver us when we step out in faith

    Out of The Fire Daniel 3:23 – 28 Read Scripture. How in the world did these 3 young men get in such a predicament? Well Daniel had convinced King Nebuchadnezzar to give his friends good positions in his Kingdom they were administrators over Babylon while Daniel was in the king’s more

  • The Jaws Of Death Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Aug 17, 2013

    When the devil comes upon you like a roaring lion and tries to devour you God will deliver you from his snares.

    It seems that the earthly kings that Daniel served would never learn. We say last week how Nebuchadnezzar was so easily manipulated by people and so full of himself that he set an unjust law and followed through with an unjust punishment. But God delivered his faithful servants from the fire. We more

  • Deliverance From: “nasty & Deep” Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Aug 24, 2013

    God will deliver us from the Nasty & Deep pit of Sin. If He did it for me He can do it for you

    Jonah 2:7-10 Over the last couple of weeks we have been talking about deliverance, Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego were delivered from the fiery furnace, Daniel was delivered from the lion’s den, these men found themselves in a jam through no fault of their own and God delivered them. more

  • The Influence Of Loving Kindness Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Payne on Aug 1, 2014

    Through the story of David and Mephibosheth Jeff demonstrates the influence of loving kindness in the lives of those who are far from God.

    The Influence of Loving Kindness Luke 6:26-35; 2 Samuel 9; 1 Kings 15:5 This morning we need to talk about putting on something that, when you first hear it may sound full of weak emotions and sentimentality. But it’s actually far more strategic than it is sentimental, weak or soft. But when more

  • The Anointed Ones

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Jan 16, 2011

    The antichrists have come, even come out from among us. But we are anointed by the Holy One. What does that anointing mean?

    The Anointed Ones (1 John2:18-27) Introduction: A. The Bible gives us several warnings about troubles that are coming. Peter talks about scoffers in the last days. Paul tells Timothy that a time is coming when people will turn aside from sound doctrine and turn to teachers who tell them what more

  • The Wrong Horse

    Contributed by Jeffrey Powell on Mar 29, 2010

    Preached Palm Sunday 2010. Many religious people of Jesus' day thought they were winning by killing Jesus. They, like many today inside and outside the church let their isn and pride stand in the way of a true relationship with Christ and lost the race. T

    Luke 19vv25-48 The Wrong Horse Two Kentucky farmers who owned racing stables had developed a keen rivalry. One spring, each of them entered a horse in a local steeplechase. Thinking that a professional rider might help him outdo his friend, one of the farmers engaged a crack jockey. The two horses more

  • Is There Room In Your Inn

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 20, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    This lesson talks about how Jesus was laid in a manger because there was no room for him in the inn. Then compares that thought with our hearts as an inn and if we have room for Jesus in us.

    Is There Room In Your Inn? (Luke 2:1-7) Introduction: A. I heard on the radio that a GPS company had given several very small GPS transmitters to non-profits, especially churches. There had been a rash of people steeling Jesus from nativity scenes outside churches. With the GPS transmitters, more

  • Clean Slate Developing A Closer Walk With Thee Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 12, 2016

    Starting fresh as we forget about our past and begin to focus on what we can and will do in order to gain a closer relationship with God

    Clean Slate Isaiah 43: 18-19 Well 2015 is in the books, one year of our life gone. I’m sure that all of us here today, as well as people all over the world experienced joy and happiness as well as heartache and pain as we journeyed through our life this past year. I want you to think about more

  • I Will ... Have A Closer Relationship With God Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 21, 2016

    I will statements that we need to embrace in order to have a better relationship with God. Through the use of I will statements we can grow as Christians into more than we imagine

    Last week we talked about starting with a clean slate, forgetting about the shoulda, wouldas , and coudas and focusing on the I wills, I cans, and the I ams. Today I want us to look at one of the most important things that we can do in our lives and that is to have a closer relationship with more

  • I Can Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 21, 2016

    Looking at ways that we can change the I cant's into I cans in order to become better examples to others and to grow in our walk with Christ

    We seem to be living in a world full of Icantitus. Everywhere we look we see people that are so caught up in this disease of Icantitus that it’s just pitiful. You know what I’m talking about. I can’t because I don’t have enough money, I can’t because I’ve just more

  • Seeing Is Believing Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focuses on the resurrected Christ appearing to His disciples. Along with us having the ability to see Jesus in our everyday life.

    So, the ladies have been to the tomb and found it empty, they have told the others and Peter and John have seen for themselves. Everyone has left the tomb except Mary and that’s when strange sightings, supernatural sightings, unbelievable stuff, begins to happen. Mary has an encounter with a more

  • Too Good To Be True Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 23, 2018

    We don't notice or believe something at times because we have been offered something that is too good to be true

    Luke 24:36-48 Close Encounters: Too good to be true In the movie “It could happen to you” A New York cop named Charley is having coffee in a little diner. He finishes up and starts to pay and discovers he only has enough for the coffee and nothing for a tip. So he offers the waitress a choice he more

  • Are You "Making Excuses Or Making It Happen?" Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 25, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Story of two people with the same problem, one was not seeking an encounter with Jesus and the other was seeking Jesus out. Both were healed after a close encounter with Christ

    Today I want us to look at two different people and two very different encounters with Jesus. As we look at these two people and how they encountered Jesus we should think of how we encounter Jesus. When Jesus is in our midst do we tend to make excuses or do we reach out to Him and make it more

  • Make The Cut

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on May 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In God's vineyard we all get cut, and as Christians to bear fruit we sometimes have to make cuts that prune us and cultivate us in order to become more productive christians

    You know it seems like Jesus always knew how to put things into perspective, He would teach and use words and examples of things used in everyday life so that people would better understand what He was talking to them about, and the way Jesus taught certainly got folks to thinking. You know what I more

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